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Takeover Thread - July 1st statement, Staveley letter to Tracey Crouch (and response) in OP

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Just wrote to my local MP the Right Honorable Harriet Harman member for Camberwell and Peckham. Not sure if she'll get involved in a non London matter but every bit helps I guess.

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I think the more MP’s outside the region the better, can only spread more awareness. Does anyone live in that SNP cnuts John Nicholson’s constituency, I’d love to see his reply to that letter.


Hello, that'll be me


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In the mean time some of your constituents are having having a tough time this evening. How about some support for them.<a href="https://t.co/l813ojMHZH">https://t.co/l813ojMHZH</a></p>— Chris J Read (@cristovread) <a href="

4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


I used the NUST link to write to him earlier but not had anything in return yet.


Tremendous he’ll be frothing with rage after his attack on fans for supporting the takeover, his response will be interesting.

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Who or what is Kate Stewart? This has passed me by


A Twitter account with the handle @KateStewart22 which has now been suspended.


Profile picture was just a flower and it constantly tweeted things that were pro-Saudi and anti-Qatar. I'm fairly certain at one point 'she' even tweeted she wasn't arsed about football, she was just against the smear of Saudi Arabia. 'She' managed to amass more than 5,000 followers and had some of our fans fawning over her.


The assumption from most was that obviously it was some sort of bot. But then of course the Reverend Wraith came out claiming to know 'her' and even posting screenshots of WhatsApp messages he claimed were from her.

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I know Masters name is mentioned the most but things seemed to be going pretty well (looking from the outside) until that Hoffman cunt became Chairman. He's Chewbacca fist's mate.

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Summat's not right with this fella like. Saw someone say that weird Kate Stewart account has stopped since he showed up anarl?





I see Wraith's reputation has been pretty much reformed as a result of this farce in the eyes of many.  You're all being played in ways you'd struggle to comprehend.


Weird how you’re so much more intelligent than the local vermin, who as you stated embarrass your very being, yet still need to embellish and make stuff up. You should try for a job as a columnist in the press, you’d fit in well.

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Love any use of "utter state", me.



The Mackems are absolutely triggered that MP's in the MLF heartlands have got involved in this one. The fewm is off the fucking scale.  :lol: :lol:


MPs should be helping their own*


*nar, not them ones.

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Seen a canny few mackems also sticking the boot in that it's (obviously, given the demographic) Labour MPs writing letters to the Premier League.


New level of fewm for them now. The Tory representing the massive lads "stronghold" of NW Durham is joining in:



That's a decent letter that like.

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South Shields MP is getting dogs abuse from mackems for writing a letter the Masters about the takeover said she has never done something for sunderland because none of the fans have ever requested her too.

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