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Ciaran Clark (now a free agent)


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Considering our midfield two has been Colback and Hayden of late, I would actually have Clark in there ahead of Colback, as Villa fans seem to suggest it was his more natural position.


He'd give us more height and strength and likely wouldn't be any less mobile than Jack.

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Villa fans seem not to rate Clark,


You only have to look at that despairing lunge that he made in Ireland’s second game to see how terribly slow he is. He runs like a tortoise towing an elephant. Even in the average quality Championship he’s going to be found wanting.’ - See more at: http://www.themag.co.uk/2016/08/interesting-reaction-aston-villa-fans-newcastle-bid-cieran-clark-newcastle-united/#sthash.bujLEddQ.dpuf

Nobody rates him by the sounds of things :lol:


I'm just hoping that he'll be fine in the Championship as he's being rated as a Premiership footballer. Also Villa have been tragic as a whole for pretty much his entire senior career.

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Dr. Tony Xia ✔ @Dr_TonyXia

Once someone has clause in contract, looks like being giving a chance to betray. Said staying one day and escaped the other day. D now G!

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On the same article they have a poll - where would you rather Clark signed? WBA or NUFC?


68% said WBA. :lol: They really hate us. Bunch of losers. :lol:


Weird. Surely if they didn't rate him, they'd want him to join a team in the same league.

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Dr. Tony Xia ✔ @Dr_TonyXia

Once someone has clause in contract, looks like being giving a chance to betray. Said staying one day and escaped the other day. D now G!


Ya dig.

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Presumably Matt Cannon went to the same journalism school as Lee Ryder. :lol:  How does that work in any way as a sentence on its own?


They certainly teach them well at Trinity Mirror.

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Villa fans are only booting off because their "massive club" has been relegated and nobody is considering them likely to win promotion. Nobody gives a fuck and it's killing them; their fans seem to have some mackemesque qualities.


I of course extend my hand in respect for brummie from here. Even the worst fanbases have good fans.

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Presumably Matt Cannon went to the same journalism school as Lee Ryder. :lol:  How does that work in any way as a sentence on its own?


They certainly teach them well at Trinity Mirror.





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So many errors :lol:


It is thought the Magpies manager Rafa Benitex sees Clark as a versatile player who can help plug holes in his squad ar left-back, centre-back and as a holding midfielder.


Know to have a good attitude, he could also be just what Benitez is looking for to improve the dressing room.

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Poor b******. Imagine headbutting your keyboard over Ciaran Clark being sold, things must be grim down there.


Bet his editor is headbutting his keyboard that the think c*** didn't have this proof-read before he uploaded it to the website. :lol: What a mong.



It is possible Villa chairman Tony Xia was so irate at Newcastle's handling o the move he called on fans to boo their rivals next season.



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