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Newcastle United's commercial supremo Peter Silverstone has opened up on life at St James' Park - and admits it is a "privilege" to be working for such a loyal fanbase.


The Glaswegian was one of the high-profile hires of the Saudi-backed regime and played an integral part in taking Newcastle over to the United States this summer to help push the black and white brand across the Atlantic. Just three days after the Magpies landed from the States, the former Arsenal and Brazil national team supremo caught up with Chronicle Live ahead of this weekend's Sela Cup at St James' Park.


Tickets for the Sela Cup can be snapped up here and Silverstone believes that the tournament is a great example of what the club is all about these days as Eddie Howe gets the chance to test the team against Serie A and La Liga opponents, and the club's women's team also get the opportunity to play in front of a crowd. Fans were queuing for tickets at the box office this morning, but as things stand cash turnstiles are also in operation on both Saturday and Sunday.


But speaking to Chronicle Live about all things United, Silverstone gave us the lowdown on:


*United's view on stadium expansion and what lies in store next


*The club's global brand and success of US tour


*United's relationship with Castore and beyond


*Importance of pre-season and Sela Cup to club revenue


Newcastle are currently taking a look at all the options for possible expansion but will not relocate from St James' Park. And so a feasibility study is currently ongoing.


Silverstone, in his first big interview since being appointed CCO at St James' Park, told Chronicle Live: "Until you've run a feasibility study on what is possible, and the propensity is to spend, you can't make comment.


"All we know is that we have a huge over-demand for tickets at the moment. With that comes great responsibility, we are very lucky and privileged to come into a club where everything sells very quickly.


"But we realise with an event like the Sela Cup we need to work a little bit harder. We need to work out what this tournament means to Eddie Howe and the players."


Silverstone leads the way in a growing commercial office at St James' Park that has been expanded since the takeover. Reflecting on the prospect of more seats, he said: "We are lucky in that we have a sold out stadium both from a hospitality and general admission perspective. Now we have to assess how much is that demand.


"It's easy to make comments and say we could sell 150,000 seats a week but you need the data and insight to back that up before you make capital investment."


Another much-discussed subject within the fanbase is United's partnership with Castore. On the relationship with Castore, Silverstone said: "We are in partnerships, your current partner is your best partner, it's always the way. In relation to these types of deals, there is information we can't share. We will never discuss how long our deal with Sela or Noon is for example unless some brands want to talk about the term of the deal.


"Our focus is to sell as much kit with Castore as possible. They have created three beautiful kits with our new sponsor on them, our fans really like them. My job is to maximise that partnership. You don't just throw your toys out the pram when you make the Champions League. That's not the way contracts work. I hope we are never treated like that by a partner. The kits they have made are incredible."


Newcastle signed a new kit sponsorship deal with Sela earlier this year, Silverstone said: "There is always a time in a partnership when you don't talk about the next one. We could have announced Sela before the term with Fun88 ended, we didn't.


"We waited until the new kit was launched as it was more impactful. But I don't think it would have impacted on Fun 88, everyone knew it was coming to an end. There is always a point where you announce what comes next. But you still want to do it sensitively."


Newcastle will show off their Castore kits this weekend against Fiorentina and Villarreal for their final pre-season preparations. Reflecting on pre-season Silverstone said: "Pre-season for a club of our current stature and current ambition has three vital elements to it. The most important one being football preparation and what does Eddie Howe, Dan Hodges (performance) and Jason Tindall what do they want and need for pre-season.


"If you take that as very simple, they will say matches, ideal training preparations, that's really all they care about and that's fine. Then the second part if brand building, fan engagement or fan growth, so how do you marry the vital preparation of fitness with building a brand with fans you don't normally get to see.


"Then the third part is, given my role, and that football players (signings), don't grow on trees, you need to generate revenue. So trying to marry those three elements is challenging but vitally important."


Getting fixtures right for pre-season is vital, and Silverstone spoke of his experience with Brazil at the 2014 World Cup. He said: "I've obviously got enough experience with my time of managing the Brazil national team and moving them matches to China vs Argentina, Italy or Switzerland or wherever it may be, and I always like to think I was doing that with football and commercial reality in mind.


"I did feel there was going to be a headline in the Daily Record, being from Glasgow, of: 'Young Scottish guy masters World Cup victory of Brazil!' "Unfortunately, Brazil got beat 7-1 off Germany.


"People were saying, why is there a guy wearing a Brazil top with a Portuguese Scottish accent crying? Ultimately, the one game I didn't prepare for before the World Cup was Brazil vs Germany, couldn't get the commercial negotiation right and ultimately failed in the preparation.


"The point being I really do consider all those factors. So here at Newcastle this summer, we have found a game close to home, Rangers, that allows us to generate revenue and get vital preparation, and a great game in front of a full stadium."


