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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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Guest reefatoon

Wait, is htt actually saying it seriously? I thought all of his itk stuff was a p*ss take :lol:


Same here, thought is was just the same crack as his Mexican shite

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Guest Howaythetoon

HTT has been posting information from his sources on here for almost 20 years and I've never known him be right about a single thing, he doesn't even hit the average of a stopped clock. :lol:


Trace back, after ?????? bought us, I was first to reveal he wanted KK, and a few weeks later...


I broke on the Lockwood whatsapp group about what turned out to be a takeover a few days after it officially broke a few years back as well...


That’s when I really did have some inside info.


Now, my thoughts are just a hunch...


It may come as a shock to many I know, but I don’t know anything these days! No-one does mind. Journos/media know shit :lol:


I do have inside people I know at the club, mainly at the academy/corporate end, well, what was left of it under Ashley, basically cold caller type set up :lol:


This is done though, won’t be long.


#Soon #Wait

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Guest Howaythetoon

From a business perspective which I probably know about than most on here, Ashley has no other option but to sell and legally, it’s too far gone now not to happen. FA/PL will rush this hrough because they need all the new investment/money/positivity they can get right now. Nufc will start the transfer system ball rolling for example shut down or not.

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Can you not think Saudi Arabia's politics are barbaric whilst supporting the club?


It was the same with Ashley and his abhorrent business practices. I'm boycotting, but that's because of the way he's running the club as opposed to his shithousery at SD.


I'm not saying turn a blind eye, but if you protested the ownership of every business and their behaviour you'd have a full time job on your hands.


To elaborate on this:


I have a laptop from HP, they assist in building equipment for the Isreali army who do what they do in Palenstine.

As a gift I was bought Armani aftershave who made Nazi uniforms back in the day.

We have medication from Bayer who deliberately infected people with HIV.

We buy coffee from companies who exploit their farmers in third world countries.


We live in a fucking shit world, but where do you start? Surely I'd have to boycott them all to avoid total hypocrisy?

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Can you not think Saudi Arabia's politics are barbaric whilst supporting the club?


It was the same with Ashley and his abhorrent business practices. I'm boycotting, but that's because of the way he's running the club as opposed to his shithousery at SD.


I'm not saying turn a blind eye, but if you protested the ownership of every business and their behaviour you'd have a full time job on your hands.


To elaborate on this:


I have a laptop from HP, they assist in building equipment for the Isreali army who do what they do in Palenstine.

As a gift I was bought Armani aftershave who made Nazi uniforms back in the day.

We have medication from Bayer who deliberately infected people with HIV.

We buy coffee from companies who exploit their farmers in third world countries.


We live in a fucking shit world, but where do you start? Surely I'd have to boycott them all to avoid total hypocrisy?


I thought it was Boss who made the Nazi merch? The SS did have some snazzy uniforms.

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Can you not think Saudi Arabia's politics are barbaric whilst supporting the club?


It was the same with Ashley and his abhorrent business practices. I'm boycotting, but that's because of the way he's running the club as opposed to his shithousery at SD.


I'm not saying turn a blind eye, but if you protested the ownership of every business and their behaviour you'd have a full time job on your hands.


To elaborate on this:


I have a laptop from HP, they assist in building equipment for the Isreali army who do what they do in Palenstine.

As a gift I was bought Armani aftershave who made Nazi uniforms back in the day.

We have medication from Bayer who deliberately infected people with HIV.

We buy coffee from companies who exploit their farmers in third world countries.


We live in a fucking shit world, but where do you start? Surely I'd have to boycott them all to avoid total hypocrisy?


I thought it was Boss who made the Nazi merch? The SS did have some snazzy uniforms.


I think you're correct.

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our government feel the saudi's are good enough to deal with and that they are our allies. so surely that should be the thumbs up for us.




This is about as far as I go into the whole debate. 

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Guest Howaythetoon

Hugo Boss, Adidas, VW, Mercedes et all, all had ties to Nazi Germany. The world is corrupt and unfair, we’ve just got to try and look after, be kind to and help family, friends, our fellow man/women, environment, animals and so on as best as we can.


In terms of our lifespan, our race is still in the womb basically and Saudi Arabia for example is years behind many and certain sections of society still haven’t went through a period of enlightenment, socially, economically, religiously and even racially. It was only a few decades ago a black person had to give their seat up to a white person on a bus in America.


I mean, Saudi Arabia actually look at western society and think we are the evil/bad guys. Who is right or wrong? None of it is and to play the moral card/ride the high horse, well, everything we do as much as what we don’t do has an adverse/negative affect on someone/the world as much as it may have a positive affect.


Buy Adidas trainers and your money pays someone a living, but they earn less than a few dollars a day and work in awful conditions. Greg is right the onus is on our government and world leaders, but by the same time token we the people do need to stand up and fight more. I don’t want Ashley or the Saudis, I don’t want business anywhere near my club, but I have to be realistic and if I don’t harm anyone and try and be a good person and try and make the world a better place in a good way, be it for myself or others, that’s all I can do.


I can’t stop Saudi buying my club, I can not like it, but then I’m still part of the corrupt and unfair system when I go and buy some trainers so I can wear Adidas, fill my car up or whatever. I live with my consciousness though knowing I’m a good guy. NUFC fans or any fans shouldn’t be made to feel guilty, the guilty conscience lies with our government, world leaders, big business and what I find maddening, our media and the game itself. Or should be.


I go and watch footy or love it to watch my team play footy, the players, our players, who represent my city, us lot, my club, Newcastle United which is ours, no-one can own it. Thats the beauty, it’s so sacred not even an murderous evil regime can take that from you or buy it, no matter how much money they have.


