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Steve Brute


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Okay, so at this point, I have to ask ... what are the chances some of these managers are using the club to get their names out there, or to try and secure a longer or more lucrative contract with their current clubs?


Fat Sam and Bruce in particular?


Bruce probably wants it but maybe he's seen the reaction to the rumors and has heard it's an absolute nightmare to work there?


Sam just fucking remembers, I figure.


It's all coming up Sherwood.

It is quite incredible that the owner wanted Rafa out, but had no concrete plans in place to bring in a replacement. Nothing really sums up how low a priority the football club is to him in the grander scheme of things.


Basically he can't be arsed with NUFC, but he doesn't want to let anyone else have it either.


I actually don't think he did, he just wanted Rafa to bow to his demands and be another of his little lackies, and Rafa was quite rightly having none of it. Rafa saw the club and it's fans, the potential of it all as more than a cash cow for Ashley to bleed dry.


As always Ashley know the price of everything but the value of absolutely nothing.


Rafa made it clear to him the terms under which he was prepared to stay, and Ashley also made it clear through his pals in the press that he wasn't prepared to bend his transfer policy for anybody. That is the same as saying these are the terms, either sign the contract or fuck off.


If you are going to take a tough line, then you should be prepared to have a solid back up plan if the other party won't agree.


Aye very true, i just think Ashley thought Rafa would bow to him, playing on Rafa's affection for us and the club.


Nah Mike just thought he could replace him easy :laugh:


They’re finding out one decent wants to work for Mike Ashley F.C anymore their restrictive model has put every talented manager off.


Bet he was hoping someone like Rafa would come out of me nowhere and save him.


Not this time.


Yeah it has backfired spectacularly, while it's funny to see them squirm around trying to get someone, anyone. Personally it's heartbreaking to watch what's happening to our club, it's desperately sad imo. 


It's not our club now, it's Sports Direct/Ashley FC.  Long may the comedy and embarrassment continue until the point it becomes ours again.

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It is quite incredible that the owner wanted Rafa out, but had no concrete plans in place to bring in a replacement. Nothing really sums up how low a priority the football club is to him in the grander scheme of things.


Basically he can't be arsed with NUFC, but he doesn't want to let anyone else have it either.


I actually don't think he did, he just wanted Rafa to bow to his demands and be another of his little lackies, and Rafa was quite rightly having none of it. Rafa saw the club and it's fans, the potential of it all as more than a cash cow for Ashley to bleed dry.


As always Ashley know the price of everything but the value of absolutely nothing.


Rafa made it clear to him the terms under which he was prepared to stay, and Ashley also made it clear through his pals in the press that he wasn't prepared to bend his transfer policy for anybody. That is the same as saying these are the terms, either sign the contract or fuck off.


If you are going to take a tough line, then you should be prepared to have a solid back up plan if the other party won't agree.


Aye very true, i just think Ashley thought Rafa would bow to him, playing on Rafa's affection for us and the club.


Nah, I think part of him wanted Rafa to leave otherwise he would have relented to Rafa's very reasonable demands. He just didn't expect the SW owner to play hardball and insist on compensation for Bruce's janitors and cone carriers as well.

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Fucking hope he stays.


Sounds like he wants to come, but we’re playing hardball over the fee.


He’ll only not come if Sheff Wed refuse to budge.

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So the fan running up to Bruce did happen and Bruce claims it’s in the hands of the clubs so seems he’s agreed to come depends on the compo?

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Though, this:


Steve Bruce: "Out of respect, I thought it was only right that I go and talk (to #NUFC). It was over before it started and thankfully the chairman gave me permission to go and have a conversation. We will see what develops after that."


Suggests he’s not decided.

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Though, this:


Steve Bruce: "Out of respect, I thought it was only right that I go and talk (to #NUFC). It was over before it started and thankfully the chairman gave me permission to go and have a conversation. We will see what develops after that."


Suggests he’s not decided.


Bruce turning us down would be class man. It’ll be Carver & Shola.

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Though, this:


Steve Bruce: "Out of respect, I thought it was only right that I go and talk (to #NUFC). It was over before it started and thankfully the chairman gave me permission to go and have a conversation. We will see what develops after that."


Suggests he’s not decided.


Thats some significant backtrack foreshadowing if he stays. probably 70/30 they let him go.


Depends if we have got passed the monitoring stage. If we got ahead of ourselves and missed that, its easy to see why we are having difficulty getting it over the line as the thread title suggests. Or is it literally that we are having problems pushing Ashley, Charnley and Bruce over a line.

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If he comes it’s for money but he’s ducking delusional if he thinks he’ll achieve anything other than that here


To be fair, he is delusional if he is serious about the job and thinks he wont be sacked by February with us rock bottom in the league.


Money wise he will likely get significantly more than he is on at Sheffield Wednesday and combined with the inevitable payout its win win for him. He already said he thought he was done in management. This is a nice final earner for him with an added bonus if he somehow kept us up he gets to continue a little longer.


"over before it started"


No-one has any fucking clue how to interview a manager  :)



You want the job

err, yes I suppos..

Good, thanks Steve, Speak soon.


Also a great campaign tagline for the Steve Bruce reign. Will start a tifo..


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