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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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If news broke that West Ham have asked us for permission to speak with Rafa, you know Ashley would f***ing agree with it and say Rafa forced the move


If Rafa was to leave, it would be all his choice tbf.

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I think Rafa will be off either in January or at the end of the season but can't see him going to West Ham at the moment. Their owners might not be Mike Ashley but they're still fucking idiots. Rafa would've been fuming at the prospect of having to play the first four games of the season away from home and I cannot see him putting up with Twitter histrionics of David Gold, Sullivan and his daft son for long at all. The lack of a transfer window to rectify a seriously unbalanced squad will also be a factor IMO.


Perhaps I'm being naive but on a human level I think Rafa will stick it out for a bit longer, out of respect for the fans and out of loyalty to the players that he has brought in.

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Guest Howaythetoon

West Ham have a bright future under the right manager, a far brighter future than us. Of all the clubs outside the usual suspects, they have the capacity to join the top clubs along with perhaps Everton. Newcastle United will never ever belong in that tier so long as Mike Ashley owns us, Rafa or no Rafa. Its not going to happen. West Ham would be a very tempting offer for any manager, Rafa included. Personally, however, I believe he would love a return to Liverpool and I wouldn't rule it out if they get rid of Klopp anytime soon as their fans will clamour for him no doubt.

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Just enjoy the win and the international break, and see what happens prior to the transfer window closing. I can't see anything happening with Rafa mid-season. In the summer it'll be a different story.



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If he leaves for that shambles down there with their shithouse fans who always want a fight, then I'm not going to respect him for it. Fair enough resign because your unhappy if you hate it here that much, but leave us for that mess and their "West Ham way"? Nah.

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Literally no point worrying about it. Keep giving the manager support and that's the main thing we can do. Ashley is always going to be difficult, Benitez comes across to me as someone that will take quite a few things into account when making big decisions like that. He's taken to the club quite well imo, frustration at times is a normal part of life.

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I think the fact that Rafa was on the verge of signing a contract to manage West Ham before Real Madrid came in shows that he would consider going there.


There are different problems with the board at that club as Sullivan likes to buy the players he wants so the manager does not always have much say and they like to talk too much in the media.  But they do seem willing to spend and are in a hurry to establish themselves in the upper places in the league although they do seem to think spending big or getting a name in rather than building a team is the way to do it.


However, would Rafa spend the next few days persuading players to join us only to then leave a few days later?  He has shown he has a strong sense of loyalty to his players.  If no-one comes in at all, well that might be different.


The local journalists seem to strongly believe he will stay for this season at least.

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West Ham have a bright future under the right manager, a far brighter future than us. Of all the clubs outside the usual suspects, they have the capacity to join the top clubs along with perhaps Everton. Newcastle United will never ever belong in that tier so long as Mike Ashley owns us, Rafa or no Rafa. Its not going to happen. West Ham would be a very tempting offer for any manager, Rafa included. Personally, however, I believe he would love a return to Liverpool and I wouldn't rule it out if they get rid of Klopp anytime soon as their fans will clamour for him no doubt.


People have been saying this for a while now, yet they are still shit. Honestly i think they have much bigger problems than a good manager. Ignoring Bilic underperforming, their team is vastly overrated for starters. Most of their players are not very good or have inflated ego of themselves thinking they are better than they actually are.


Said this yesterday, but even if they got Rafa they'd still be crap IMO.

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Guest Howaythetoon

West Ham have a bright future under the right manager, a far brighter future than us. Of all the clubs outside the usual suspects, they have the capacity to join the top clubs along with perhaps Everton. Newcastle United will never ever belong in that tier so long as Mike Ashley owns us, Rafa or no Rafa. Its not going to happen. West Ham would be a very tempting offer for any manager, Rafa included. Personally, however, I believe he would love a return to Liverpool and I wouldn't rule it out if they get rid of Klopp anytime soon as their fans will clamour for him no doubt.


People have been saying this for a while now, yet they are still s***. Honestly i think they have much bigger problems than a good manager. Ignoring Bilic underperforming, their team is vastly overrated for starters. Most of their players are not very good or have inflated ego of themselves thinking they are better than they actually are.


Said this yesterday, but even if they got Rafa they'd still be crap IMO.


