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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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Serious question, and conversation I'm having with my Dad atm, where would you rank Benitez out of all the current premier league managers, based on what he's won?


I currently have him second behind Wenger overall, although that's debatable considering their champions league records.


Pellegrini has been excellent. As a manager and a Man.


Must be one of the nicest managers of a big club that this league has had.

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For once the club have made a move you've got to congratulate them for, we've been crippled by terrible managerial appointments throughout Ashley's time at the club, compunded by the fact they have shown way too much loyalty to people incapable of doing the job. Hopefully it's not too late for this season to be saved, we've got the players to get out of the mess we are in now we have a manager capable too , it's also our turn to get the "new manager bounce" for once in the derby, which is the biggest since 1990/91.

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Serious question, and conversation I'm having with my Dad atm, where would you rank Benitez out of all the current premier league managers, based on what he's won?


I currently have him second behind Wenger overall, although that's debatable considering their champions league records.

Van Gaal's won a lot

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Guest Howaythetoon

My thoughts on all of this...


This is a staggering appointment in all honesty. This is like NUFC going out there and buying someone like Neymar or Bale, an elite player. Rafa Benitez is an elite manager, one of the best in the game, certainly one of the best in our own league.


Although I prefer Pochettino's style and Peligrini's style, the former hasn't achieved anything in the game as of yet and the latter you feel Man City would certainly have done better in Europe under someone like Rafa. It was only a few seasons back he was leading Chelsea to Europa League success.


Klopp is amazing and so is Wenger, but again, you'd imagine Arsenal would do far better in Europe with someone like Rafa in charge. Hiddink and LVG are obviously very good manager's, but they are not elite, not any more anyway.


Rafa is the kind of manager you appoint to win things, to challenge for the title. And here he is - at Newcastle United following his stin at Real Madrid - with 10 games to save us from relegation.


I'm delighted, but also angry. Its 8 years too late from Ashley I'm afraid and although his appointment suggests the club will now operate the way it always should do, I will believe it when I see it.


I look back on those totally wasted 8 years and wonder what might have been if KK was afforded full control and a decent transfer kitty. Or if they had of kept Hughton, our best manager since Sir Bobby and up there with the man himself and KK as legends at our club.


Kinnear, Pardew, Carver and recently McClaren. What on earth were they thinking of?!


In that time I have personally went from an at times unhappy Toon supporter (Souness for example) to one who wanted my team to lose, who would have laughed at a relegation, who has went to less than a handful of games in 8 years outside of our Championship season. All because of Ashley and the fuckwits he put in charge, be it in the baordroom or the dugout.


I like McClaren and wanted him to work and I still belive he is a decent coach and could do a good job at some other club, but he was never NUFC manager material, never in a million years.


Rafa is. He is as good as it gets really. We have went out and appointed the best manager in the game available to us.


I hope he keeps us up and hope he does well. I can't see us staying up sadly and even if we do I can see the club fucking him over and him leaving.


But my god, I actually now feel something for my club once again. Rafa is a proper manager, someone who we know isn't here because no-one else wanted him, or because his casino buddy happened to be the MD of a footy club. We know he's here because he believes in the club, its potential. He's a winner.


This could be the flame that lights the blue touch paper. This could be KK 2.0.


Or it could be just another massive failure here at a club that seems, well, destined to never be good at anything, whose supporters are destined to never be happy.


I hope not because I so want to enjoy that feeling again of supporting a club that makes you dream, hope and believe in something more, something beyond a mere duty of loyalty due to being born a Geordie.

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Short of Ashley selling up, this is potentially the most transformative and inspiring move the club could make.


For the first time in forever, we have a manager. In every sense of that word, it would seem. And we have a manager who WE NEED and who we've given a bunch of money to. He's not some clogger who needs us and is therefore subservient. Benitez has named his terms and we've agreed. Immediately we've changed our structure and allowed him to bring staff in. The power structure has shifted.


