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Rafa Benítez (now unemployed)

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I assume the policy is just to spend as little as possible, regardless of age. Not sure that resale value thing is actually in operation any more.


If that were the case Ashley would have no problem paying £10m for 33 year old superstars. You could build a big name team for relative peanuts. Obviously resale value matters otherwise you could have a worthless squad within two years.

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Quite telling what manky little cunts got invited to this sitdown, like.


Is Herpy Herp an aforementioned? ???


Bird, Coverdale, Hope and Ryder from what I can tell so far. No Caulkin or Edwards.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Break transfer fee? Easy when they spread it over 5 years like car finance or something. 50m to spend as well? :lol: Tell them to fuck off Rafa!

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Can we get excited again?


Nah, from reading that tweet it sounds like they're starting to shift the blame on Rafa if he doesn't sign. 'We were so determined to keep Rafa, we turned down approaches from several world class managers. With no time left to secure our number one target (Rafa) we were left with no other choice than to appoint Sammy Lee as first team manager. We shall now get behind Sammy, just like we know our world class supporters will. Season tickets still on sale'.



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Guest Howaythetoon

You couldn’t pay me to go back to SJP, would take Ashley selling up and even then I don’t think I could bear sitting beside the kind of fans that inhabit the place for 90 minutes every week.


Do us all a favour mate, and keep your promise to stay away - Ashley or no Ashley You contribute f**ing nothing - to this forum or to the club. I struggle to see from your craic on here what you can possibly offer to wider society. Even sat whining in your easychair, you're a waste of the stale-fart air you breathe.


I could be wrong, but isn't HTT pretty much the reason that this forum exists in the first place?


Proud to say I played a big part, but only one part as many others did too like Toontastic, that was following the (illegal) shut down of the old nufc.nu and old Toontastic.net boards which merged into this place of course. I’ve not been involved in the running of here for over a decade though I think, Dave and all the fine mods/admin are to blame since...


N.O is what it is (great) because of the members, and there are so many top people on here, not just me.


Cheers for the love from some of you btw, much love back. But I can see why people would be riled so much by the kind of comments I’ve made about fans like Majorie. In general as much as I loathe most of our match day going fans, I kind of also admire them for their unconditional support of the club/team even when their support is undeserved and doing so helps no-one but Ashley and just helps fuck the club.


C'est la vie!

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Guest godzilla

Always said Rafa has not a cat's hell chance in staying with Ashley in charge. The quotes being thrown around by the absolute clown (who unbelievably doubled his wage  :lol: :lol:) fully illustrates the reasons why he won't.

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I'm sort of now in the camp that Rafa will go because these bellends are f***ing useless in charge of the club.


I feel the same way. I thought there was a small chance of him staying, but the club are not prepared to change their ways. Even if Benitez signed a new contract they would just continue to frustrate Benitez in how they do business. I'm not surprised, but its extremely arrogant by the club to continue their failed ways of doing things when it has been proven twice to not work and then they cry about the clubs financial position when its their decisions as to why the club is in such a position. A £50 million budget along with player sales is just not enough for quality the squad needs to move away from always fighting relegation battles.

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£50m plus player sales wouldn't be that bad without the stupid transfer policies hamstringing us in the market. A £30m marquee signing along with a few in the £15-20m range paid in installments would be well within reach but there's no way FMA would sanction that.

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50 million plus player sales is not unreasonable tbh and I think Rafa would be happy with that side of things, when you really delve into it we have the potential to fetch (up to:)


15m Shelvey

20m Gayle

15m Hayden

8-10m Murphy

6m Muto?

2m Joselu


Getting a bit lucky with fees that could leave us with up to 120 million to spend on players, the problem though, is that it's almost definitely complete bollocks and we know they will go back on their word as soon as they see the £££ signs.


Unfortunately it'll be the investment elsewhere that will stop this contract being signed, no way will Benitez bang on about improving facilities, even more so than transfer funds and then accept no investment, there's just absolutely no way, a compromise has to be met, but even if it that will probably be lies aswell, either way we're fucked.

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"Monitor" players for as long as possible and haggle and haggle and sign a 15-20m player late late in the window along with a loan and a dirt cheap average player. Wont be Rafa's problem.

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£50m plus player sales wouldn't be that bad without the stupid transfer policies hamstringing us in the market. A £30m marquee signing along with a few in the £15-20m range paid in installments would be well within reach but there's no way FMA would sanction that.


£50m isnt too bad - you know full well the players sale bit will based on instalments received as opposed to the full fee

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Guest chopey

£50 million is a total smoke screen, it will be one out one in as usual and Rafa will have what ever he earns from player sales

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