They are a team of individuals and not so much a team at the moment. Someone like Rafa could transform them immeasurably. Don't forget they finished 7th and 11th in the last two seasons. I would consider them along with Everton as the best prospect outside of the usual suspects. With someone like Rafa on board they would be looking at breaking into the top 6 and trophies.


It actually doesn't take much with one or two stand out performers and good organisation to climb this league and consolidate. Rafa is the kind of manager you hire to kick on, i.e. bridge the gap between what they are at the moment under Bilic to something more successful or higher.


We would be idiots to look at West Ham and think, nah, never in a million days when it comes to Rafa. He wants to be successful and to remain in the UK. The other clubs are closed off to him and looking in from the outside West Ham are arguably the one club that can give Rafa the kind of tools he needs to build a successful team. They are massively ambitious and are not afraid to spend money. They want to be where Spurs are.


Newcastle on the other hand... 17th would do dear Mike just fine!


Don't dismiss them. The fact Rafa is at NUFC should tell you not to discount someone like West Ham. Remember he has also considered Aston Villa in the past and if rumours are to be believed even Everton. We are not his golden ticket. He is ours.

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If the club is telling the manager to shut up using the media and the manager has now stopped talking of the club as being a long term project, then we need to stop kidding ourselves.


Rafa will see the Season out - but that'll be it.

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If news broke that West Ham have asked us for permission to speak with Rafa, you know Ashley would f***ing agree with it and say Rafa forced the move


If Rafa was to leave, it would be all his choice tbf.

I think he's saying they (ashley et al) would twist it to make it sound like they did everything in their power to keep him when in truth they'd love to hear that he wants to leave. They're all about controlling the message not the message being true.
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Guest Howaythetoon

Rafa will see the Season out - but that'll be it.


It seems that way. If say West Ham came in offered Ashley a big lump sum the helicopter will be waiting on standby ready to fly him there themselves. Lets not kid ourselves. Even if Rafa were to turn down an offer from another club, can you see Ashley turning down an approach? The minute he says aye you can speak to another club that's confirmation right there that Rafa is surplus.


Either way he's gone be it after the window shuts, in January or at the end of the season. Unless the fat cunt sells up.

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Aren't Ashley and Karen Brady quite pally? Pretty sure they know each other, think she's said as much herself in some newspaper column in the past.


Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Ashley's encouraging this supposed interest.

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Pete Graves.





There's something that's worried me since the day Rafa Benitez arrived at Newcastle United. Something that has always been at the back of my mind. A nagging fear that one day a certain club might come in for him, and believe it or not - that club was West Ham.

My heart sank a little last night. The news reached us at Sky Sports News that West Ham were considering the future of Slaven Bilic and that Rafa Benitez would indeed be top of their potential list of suitors. Furthermore they were aware there was a clause, a fairly significant one (more than £5m) but ultimately a way to effectively buy Benitez out of Newcastle United.

But why are West Ham the club that I've feared so long?? Why did I not blink when the links with China and even Arsenal were reported in the national press? Well the reason is, because Rafa has always maintained privately that he feels indebted to West Ham and would have to consider any approach from the Hammers if it should ever materialise and here's why;

In 2015 Benitez was on the brink of becoming West Ham's manager. He'd spoken with the owners and was planning for life at Upton Park. However at the eleventh hour Real Madrid offered him the opportunity to move to the Bernabeu and it was too good an offer to turn down. What impressed Rafa so much was the way the West Ham board accepted his decision. They understood that the opportunity to manage Real Madrid was too much for a Spanish manager to disregard and they gave Rafa their blessing and subsequently appointed Slaven Bilic. The rest as they say is history and now we are where we are... Bilic on the brink and Rafa in their thoughts.

Now let's throw into the mix that Rafa has grown increasingly frustrated at Nufc this summer. He wanted more investment and he's stood and watched while even fellow 'promotees' Brighton and Huddersfield have spent significantly more. Meanwhile West Ham have signed Joe Hart (a player Rafa wanted) and also submitted a bid of close to 40m for William Carvalho (another Rafa target). Let that sink in... A 40 million pound bid for ONE player, that's more than Newcastle have spent on six new arrivals so far. That's financial muscle.

Only this week Rafa said that he no longer viewed Nufc as a long term project... Not my words, the words of the manager, while he's also said that he's "signing the players he can, not the ones that he wants". Needless to say, the positivity of last seasons promotion has disintegrated. And Rafa is clearly frustrated AND not afraid to tell the world.

