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Mikel Merino (now playing for Arsenal)


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Because can he really maintain this? It was more than likely a purple patch.


Aye, a six month "purple patch".


He's sorted his attitude out (cheers Jamaal), his fitness out (cheers random PT), he's retired from international football (cheers Mo) and he's 31 (my age).


People go on like he's 34/35. Like proper old.

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If anything, he faces stiffer competition from Ki  and will have to work hard to keep his place. Let Ki, Shelvey and him fight it out for the 2 spots, with Hayden as 4th choice.

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If Mo maintains the form he had second half of the season and its the new "standard" we will get from him, we have another two seaons or so until age will start catching up to him. That is enough time to find a replacement for him. Too long for Merino to sit and wait for a break through.


That is a big if imo, as I am still not confident that what we saw from Mo end of last season is what we will get from him consistently from now on, but if it is, we are doing the right thing bringing in Ki to fight for a place without getting unhappy about playing time while we will have time to find the best possible replacement and focus on more important positions this summer.

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Because can he really maintain this? It was more than likely a purple patch.


Aye, a six month "purple patch".


He's sorted his attitude out (cheers Jamaal), his fitness out (cheers random PT), he's retired from international football (cheers Mo) and he's 31 (my age).


People go on like he's 34/35. Like proper old.

:thup: I think we need another CM for competition (I don't think Hayden adds anything) but Diame is the last player we need to be looking to actively replace imo. He might not reach the ridiculous level he was at last season but I don't think there's anything to suggest he'll massively fall off. It wasn't like his form was based on potential luck either - he just looked really fit.
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Just turned 31 though, he'll not be 32 until next season. I know it's not an exact science when someone's legs will go but I cannot see him deteriorating too much in the next season. When you're hitting 33 it's starting to get sketchy like - regardless of how fit you seem.

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Because can he really maintain this? It was more than likely a purple patch.


Aye, a six month "purple patch".


He's sorted his attitude out (cheers Jamaal), his fitness out (cheers random PT), he's retired from international football (cheers Mo) and he's 31 (my age).


People go on like he's 34/35. Like proper old.

:thup: I think we need another CM for competition (I don't think Hayden adds anything) but Diame is the last player we need to be looking to actively replace imo. He might not reach the ridiculous level he was at last season but I don't think there's anything to suggest he'll massively fall off. It wasn't like his form was based on potential luck either - he just looked really fit.


I mean 31 is old for his  style of play. I'm not saying he's going to completely go to shit, but there is only so much you can do with your legs. He was immense, no doubt, but it's not crazy to suggest there will be a drop off.


Depends on how he's looked after himself over the summer more than anything. We'll see if he's been more Cabaye or Tiote.

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Because can he really maintain this? It was more than likely a purple patch.


Aye, a six month "purple patch".


He's sorted his attitude out (cheers Jamaal), his fitness out (cheers random PT), he's retired from international football (cheers Mo) and he's 31 (my age).


People go on like he's 34/35. Like proper old.


31 is getting there, mind. And you do get 6-month purple patches, one-season wonders and other stock football phrases.


I like Diame as our first back-up and really hope that, going forward, we improve on central midfield.

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Because can he really maintain this? It was more than likely a purple patch.


Aye, a six month "purple patch".


He's sorted his attitude out (cheers Jamaal), his fitness out (cheers random PT), he's retired from international football (cheers Mo) and he's 31 (my age).


People go on like he's 34/35. Like proper old.


Shut your noise.

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There is definitely a good player in Merino, but I'm not sure he's quite at the point of commanding a starting position in the prem, but he needs game time to get there.


I don't knowmuch about Ki but he has been a regular in the prem over the past four years, and is likely a safer option. It's a shame for us, but it would probably be best for the player. Although a loan option would suit both parties.

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Ideal world we shift Hayden on and get someone in to challenge Diame, to avoid the risk of complacency as much as anything. Totally happy with that, but he's completely earned the right to be a starter next season based on his last 6 months of form.

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