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Leicester City v Newcastle United - Monday 14th March 2016

Figures 1-0 Football

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I know it's very unlikely but a win tomorrow would be such a massive springboard for us. We'd only go 17th but we'd be two points clear of both Norwich and Sunderland and go into the derby on a real high.

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I know it's very unlikely but a win tomorrow would be such a massive springboard for us. We'd only go 17th but we'd be two points clear of both Norwich and Sunderland and go into the derby on a real high.


It would be monumental.


Im so desperate for us to stay up now, come on you fuckers, do the business!

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Be interesting to see who he chooses as captain tomorrow, especially as Colo is out. I hate Shelvey as captain, but I assume it'll be him


Why do you hate him as captain?


He just isnt inspiring to me. His demeanor when he loses the ball or misplaces a pass.. to stop still head in hands or whatever.. it's just not the right mentality. He's meant to be their "leader" and he fannies on instead of trying to get it back or get back into position.  I don't see him get "stuck in" like others seem to say he does (maybe I just don't notice it to be fair, I dunno).

Then the fact he's been here 2 minutes doesnt sit right with me that he's captain. Should be someone more 'senior' in the squad. If a new guy in my office came in and had the same job as me but was put as my 'leader' I'd think who the fuck is this and it'd annoy me.


Thinking about it, I can't think of any real good captain material players in our "best" 11, so whatever.  Probably Janmaat I'd be happiest with

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I know it's very unlikely but a win tomorrow would be such a massive springboard for us. We'd only go 17th but we'd be two points clear of both Norwich and Sunderland and go into the derby on a real high.


I have a funny feeling we're going to win.

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I'll never detest any manager as much as I hated Allardyce. Absolutely dire bloke.


Some stiff competition there!


Dalgleish - Dismantled the best team we've ever seen and replaced them with John Barnes, Ian Rush and Stephane Guvarch.

Gullit - Twat.

Souness - Started the post-Robson decline

Kinnear - Mike Ashley's soul mate

Pardew - Most hated manager in history

Carver - Laughably out of his depth

McClaren - Utterly rudderless


I only ever really hated three managers, Pards, Allardyce and a long way further down the line Souness. Pardew and Allardyce are the worst by a long distance, absolute bell ends the pair of them.


This for me too, it's been that long I think people forget how fucking despicable Souness was. All three are utter cock wombles though and I'll be glad if I never have to see their extremely punchable faces again.


Souness' time must not be forgotten he capped it all off nicely in the last two months talking about his family a lot in post match interviews, just begging to be sacked.


Never had much against Gullit. Even back then. He got us to a cup final, and in the end he had the decency to step down. Getting Sir Bobby in as the replacement helped I suppose.

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I couldn't stand Roeder either. :lol: Granted, he's entirely forgettable compared to the likes of Souness/Allardyce/Kinnear/Pardew. He didn't have a great deal to work with - the defensive squad was particularly horrific (can still remember my fury when we didn't sign a left-back but got Sibierski and Bernard on deadline day instead) - but he was generally just clueless.


I remember how shite we were in seasons like his, where we came 13th... those home defeats to the likes of Sheffield United, the 5-1 home defeat to Championship Birmingham, the dismal surrender to Alkmaar... and yet it's leagues above how shite we've been since the beginning of 2013 and especially since the beginning of 2014. Christ it's been bad.

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Wish you'd had Rafa for a week or two more before this. Break some legs, please.


Don't we all.


Anything other than a humiliating defeat could be seen as progress. A win and I'd say we're as good as safe. We'd be flying into the derby for the first time in ages.

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How frustrating on a scale of 1 to 10?


"Probably a minus 10"


Doesn't even make sense. That suggests it's not frustrating whatsoever :lol: fucking folded face tit


:lol: I was just about to post the exact same thing.


'So you're absolutely delighted then John?'

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We'll definitely concede like. Not much Benitez can do there in the time he has had especially with the injuries we have there. But hope he has done something with the midfield and strikers as we have plenty of options there and hopefully he has plan A, B and C ready for that.


Just hope the players drop their shitty attitude from the previous management and respond well to Benitez. We've got quality but that got absolutely suckered by McClaren and his buddies.

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