Now let's consider West Ham as a potential long term project. They have the Olympic Stadium, they're based in London, in my opinion with the right manager at the helm they could be challenging the 'big boys' in the next 3-5 years both on and off the pitch. It's an attractive proposition on paper.

Now, from a personal point of view, I was gutted to be roundly criticised by lots of fellow Nufc fans for reporting the story both on air and online last night. Let me say that there's absolutely no agenda from me, so to be accused of stirring things up or creating stories to disrupt the club is absolutely ridiculous. I love Newcastle United and have done all my life. As a family we've still got our season tickets and I travel home and away as often as I can. Not in the press box, but with the fans... I pay for my tickets. I write a column in the Newcastle United program and let me clear this up once and for all, I recieve no money for this column at all and am not "on the payroll" as has been thrown at me in the past.

I fully understand that rumours of other clubs circling Rafa are not easy to stomach... I know this because I feel exactly the same, but sadly this story has legs and as someone who works as a sports reporter, but is also acutely aware that the majority of my 'followers' etc are Newcastle United fans, I felt it was my duty to keep you informed with the very latest concerning our manager. Although I'm sorry that in this instance the news was slightly concerning.

Finally this is anything but a done deal and there is still a massive reason why Rafa Benitez could very well stay at Newcastle United for years to come and continue to fight for the club.... and that reason is quite simply you lot; the fans. Rafa Benitez could manage for the next one thousand years and he'll never ever receive the adoration that he currently receives on Tyneside. He knows that and his family knows that! He can walk on water in Newcastle and rightly so. Subsequently it would really hurt him to walk away from those loyal geordie supporters that he's grown so fond of and this will be forefront in his thinking. His love for the fans is so strong that I believe it could be enough to make him stay, but he needs more support financially. Yesterday's brilliant 3-0 win and the atmosphere in the ground will also help!

As we stand today, Slaven Bilic remains West Ham manager and Rafa Benitez very much the manager of Newcastle United. However if I was the owner of Newcastle I'd be giving Rafa everything that he wants starting with more financial muscle in the remaining days of the transfer window... However sadly I'm not.

Thoughts welcome. HWTL

Brilliant article  that! !!! Tbh I wasn't one bit worried  about him going to West ham  last night  but reading  this and that story about  how well they behaved when he left for Madrid makes  me nervous  I hope  we the people are enough to keep him here 

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The mood might be very different come the end of the season, for the better too.


If we stay up and finish mid table, Rafa may decide it's worth sticking around. That's provided no bigger offers come in and by bigger offers, I don't mean West-Fucking-Ham. I mean Liverpool or perhaps even Everton.

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Aren't Ashley and Karen Brady quite pally? Pretty sure they know each other, think she's said as much herself in some newspaper column in the past.


Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Ashley's encouraging this supposed interest.


They are indeed.

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Pete Graves.





There's something that's worried me since the day Rafa Benitez arrived at Newcastle United. Something that has always been at the back of my mind. A nagging fear that one day a certain club might come in for him, and believe it or not - that club was West Ham.

My heart sank a little last night. The news reached us at Sky Sports News that West Ham were considering the future of Slaven Bilic and that Rafa Benitez would indeed be top of their potential list of suitors. Furthermore they were aware there was a clause, a fairly significant one (more than £5m) but ultimately a way to effectively buy Benitez out of Newcastle United.

But why are West Ham the club that I've feared so long?? Why did I not blink when the links with China and even Arsenal were reported in the national press? Well the reason is, because Rafa has always maintained privately that he feels indebted to West Ham and would have to consider any approach from the Hammers if it should ever materialise and here's why;

In 2015 Benitez was on the brink of becoming West Ham's manager. He'd spoken with the owners and was planning for life at Upton Park. However at the eleventh hour Real Madrid offered him the opportunity to move to the Bernabeu and it was too good an offer to turn down. What impressed Rafa so much was the way the West Ham board accepted his decision. They understood that the opportunity to manage Real Madrid was too much for a Spanish manager to disregard and they gave Rafa their blessing and subsequently appointed Slaven Bilic. The rest as they say is history and now we are where we are... Bilic on the brink and Rafa in their thoughts.

