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Steve Bruce (now unemployed)


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1 hour ago, Shadow Puppets said:

Ranieri wasn’t sacked when their new owners came in for over 9 months.


I agree they should be ruthless, but maybe it’s foolish to be ruthless without having any of the sporting setup in place to source replacements / coaches.

Hardly the same situation with ranieri though they weren’t 2nd bottom 


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But again. The silence from both the owners and Bruce himself is deafening and strange. You'd think if they have told him that he'll take charge on Sunday, why not dispel the rumours and uncertainty? Its not like when it was the takeover happening or not that relied on

a 3rd party. This is between the owners and Bruce. Just announce it. If you're reading this PCP, get Bruce out a.s.a.p.



Edited by nufcjb

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Wtf do we need a replacement for anyway?!


Bruce says he doesn't do tactics, he just throws the ball and says "let's play", he gives the players half the week off right before a big game


Wtf does this guy do that needs to be replaced? Just let Jones take charge for a few weeks and get this stink away from the new era of the club ASAP

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1 minute ago, nufcjb said:

But again. The silence from both the owners and Bruce himself is deafening and strange. You'd think if they have told him that he'll take charge on Sunday, why not dispel the rumours and uncertainty? Its not like when it was the takeover happening or not that relied on

a 3rd party. 

Press conference Friday will answer any questions. If he takes it he’s in charge and if not then I assume he won’t be.


Maybe they are doing it tactically waiting till later in the week for maximum euphoria 

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2 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

Press conference Friday will answer any questions. If he takes it he’s in charge and if not then I assume he won’t be.


Maybe they are doing it tactically waiting till later in the week for maximum euphoria 

Aye, but Bruce would have gladly told Downie and those reporters at the training ground that he's staying in charge if he has already been told that What's stopping him from saying it before Friday?

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Just now, nufcjb said:

Aye, but Bruce would have gladly told Downie and those reporters at the training ground that he's staying in charge if he has already been told that What's stopping him from saying it before Friday?

Probably not wanting to do anything he’s not been told to do by the new owners 

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28 minutes ago, nufcjb said:

How stupid can Bruce be? Well, perhaps he is doing it intentionally. But you really want to take another day off when you already were off Friday-Sunday, came in late in Monday and taking Thursday off again? 


Open your eyes Amanda, and PIF! Is this the man that will represent you to the world on Sunday? Fuck me. Bruce is pathetic. Imagine if players disobeyed him and came in on Thursday regardless.




Any who had the sense to do that would have the sense to go somewhere with adequate facilities.



Edited by Happinesstan

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Yeah, I think they are wary of sacking Brucie's 3-4 people as there's so few experienced coaching staff at the club. The owners probably fear that the players might react even worse if they're prepared for PL games by Gr Jones and a group of youth coaches. Plus Shearer and Caulkin might have said a good word about Brucie's "integrity", Lascelles might've mentioned that he's a good guy.. 
Same reason why Charnely is still employed - there's nobody else to do the daily stuff. 

We should be patient. It's important that Amanda and Mehrdad get the initial appointments correct, despite their lack of experience in football. 

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2 hours ago, Lazarus said:

Its such an easy PR win for the new owners.

Only with NUFC fans though.

Everyone outside of our bubble is already gunning for us and looking for a reason to have a go and to twist the knife. Bruce has mates in the media so from a PR perspective, it could work against them to kick him out without even taking some considered time to talk to him and to see how he operates from a day to day.
In effect, letting him do his job is allowing him the rope to hang himself with as they can say they've seen the day to day operation and feel that a change is necessary.

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I'm not worried about it, even if he takes Sundays game he hasn't got long left and when they do replace it will be quality. Probably better than rushed decisions. Can always spend a few hundred million in January to recover ?

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Just now, nufc4eva said:

I'm not worried about it, even if he takes Sundays game he hasn't got long left and when they do replace it will be quality. Probably better than rushed decisions. Can always spend a few hundred million in January to recover ?

Good point. Bruce will be peddling his 'insider info' to the highest bidder, once he's gone.

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1 hour ago, huss9 said:

should be more ruthless than that.

see how successful chelsea have been.

no time for sentiment or what the media/public think.


Chelsea have had a squad and reserve squad of top players each time. And they've replaced top class managers with top class managers. It's hardly comparable to us at all, and also not a rule of thumb every club follows.

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2 hours ago, hakka said:

I suspect this is as simple as the new owners want to have the new structure agreed and the people ready to join first before removing the old one, especially as the old one is vastly inadequate and undermanned. It looks like this takeover happened so fast that whatever previous discussions for people joining have to be revisited, because things like Rafa at Everton and potentially other people for big roles are no longer available and different ones are. If Conte was to be spoken to I can't see that being something to sort out in a few days when the whole club internally needs shake up from top to bottom. Conte would want to know who is DoF, who is running day to day etc. - we don't even know that yet.


Just relax. Sacking Bruce now doesn't equal Spurs game win by default. I'd even not care if Bruce and his team were here for a few weeks as the rest of the hierarchy from Barnes, Charnley, a DoF etc. are sorted. If weeks do go by and nothing changes I'd be concerned. If we get to January and it's still Bruce I'd be angry as that's incompetence. Waiting a week or even two or three to get new team in place and Bruce replaced is fine with me. The reality is more complicated than hire/fire immediately. Sooner is better, but right decision is more important.


Has any takeover sacked the status quo within 24 hours and replaced them before!? Genuine question.

I don’t think anyone has no however I don’t think anyone has been second bottom with someone has bad as Bruce before either 

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1 hour ago, Ryan said:

:lol: :lol:


It’s no wonder we’re so shite when they had a long weekend off and then another day off 3 days before a game ffs.

That's perfect ammunition for Amanda to bin the useless cunt.

Fancy being the manager of a club on the brink of possibly a great period in it's history and not making any effort to try to impress the new owners :lol:

Could the guy be any more of an embarrassment.

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1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:

I don’t think anyone has no however I don’t think anyone has been second bottom with someone has bad as Bruce before either 


We need to stop acting like this Spurs game is final game of season and a must win to stay up, and sacking Bruce is only answer to that. That's what this over dramatised "sack Bruce now" after days of being taken over comes across like when citing the second from bottom stuff.


New owners are here and it's a couple days in to their stewardship, Bruce surely will go, it's super early in the season for second from bottom to matter given the squad we have. No matter who comes in they will take some time to get this side turned around, but will have plenty of time through (hopefully) November and December to get things better, and January to spend. Bruce out now or in say 3 weeks is unlikely to be the difference of us staying up or not. I'd prefer sooner, but I'd also prefer it done right and with right replacement.

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