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The fact that no one goes in the store while the protest is on is a win in itself, lost revenue.


true but the last one barely lasted 30 mins, it needs to be longer to see a meaningful loss in revenue although every little helps!!

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The fact that no one goes in the store while the protest is on is a win in itself, lost revenue.


true but the last one barely lasted 30 mins, it needs to be longer to see a meaningful loss in revenue although every little helps!!


Bet he docks the shop staff wages for the duration of the protest....

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Class post manorpark, thoroughly enjoyed looking through all of that.

Thanks for posting all that. :)


Class post manorpark, thoroughly enjoyed looking through all of that.



Thanks to the above and to all of the others who posted similar comments.


I am pleased to share all those "1969 Fairs Cup" photos and souvenirs anytime.


I have been collecting them all (over the years) since . . er . .  1969 !!!

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The fact that no one goes in the store while the protest is on is a win in itself, lost revenue.


true but the last one barely lasted 30 mins, it needs to be longer to see a meaningful loss in revenue although every little helps!!


One store not trading for 30 mins, one hour, 2 days is nothing to Mike Ashley. This is not the point of the protest.

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I'll not be home in time for the meeting. Do we know if there are plans to record or stream proceedings for those that can't attend?


I'm hoping to be there. Agree though that if it can be recorded/streamed for those who can't make it - it would be great. :thup:

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It's going to piss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0

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It's going to p*ss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


It is already in the stadium (Spurs game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

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It's going to p*ss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.

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It's going to p*ss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.


Unfair to suggest it  :facepalm:


How did the "#sportsdirectshame" banner get in then?

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It's going to p*ss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.


Unfair to suggest it  :facepalm:


How did the "#sportsdirectshame" banner get in then?

Not sure, was that a recent banner? Was that done by Wor Flags?
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It's going to p*ss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.


Unfair to suggest it  :facepalm:


How did the "#sportsdirectshame" banner get in then?

Not sure, was that a recent banner? Was that done by Wor Flags?


I haven't a clue who's it is, but it got in.

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It's going to p*ss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.


Unfair to suggest it  :facepalm:


How did the "#sportsdirectshame" banner get in then?

Not sure, was that a recent banner? Was that done by Wor Flags?


I haven't a clue who's it is, but it got in.


It was a union banner and union members who got it in, as far as I understand. It will feature this Sunday at S***** D***** too

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In an ideal world, for the next televised game (or the Arsenal game), i'd like to see the '#sportsdirectshame' banner and an 'ASHLEY OUT' banner raised as the teams come out, along with loud as fuck chants of 'get out of our club' 'we want Ashley out'.


Now that would get his attention.


F*** the team at this point (i don't really mean it obvs), we've got to go all out to get rid of him THIS season.

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It's going to p*ss down apparently.



Don't rain on our parade.


;D ;D ;D


Im all behind this but i also agree keeping it out of the stadium is a must sadley, this season is gonna be a tough slog and the players dont need anymore negative vibes. Its easy to say blast it out everywhere but ashley is rearly at SJP anyhow, remember this is about ashley and SD not newcastle utd as it was


That said its a shame it dosent spread to other SD shops blocking one shop for half an hour isnt gonna put much of a dent in his pocket 12-15 shops however


Just my thoughts on the matter #IfRafaGoesWeGo #Nufc4life #HWTL  O0


It is already in the stadium (Chelsea game) and rightly so imo, the time for the softly softly approach and not wanting to disrupt the team is over.


Don't think it would bother the team anyway, if anything it would have a positive impact, creating a siege mentality.


Hope the anti Ashley chants are loud and clear inside and outside the ground on Saturday.


On a side note, what about Wor Flags making a huge "ASHLEY OUT' banner to be held aloft at matches?

There's no chance of that and it's also unfair to suggest it imo.


If they made such a banner then it would get stopped before it's unveiled and then they'll not be allowed access for banners in the future.


The only Ashley Out message in the ground will have to be the verbal kind.


Unfair to suggest it  :facepalm:


How did the "#sportsdirectshame" banner get in then?

It got in and was displayed midway in the Gallowgate End during the game where we drew 3-3 with Man United under McClaren. It was displayed for about 30 seconds before stewards took it down and ejected the people displaying it from the ground.
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