If we stay up, it might - MIGHT - have made all the last 7 years worthy it, if for no other reason than to hammer home without doubt that the structure is irreparably flawed. If it does lead to a change in view and ambition from the owner, then it's the best day in the last decade or more in the club's history.


His CV speaks for itself. The fact he sees us in the state we're in as a viable next step is amazing and speaks incredibly highly of his self-confidence and our draw as a big club.


I am just stunned. And excited.



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Is there any hope at all that he would want to stay on if we were to get relegated? This has made me nervous about the last 10 games. Strange feeling this way compared to the usual feeling of apathy.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Hughton a legend of the club? I like the guy, but seriously?


Achieved far more here than say Rob Lee, a stellar player for us, but Hughton arguably saved us from implosion. He brought us straight back up and stabilised us as a Premier League club. He's not KK legend or Shearer legend, but he's a legend in my eyes. He is in the top 3 of manager's we have had dating back to Arthur Cox.

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Guest Howaythetoon

HTT can never resist including one utterly ludicrous sentence in an otherwise commendable post.


Look, he is a legend to me, for what he did.

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My thoughts on all of this...


This is a staggering appointment in all honesty. This is like NUFC going out there and buying someone like Neymar or Bale, an elite player. Rafa Benitez is an elite manager, one of the best in the game, certainly one of the best in our own league.


Although I prefer Pochettino's style and Peligrini's style, the former hasn't achieved anything in the game as of yet and the latter you feel Man City would certainly have done better in Europe under someone like Rafa. It was only a few seasons back he was leading Chelsea to Europa League success.


Klopp is amazing and so is Wenger, but again, you'd imagine Arsenal would do far better in Europe with someone like Rafa in charge. Hiddink and LVG are obviously very good manager's, but they are not elite, not any more anyway.


Rafa is the kind of manager you appoint to win things, to challenge for the title. And here he is - at Newcastle United following his stin at Real Madrid - with 10 games to save us from relegation.


I'm delighted, but also angry. Its 8 years too late from Ashley I'm afraid and although his appointment suggests the club will now operate the way it always should do, I will believe it when I see it.


I look back on those totally wasted 8 years and wonder what might have been if KK was afforded full control and a decent transfer kitty. Or if they had of kept Hughton, our best manager since Sir Bobby and up there with the man himself and KK as legends at our club.


Kinnear, Pardew, Carver and recently McClaren. What on earth were they thinking of?!


In that time I have personally went from an at times unhappy Toon supporter (Souness for example) to one who wanted my team to lose, who would have laughed at a relegation, who has went to less than a handful of games in 8 years outside of our Championship season. All because of Ashley and the fuckwits he put in charge, be it in the baordroom or the dugout.


I like McClaren and wanted him to work and I still belive he is a decent coach and could do a good job at some other club, but he was never NUFC manager material, never in a million years.


Rafa is. He is as good as it gets really. We have went out and appointed the best manager in the game available to us.


I hope he keeps us up and hope he does well. I can't see us staying up sadly and even if we do I can see the club fucking him over and him leaving.


But my god, I actually now feel something for my club once again. Rafa is a proper manager, someone who we know isn't here because no-one else wanted him, or because his casino buddy happened to be the MD of a footy club. We know he's here because he believes in the club, its potential. He's a winner.


This could be the flame that lights the blue touch paper. This could be KK 2.0.


Or it could be just another massive failure here at a club that seems, well, destined to never be good at anything, whose supporters are destined to never be happy.


I hope not because I so want to enjoy that feeling again of supporting a club that makes you dream, hope and believe in something more, something beyond a mere duty of loyalty due to being born a Geordie.


Basically this.


This is like NUFC of old. Fair play to the board (whilst not forgetting they should have done a move like this years ago)

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Heard this mentalist on total sport?! Pearson better fit?

I've been hearing it a lot. 'He kept Liecester up last year', forgetting that he led them into a relegation battle to begin with where as now with only a few additions they are 10 games away from winning the league.
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