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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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How was that not a foul on Fredericks? WTF? or was it given? I don't remember.

The first shocker made by Fredericks? It was pulled back for a foul IIRC but obviously no yellow, as he was booked for the second one later in the game.

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It’s not his fault today - he shouldn’t be in the team to defend in the manner being asked. It’s clear from the way this Lamptey kid has destroyed how left side that Almiron was needed to stifle those attacks and then you can play from there. Allan should have started in a free role behind Wilson

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Another one ruined


It's possible. As talented as a player might be, you're eventually going to get stifled playing in a team/under a manager who can't nail-down a coherent attacking gameplan. ASM started the game as an orthodox left-winger. That's never his game.

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Needs to learn to track his runner like. The game isn't all forward runs and creativity like. You have to do the dirty work too.


alrite Pards.


I was wondering which muppet would come up with something like this.


Defending, to some degree, is part and parcel of a wingers job.

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Needs to learn to track his runner like. The game isn't all forward runs and creativity like. You have to do the dirty work too.


alrite Pards.


I was wondering which muppet would come up with something like this.


Defending, to some degree, is part and parcel of a wingers job.


Yes, to a degree, but we should have competent full backs able to compensate for it


Not many full backs can deal with an overload created by the winger failing to track their wing back though, as was the case today.


In all fairness though ASM isnt a wide midfielder that suits 442 and we were always going to get over run playing that 'system'. A semi decent manager would have recognized that.

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ASM and Almiron should be playing just behind Wilson. It's the most painfully obvious thing I've ever seen and would help nullify our glaringly obvious weaknesses elsewhere in the team.


I hear a klaxxon going off, that is the correct answer.

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Needs to learn to track his runner like. The game isn't all forward runs and creativity like. You have to do the dirty work too.


alrite Pards.


I was wondering which muppet would come up with something like this.


Defending, to some degree, is part and parcel of a wingers job.


It was a joke you muppet.

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How this guy gets slated and blamed after 1 bad game whilst the likes of Andy Carroll is lauded after 1 game following a year of fucking shit and Ritchie is still classed as one of our best players is beyond me.

Absolutely fucking pathetic to be honest.

We have so many players in our squad who are robbing a living of being a footballer and this guy is the one blamed.

Carroll, Ritchie, and Shelvey have all been given new contracts by Bruce, when they should have all disappeared.

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