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Leicester City v Newcastle United - Monday 14th March 2016

Figures 1-0 Football

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Haha, no, a mate of mine is a Newcastle fan (hence why I bother keeping a vague eye on here) and went to that game at Derby; I'd been dragging him along to some absolutely dogshite games that season and he reckoned it was worse than any of them. I get it. But for someone just looking at things from a distance it didn't look so bad, what 13th or 14th?

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Guest Phillipealbert

I'll never detest any manager as much as I hated Allardyce. Absolutely dire bloke.


Some stiff competition there!


Dalgleish - Dismantled the best team we've ever seen and replaced them with John Barnes, Ian Rush and Stephane Guvarch.

Gullit - Twat.

Souness - Started the post-Robson decline

Kinnear - Mike Ashley's soul mate

Pardew - Most hated manager in history

Carver - Laughably out of his depth

McClaren - Utterly rudderless

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McClaren and Roeder belong in the same bracket IMO, nice guys but far too soft to be managers.


You could also group Dalglish, Souness and Gullit together. All ex-legends who belong in a by gone era.


Then there are the two Cockley media chums, Allardyce and Pardew. Two men who's arrogance far outweighs their managerial ability and who's reputations far surpass the records they hold. Two utterly dispicable human beings with barely a redeeming quality between them.


The less said about Kinnear and Carver the better.


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Would be huge - agreed. Assuming Colback or Mbabu LB?

Colback LB, is that still a thing? God I hope not.

Far better LB than a CM. Although thats not a compliment.

Probably a far better plumber than he is footballer to be fair.

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The nerves will be kicking in this time tomorrow, it's madness.


My nerves have been kicking ever since it was announced Benitez has joined and i have wanted the game to happen immediately ever since. :lol:


The fact we have to wait till Monday has been a real killer for me, which is mad considering i couldn't give less of a shit before.

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I'll never detest any manager as much as I hated Allardyce. Absolutely dire bloke.


Some stiff competition there!


Dalgleish - Dismantled the best team we've ever seen and replaced them with John Barnes, Ian Rush and Stephane Guvarch.

Gullit - Twat.

Souness - Started the post-Robson decline

Kinnear - Mike Ashley's soul mate

Pardew - Most hated manager in history

Carver - Laughably out of his depth

McClaren - Utterly rudderless


I only ever really hated three managers, Pards, Allardyce and a long way further down the line Souness. Pardew and Allardyce are the worst by a long distance, absolute bell ends the pair of them.

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I'll never detest any manager as much as I hated Allardyce. Absolutely dire bloke.


Some stiff competition there!


Dalgleish - Dismantled the best team we've ever seen and replaced them with John Barnes, Ian Rush and Stephane Guvarch.

Gullit - Twat.

Souness - Started the post-Robson decline

Kinnear - Mike Ashley's soul mate

Pardew - Most hated manager in history

Carver - Laughably out of his depth

McClaren - Utterly rudderless


I only ever really hated three managers, Pards, Allardyce and a long way further down the line Souness. Pardew and Allardyce are the worst by a long distance, absolute bell ends the pair of them.


This for me too, it's been that long I think people forget how fucking despicable Souness was. All three are utter cock wombles though and I'll be glad if I never have to see their extremely punchable faces again.

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