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Steve Bruce: “After two games there is a so-called mini crisis. Everything is over sensationalised. There’s always a storm in Newcastle. At the minute we’re in one. The only way I can shut a few people up is by getting results. The buck stops with me.”


"The Chopra thing (saying players didn't know where they were meant to be playing) was blown out of all proportion. Some of this stuff out there is just nonsense, blatant lies. Some of the criticism has been relentless but I'll protect the players & keep my dignity."


Will you? Aye?!!


Players - protect them by slagging them in public and saying they didn't even have their boots on last week

Dignity - you have none you slimy snake cunt!!

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Steve Bruce: “After two games there is a so-called mini crisis. Everything is over sensationalised. There’s always a storm in Newcastle. At the minute we’re in one. The only way I can shut a few people up is by getting results. The buck stops with me.”


"The Chopra thing (saying players didn't know where they were meant to be playing) was blown out of all proportion. Some of this stuff out there is just nonsense, blatant lies. Some of the criticism has been relentless but I'll protect the players & keep my dignity."


What a wanker. This is supposed to be his honeymoon period ffs  :lol: haha you knew what you were walking into steve. Welcome to hell


One fat parasite killing the club from within appointing a patsy who should be nowhere near Newcastle yet it's over sensationalised  :lol:

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Why do people keep writing "wuh" when making up Steve quotes? Everyone in the north of England pronounces the vowel in "we" with a schwa sound (that short nondescript "uh" that English people put between consonants).


It reminded me of the mackems writing Jawdees. Try as a might, I just cannot pronounce it differently to Geordies.


Sets my sperg signals off.


It's about how he pronounces "our" isn't it? Like a shit version of "wor"

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Those buck stops with me quotes will come back going hard I feel


Might have been referring to Bruce Buck who he likes as they have a common name.

But despite such similarities, the two are not related.

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I've missed having a manager who doesn't have any semblance of a long-term vision for the team, choosing instead to tinker in a reactionary fashion to every defeat. I imagine it's the best thing about being a manager who has absolutely fuck all to do with the recruitment. One delightful picture of utter cluelessness which is sure to throw us into another nail-biting skirmish against the drop. This is it. This is what we live for.

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Bruce has nothing to do with recruitment and doesn’t do any coaching? So he just picks the team and formation? Useful.


I think you'll find Bruce said he's not a puppet and has the final say on transfers.

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Steve Bruce: “After two games there is a so-called mini crisis. Everything is over sensationalised. There’s always a storm in Newcastle. At the minute we’re in one. The only way I can shut a few people up is by getting results. The buck stops with me.”


"The Chopra thing (saying players didn't know where they were meant to be playing) was blown out of all proportion. Some of this stuff out there is just nonsense, blatant lies. Some of the criticism has been relentless but I'll protect the players & keep my dignity."


:lol: I thought this was still just folks making quotes up. First paragraph is real cliche bingo. There's a 'storm' because you're a fucking melt, mate. Not that there even is a storm.

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Well he's already publicly brought their application into question so he's actually responsible for some of the 'relentless criticism' he's wittering on about.


Quite what has happened for one of the hardest-grafting NUFC teams I've watched to, all of a sudden, stop giving 100%, I'm really not sure.

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