Now let's throw into the mix that Rafa has grown increasingly frustrated at Nufc this summer. He wanted more investment and he's stood and watched while even fellow 'promotees' Brighton and Huddersfield have spent significantly more. Meanwhile West Ham have signed Joe Hart (a player Rafa wanted) and also submitted a bid of close to 40m for William Carvalho (another Rafa target). Let that sink in... A 40 million pound bid for ONE player, that's more than Newcastle have spent on six new arrivals so far. That's financial muscle.

Only this week Rafa said that he no longer viewed Nufc as a long term project... Not my words, the words of the manager, while he's also said that he's "signing the players he can, not the ones that he wants". Needless to say, the positivity of last seasons promotion has disintegrated. And Rafa is clearly frustrated AND not afraid to tell the world.

Now let's consider West Ham as a potential long term project. They have the Olympic Stadium, they're based in London, in my opinion with the right manager at the helm they could be challenging the 'big boys' in the next 3-5 years both on and off the pitch. It's an attractive proposition on paper.

Now, from a personal point of view, I was gutted to be roundly criticised by lots of fellow Nufc fans for reporting the story both on air and online last night. Let me say that there's absolutely no agenda from me, so to be accused of stirring things up or creating stories to disrupt the club is absolutely ridiculous. I love Newcastle United and have done all my life. As a family we've still got our season tickets and I travel home and away as often as I can. Not in the press box, but with the fans... I pay for my tickets. I write a column in the Newcastle United program and let me clear this up once and for all, I recieve no money for this column at all and am not "on the payroll" as has been thrown at me in the past.

I fully understand that rumours of other clubs circling Rafa are not easy to stomach... I know this because I feel exactly the same, but sadly this story has legs and as someone who works as a sports reporter, but is also acutely aware that the majority of my 'followers' etc are Newcastle United fans, I felt it was my duty to keep you informed with the very latest concerning our manager. Although I'm sorry that in this instance the news was slightly concerning.

Finally this is anything but a done deal and there is still a massive reason why Rafa Benitez could very well stay at Newcastle United for years to come and continue to fight for the club.... and that reason is quite simply you lot; the fans. Rafa Benitez could manage for the next one thousand years and he'll never ever receive the adoration that he currently receives on Tyneside. He knows that and his family knows that! He can walk on water in Newcastle and rightly so. Subsequently it would really hurt him to walk away from those loyal geordie supporters that he's grown so fond of and this will be forefront in his thinking. His love for the fans is so strong that I believe it could be enough to make him stay, but he needs more support financially. Yesterday's brilliant 3-0 win and the atmosphere in the ground will also help!

As we stand today, Slaven Bilic remains West Ham manager and Rafa Benitez very much the manager of Newcastle United. However if I was the owner of Newcastle I'd be giving Rafa everything that he wants starting with more financial muscle in the remaining days of the transfer window... However sadly I'm not.

Thoughts welcome. HWTL


I think Graves has raised some valid points tbh. Obviously Rafa ideally would prefer to stay here, he wants to be in the north, he loves the connection with the fans. But ultimately he's going to be frustrated by Ashley and how much of that can he take? Unless the owner can convince him that in the next couple of seasons we can progress to be big players, a manager of Rafa's repute will have to consider leaving for a club with ambition.

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Only this week Rafa said that he no longer viewed Nufc as a long term project... Not my words, the words of the manager, while he's also said that he's "signing the players he can, not the ones that he wants"

Never knew this,  :frantic:

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Swear this group is bi-polar


On Friday night we were all saying that yesterday would probably be his last game, he's really pissed off etc, wouldn't be suprised if he quit, West Ham will pay the compo and he'll be backed there and he'll go


Fast forward 24 hours later and sane people are on about how he won't get to West Ham, no way they'll pay the compo, he's deffo staying, media stirring again. Make your minds up!


If West Ham come in he'll go. Provably he pushed by Ashley aswell.


No! That's what all the drama queens on here say.

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Swear this group is bi-polar


On Friday night we were all saying that yesterday would probably be his last game, he's really pissed off etc, wouldn't be suprised if he quit, West Ham will pay the compo and he'll be backed there and he'll go


Fast forward 24 hours later and sane people are on about how he won't get to West Ham, no way they'll pay the compo, he's deffo staying, media stirring again. Make your minds up!


If West Ham come in he'll go. Provably he pushed by Ashley aswell.


No! That's what all the drama queens on here say.



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