Newcastle are just back from the US after three great games against Aston Villa (3-3) in Philadelphia, Chelsea (1-1) in Atlanta and Brighton & Hove Albion in New Jersey (2-1). That followed a 2-1 win over Glasgow Rangers, commenting on the importance of America, Silverstone said: "I am a Rangers fan so taking them home was fantastic. That then allowed us to jump on a plane without much travel to get there, generate strong revenue and play in the Premier League Summer Series.


"Why did we go to Premier League Summer Series? "One from a capacity perspective, because we don't have the team to deliver a full service tour to promote our own games us like Arsenal or Man United did, they had 80,000 at the Met Life (New York).


"We needed the brand support from the Premier League. We are one of the 20 clubs, there's no top six or seven, I believe we are one of the top 20. It's a feeling or principle that is not shared amongst the top six. And even when I was at Arsenal I had that view.


"We are much stronger as a collective than we are individually. We have the ability as a Premier League to pull away from the other leagues, Saudi aside which is a different topic, but we should be leaving Serie A and La Liga in our slipstream and pushing ahead.


"By playing against Juventus in the US there is no brand benefit to the Premier League nor to Newcastle, why shine the Premier League light on them? I wanted to play in the PL Summer Series, I said to Premier League we should play in the US and not just Asia. "Finally we got it together."





Edited by Miggys First Goal

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On 01/08/2023 at 22:22, Wandy said:


Yeah, facebook and twitter has been full of absolute cockends, saying if you aren't prepared to pay the £74 for a ticket then don't bother entering the ballot. Absolute cunts the lot of them.

Yeah. We have a food bank outside the Gallowgate end on a match day for collection with the clubs fucking name on it in order to get people to donate.

People in the city who possibly love the club but won’t be in position to ever be able to afford to go to games, but literally can’t afford to feed themselves or heat their homes.

Are they lesser fans?

People like me and others who have recently had to take the decision to walk away from the club because of Ashley, and previously because I couldn’t afford it.

Meanwhile you have Holly who’s telling everyone who hasn’t been recently, either out of affordability or other reasons, that they aren’t real fans, in-between studying for her GCSE’s.

She was fast bawling her eyes out this summer when the prices for the Champions League tickets dropped, and mammy & daddy said now your at uni you have to stand on your own two feet, and make big girl decisions on what you can, and can’t afford. Welcome to the real world, now you have to make that decision you have called others out for making.


As for those who have been giving it Billy big bollocks playing the fuck you game saying things like we shouldn’t expand SJP ‘Because they never turned up before the takeover’, and ‘I can afford to go’.

Let’s see how that is when the demand for tickets far outstrips availability, and your season ticket costs something like £2k or more. Some people in the Leazers end have already seen their season ticket price go to £14k.

At that point we might become like the Green Bay Packers, 30 years waiting lists, and season tickets that costs a house deposit.

So don’t be quick to playing the fuck you game, because you might be getting fucked a lot harder than I, and others were.




Edited by Stifler

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4 hours ago, Bally21 said:

God I remember that, mid 80s - they used to setup a stall at the corner of the west stand (Milburn now) and the Gallowgate end, sort of where Bobby Robson statue is now. Mad when you think it about it, but good riddance to them.


Gallowgate end back then was mental, especially the "corner" and the " scoreboard".

Me and my mates (14yr or so) would engage them for a chat while another would chuck a can of pop on their pile of Bulldog 

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12 minutes ago, The Prophet said:




It came on a matchday when, walking into the directors’ lounge at a rival club, the Newcastle delegation encountered their frostiest reception yet. Hands were outstretched by the visitors from Tyneside, there to be shaken, but were conspicuously ignored by one opposition director, seemingly eager to make his hostility clear.

The episode was so awkward that the Newcastle executive on the receiving end relayed it on the insistence that identities were withheld. But it will not be forgotten in a hurry.'



Liverpool director?

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1 minute ago, Cort said:



It came on a matchday when, walking into the directors’ lounge at a rival club, the Newcastle delegation encountered their frostiest reception yet. Hands were outstretched by the visitors from Tyneside, there to be shaken, but were conspicuously ignored by one opposition director, seemingly eager to make his hostility clear.

The episode was so awkward that the Newcastle executive on the receiving end relayed it on the insistence that identities were withheld. But it will not be forgotten in a hurry.'



Liverpool director?

Got to be salty Spurs or Liverpool.

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8 minutes ago, Pixelphish said:

I'd have put money on it being Spurs.

100%, they're just going to be upset that there attempt to block the takeover has been a resounding failure, and they've stumbled backwards continually since. 


Like they say, the dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.

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