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Success at what cost?

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DJ_NUFC[/member] had a fantastic idea that there should be a thread dedicated solely to discussing the elephant in the room. So here it is!


I'm conflicted. I want Ashley gone, and I'd love to support a competitive club, but I don't like the person I'd have to be to do so. Not a criticism of anyone who feels otherwise, it's just how I feel. I'm sure I already support fairly horrible people with my purchases and Prime account.

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I feel slightly uneasy as well, but I always find it a bit odd that a different standard is applied to football fans. I mean the Saudis invest in all kinds of stuff that people still consume, yet we don’t upbraid people for using Uber.

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I'll take anything to get rid of Mike Ashley. For the last 13 years I've had to watch him not only kill off our club, but play himself out as the "Hero of the highstreet." while he actually scraps as many jobs as possible, tries to rip people off and get their facilities for free, and creates a culture where a lass has to give birth in the fucking bathroom at work because she's so fucking scared how they'll respond if she literally takes one day off for labour, never mind maternity leave. Make no mistake, the man in charge of us would be a dictator no problem if he was in that position. Just look at Trump. Dodgy businessman who's turning america into a full on dictatorship where he has no accountability for his actions. Mike Ashley is exactly of that ilk. Make no mistake, we already have the scummiest type of person in charge, he just doesn't have the power to commit those type of acts.

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While I completely understand the moral problem, my love of the game is making the decision on this one so I'm probably a horrible person. The club is incredibly personal to me and takes time out of my day almost daily, and its been that way for most of my life. Ashley has completely destroyed football and Newcastle for me to the point where I've wasted years of going over because of boycotts and I've even considered just walking away from it all to save the agro. I'd take getting my club back and getting back the love of the game over anything right now, even this.

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It feels like that would be taking on some kind of 2nd or 3rd level of indirect responsibility and I've always rejected notions like that. None of their atrocious acts were done in the name of Newcastle United or to further their interest in the club.


There's a kind of nihilism about it all anyway, given my absolute inability to change what they're doing or planning on doing. Might as well enjoy my club for the first time in 10 years.

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I'm probably a bad person but I don't think I really care. I don't think they are anyone's first choice as a new owner but I just want Ashley gone. I don't need success or billions pumped into the club. I just want to watch NUFC and feel something. And if not us, they would buy some other club while we would be stuck in this meaningless existence under Ashley.


In any case, they are so rich that any money fans use on the club is absolutely meaningless in the bigger picture and not directly used to do horrible things around the world. I'm willing to just close my eyes and not think about it too much and just watch football again without the apathy (hopefully).

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If Rafas good with it. I'm good with it.


Honestly I think everyone would love us to do it the honest way without buying the league. The past 10 plus years has ripped the soul out of so many of us I don't really care at this point. I dont begrudge any of us the potential taste of winning something whatever the means.


Also not like 99% of owners arent utter villainous cretins either.

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It feels like that would be taking on some kind of 2nd or 3rd level of indirect responsibility and I've always rejected notions like that. None of their atrocious acts were done in the name of Newcastle United or to further their interest in the club.


There's a kind of nihilism about it all anyway, given my absolute inability to change what they're doing or planning on doing. Might as well enjoy my club for the first time in 10 years.




There's no way to live in Capitalism and be truly ethical. I don't feel great about the idea of being taken over by them, but I have no influence over the decision.


There's not many good billionaires out there, whoever eventually takes us over will have their cons, perhaps none as bad as the Saudis, but it's something you live with as a football/sports fan.

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If it’s not us then it’s someone else, possibly Man Utd who they takeover.

Someone else is going to get the success that they bring.

In all honesty, why not us if that’s the case?

The Man City and PSG owners are hardly saints either.

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It's a financial investment that gets rid of a bloke that has held Newcastle back for 13 years, if it was Man United their fans and the press would be loving it.

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It’s a pretty good effort to go from the most evil capitalist in Britain to one of the most evil governments in the world.


Like, if you were playing a game six months ago “who would be a worse owner than Ashley” then it’s a pretty short list with only a few select villainous villains on it. I think I’d rather Putin than MBS owning the Toon.

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You use things which directly enrich Saudi Arabia every day yet there's not a peep about them, why is our football club any different?


I'll continue supporting Newcastle whoever owns it, it's my club and my city.  Fair enough, it'd be nice if a multi-billionaire buddhist monk decided to buy us but at the end of the day it's a football club, not a political party.  You can be against the actions of the Saudi government and still support NUFC, the place to fight that fight is at the ballot box, not the terraces.

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Great thread, and thanks for starting it, Mike.


I’m in the same boat as most others. The short term part of me would be over the moon with the prospect of kicking Ashley out finally, but I know myself, and as soon as the dust settles, I’ll start feeling queasy in the stomach about the new ownership. I think, however, I’ll try to ride the new phase out just as I’m still here waiting to see Ashley leave. This club is a part of me and I’ll be here as long as it stands. And if riding the new wave out means we actually compete for once, and maybe even feel like we are supporting a football club again, at least there will be some upside to it (as a football fan). Under Ashley, we’ve had a bad owner AND bad ownership of the club.



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The Saudi's tend to like their football. I don't think a Saudi takeover is as bad as people are making out. As long as their medieval laws stay in their country there's no reason not to enjoy the ownership.


Your club will 100% be better under Saudis than Ashley.

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If you take this kind of thing to it’s logical conclusion, you’re going to have to stop using petrol, diesel and oil for your cars.


Tough one no doubt but IF this takeover actually happens I reckon I could bury my head in the sand for a bit of joy watching my football team again.


Ugh, I feel dirty saying that.

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