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30 minutes ago, Dokko said:

They didn’t kill the league, but it was still attempted murder and they need to be charged as such. Anything else gives them full licence to try it again.

I don’t mind if it’s specifically people punished, but it has to be full lifetime bans from running/owning a club. Getting rid of levy, glazers, abramovic and the cunt from Liverpool would be a great statement that the odt is fit for purpose and ongoing, not just as you get the foot in the door.

it won’t happen though. Shame. 

The issue with this is how do the owners dispose of the clubs if they fail the test? It's the same with fans demanding that the owners walk away.

The value of these clubs is prohibitive for a 'good' sale, you are looking at hedge funds or similar structures to FSG. Most of the Middle East is out due to other club ownership and I really don't see how PIF can buy any premier league club other than us now, the legal ramifications would dwarf the SL argument for the Premier League.


Chelsea fans had no issue when Abramovich was spending hundreds of millions to deliver the Champions League (and saving them from going under remember), Liverpool fans similar with FSG. It's unfortunate to say the least but fans will be the victims of any punishment but there is no real alternative.

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Been trying to get a feel for how fans of the European clubs feel about this. A poll of Juve fans on their forum showed clear support:


Run it through a Google Translate to get a further idea. Just a disgraceful club supported, in large, by gloryhunting arseholes.

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To show how little these owners care, apparently one of the owners of the 6 clubs was at a game recently and had to ask what team was his, as he didn't know what kit they played in :lol: 

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5 minutes ago, 54 said:

To show how little these owners care, apparently one of the owners of the 6 clubs was at a game recently and had to ask what team was his, as he didn't know what kit they played in :lol: 

If it was true, i'm guessing Liverpool.  FSG has like a couple of dozen owners with tiny stakes (including Lebron)

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5 hours ago, Pandamninator said:

Barcelona aren't going ahead with it - they gave themselves a face saving out by saying they had never actually fully committed (lol) and that the final decision was always going to be put to a vote to the paid voting members.

Not sure why Atletico are still clinging on - Real Madrid and Juventus probably need to go to down with the ship as they put themselves front and centre.  


Yeah, Piqué has already come out saying he's against it, so we're pretty much out.

This was a deal agreed by Bartomeu, and it's obvious Laporta was just waiting to see if the thing worked out before going all in (yesterday the club said Laporta would give a press conference discussing our involvement "before the end of may" (:lol:). He has an easy out.

We're still financially fucked mind. So we'd appreciate UEFA buying us out with cash, too.

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1 minute ago, Village Idiot said:

Yeah, Piqué has already come out saying he's against it, so we're pretty much out.

This was a deal agreed by Bartomeu, and it's obvious Laporta was just waiting to see if the thing worked out before going all in (yesterday the club said Laporta would give a press conference discussing our involvement "before the end of may" (:lol:). He has an easy out.

We're still financially fucked mind. So we'd appreciate UEFA buying us out with cash, too.

Better sign Haaland for €150m, that should sort you out. That's how this works, right? 

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3 minutes ago, Papavasiliou said:

Isn't the whole point of Fortnite that everyone bar the winner eventually gets knocked out?

And it's completely equal with no advantage whatsoever barring what happens during the course of the 'match'



Edited by Sima

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4 minutes ago, Papavasiliou said:

Isn't the whole point of Fortnite that everyone bar the winner eventually gets knocked out?

Yeah but then everyone gets back on the bus. Get with the kids you old fuck :lol:

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1 minute ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

The comparison doesn't make any sense at all, not even any idea what he's trying to say. And the fact that he's said it shows what kind of world these guys live in.

At least he's heard of computer games I guess. 

Ironic that Juventus aren't even on FIFA.  Stupid old cunt.

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