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Peter Whittingham RIP


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Fucccck, man. No age.


Seem to recall he was near the top scorer list when we were in the fizzy pop in 2009/10.


Aye was a canny player. Top scorer in the Championship the season we went up.

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Had a cracking left foot. One of those players who was probably too good for the Championship but not Prem level. Really sad news if true


Just about to say this, one of those top tier-lower tier players. Liked watching him. Shocking anyway, very sad.

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In hospital, not dead


Fuck man, this online culture of being the first to report on news is wank like. People just jumping to release news simply to be first without having any official confirmation. So lacking in humanity, clicks and likes over wellbeing and truth.


(not anyone in thread obv)

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A little bit harsh on Chopra- if you read something saying someone has died then send a message out saying how much you appreciated them how is that a stick to hit someone with


Bloody people on Internet forums jumping in being the first to show outrage at what people have done

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A little bit harsh on Chopra- if you read something saying someone has died then send a message out saying how much you appreciated them how is that a stick to hit someone with


Bloody people on Internet forums jumping in being the first to show outrage at what people have done


Eh? Not sure how that’s remotely synonymous, and I didn’t mention Chopra, I said news - meaning articles.

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