I’m torn right now as to what I’ll do, where I stand etc. All I know is I will always love my club, my team, my Newcastle United because it’s mine, yours and ours. As Sir Bobby said, what is a club in any case... Ashley or not, Saudis or not. I don’t have to like it or even go to games.


People need to do what they feel is right now and shouldn’t be attacked for it and especially by a media who are complicit in allowing the actual people who should be held to account, to get away with keeping our world and it’s systems unfair and corrupt and they do that because guess what, they are on the take too. We all are really.


When it comes to NUFC at least, however, I’m not. Unlike so many others whose interest is vested in ways that bind them by money.


Enjoy what’s coming or don’t. Let those that want to, however, if you can’t or won’t, do so.


Leave the moralisation and rights and wrongs to those that allow it, don’t help matters, make things worse and are the ones who are actually responsible for these things.


Not some fucking gravy stained Mag.


Leave the horses out of it mind...

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Guest Howaythetoon

Next person to call me Gregg gets banned.


I'm not that egg headed tosser off Masterchef.




Now wrong with Wor Gregory, apart from he shares a surname with a certain cunt’s middle name.

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Hugo Boss, Adidas, VW, Mercedes et all, all had ties to Nazi Germany. The world is corrupt and unfair, we’ve just got to try and look after, be kind to and help family, friends, our fellow man/women, environment, animals and so on as best as we can.


In terms of our lifespan, our race is still in the womb basically and Saudi Arabia for example is years behind many and certain sections of society still haven’t went through a period of enlightenment, socially, economically, religiously and even racially. It was only a few decades ago a black person had to give their seat up to a white person on a bus in America.


I mean, Saudi Arabia actually look at western society and think we are the evil/bad guys. Who is right or wrong? None of it is and to play the moral card/ride the high horse, well, everything we do as much as what we don’t do has an adverse/negative affect on someone/the world as much as it may have a positive affect.


Buy Adidas trainers and your money pays someone a living, but they earn less than a few dollars a day and work in awful conditions. Greg is right the onus is on our government and world leaders, but by the same time token we the people do need to stand up and fight more. I don’t want Ashley or the Saudis, I don’t want business anywhere near my club, but I have to be realistic and if I don’t harm anyone and try and be a good person and try and make the world a better place in a good way, be it for myself or others, that’s all I can do.


I can’t stop Saudi buying my club, I can not like it, but then I’m still part of the corrupt and unfair system when I go and by some trainers, fill my car up or whatever. I live with my consciousness knowing I’m a good guy. NUFC fans or ant fans shouldn’t be made to feel guilty, the guilty conscience lies with our government, world leaders, big business and what I find maddening, our media and the game itself. Or should be.


I go and watch footy or love it to watch my team play footy, the players, our players, who represent my city, us lot, my club, Newcastle United which is ours, no-one can own it. that’s the beauty, it’s so sacred not even an murderous evil regime can take that from you or buy it, no matter how much money they have.


I’m torn right now as to what I’ll do, where I stand etc. All I know is I will always love my club, my team, my Newcastle United because it’s mine, yours and ours. As Sir Bobby said, what is a club in any case...


People need to do what they feel is tight and shouldn’t be attacked for it and especially by a media who are complicit in allowing the actual people who should be held to account, to get away with keeping out works and it’s systems unfair and corrupt and they do that because guess what, they are on the take too.


When it comes to NUFC at least, I’m not. Unlike so many others whose interest is vested in ways that bind them by money.


Enjoy what’s coming or don’t. Let those that want to, however if you can’t or won’t.


Tl;dr: Other big brands have questionable ties too.

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Can you not think Saudi Arabia's politics are barbaric whilst supporting the club?


It was the same with Ashley and his abhorrent business practices. I'm boycotting, but that's because of the way he's running the club as opposed to his shithousery at SD.


I'm not saying turn a blind eye, but if you protested the ownership of every business and their behaviour you'd have a full time job on your hands.


To elaborate on this:


I have a laptop from HP, they assist in building equipment for the Isreali army who do what they do in Palenstine.

As a gift I was bought Armani aftershave who made Nazi uniforms back in the day.

We have medication from Bayer who deliberately infected people with HIV.

We buy coffee from companies who exploit their farmers in third world countries.


We live in a f***ing s*** world, but where do you start? Surely I'd have to boycott them all to avoid total hypocrisy?


You don't have to start, it's not our fault that we're in the position that in order to function within society we have to prop up evil institutions. I think the only thing I personally take issue with or that I've seen other people take issue with is those that are either trying to imply that there's a moral equivalence with the Saudis and the other examples of shittiness when they're not equivalent, or that the other examples in the world mean that stating a preference for our club not being owned by murderers makes you a hypocrite, which is ridiculous. If that were the case, no one could ever point out any specific shittiness or say they want things to improve without being a hypocrite on the basis that there are other examples too.


I personally don't use Uber anymore and try to avoid Amazon and Nestle if I can, but that's a choice I've personally made despite also eating meat and sticking the heating on when it's cold. Does that mean I'm disqualified from saying I'd prefer a lab-grown meat industry and renewable energy? Or do I need to go full vegan and freeze to death? Of course not. Ironically, the trend of putting the onus on the individual (society's obsession with each individual's carbon footprint while 100 companies are to blame for 71% of it, being the best example imo) is largely how the people who are actually guilty get away with it.


Also, was it not Hugo Boss that made suits for the Nazis? Or both? I dunno.

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