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Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:

I’m not even thinking about the season now, actually not excited about the Villa game at all. 


Well that's a bit over the top, surely.


I completely understand the reasons that people are upset, but it seems relatively unnecessary to get so emotional about something that will likely be fixed in the coming weeks. I highly doubt that any of this was premeditated. It seems on the surface to me to be an error of judgement, not malicious. It'll be dealt with.

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1 minute ago, Shadow Puppets said:


Well that's a bit over the top, surely.


I completely understand the reasons that people are upset, but it seems relatively unnecessary to get so emotional about something that will likely be fixed in the coming weeks. I highly doubt that any of this was premeditated. It seems on the surface to me to be an error of judgement, not malicious. It'll be dealt with.

Well, if that’s the case then they should say so tomorrow. They have the backlash now. 

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Yeah, I definitely get that. It did need sorting mind as it was almost impossible to build loyalty points from 0 as people got tickets & points then just shifted the ticket if they couldn’t make it. Certainly looked like abit of a closed shop to a degree.


I’d love to get to more games but living in Manchester and having a long term lass. It’s just not possible fiscally and personally. I’m just a fan. No better or worse than anyone else. Whey except Steve Wraith. 



Edited by Likelylad

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1 minute ago, jack j said:

Aye it works both ways like

I've been in that boat myself where I'm "protective" over my loyalty points and get on the defensive when I see posts saying scrap them or put them on a rolling basis or put half into a ballot etc


I think some of the "away fans" as you put it get angered by people saying they're points shouldn't mean fuck all


Doesn't mean that they should be taking joy in this today like. Cos its a shambles


I've been one who's mulled over a slight change to the points system over the last year or so but the more I've thought about it this summer the more I've wanted it kept as it is as there's no viable solution imo. A ballot will take tickets away from fans with points, not corporate; punishing fans with points to allow those without to go is categorically wrong. A ballot should come from corporate's sizeable allocation but we all know that won't happen.


Regardless many of those without points, such as myself, actually only want to get to around 2 or 3 aways a season. I was able to get to those I wanted to go last season. Some may see that as cheating the system and it is really, but the bottom line is many of those twisting about points are likely the same and only want to get to 2 or 3 aways season. Maybe a generalisation but who knows.


From what I've heard from mates who are fans of clubs who have them, I don't want ID checks brought in. They seem lenient/half arsed from the Man City (a) announcement today so maybe that's a slight positive.

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13 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

I’m not even thinking about the season now, actually not excited about the Villa game at all. 



As petty as that sounds.


I absolutely loved the section I was in last season, made friends with those around me, was with a group of like minded people who wanted to stand and be vocal, bought a ticket in the same area, often the same seat, for every game. 


Now I feel proper deflated that I almost certainly won’t get to be there again this season. And if I do get a ticket for a game I could end paying over the odds to be given a seat in some parts of the ground that I’ve been in before and really disliked.




Edited by bobbydazzla

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13 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

I’m not even thinking about the season now, actually not excited about the Villa game at all. 

Hilarious!  Obviously nobody’s ever pissed in the pocket of your donkey jacket in the Gallowgate. That’s truly upsetting. 

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1 minute ago, RS said:


Hilarious!  Obviously nobody’s ever pissed in the pocket of your donkey jacket in the Gallowgate. That’s truly upsetting. 

I was at Villa Park one year & someone pissed in me pocket, I was furious..

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Good grief this thread. Hopefully they fix it so when you win a ballot you get to choose your seat from what's left or pass if nothing suits. Pretty much that is all can be done.


I think in the next 2 years we will be talking about a new stadium, no other way around this new reality.



Edited by OverThere

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1 hour ago, Wandy said:

I'm actually shocked at my own reaction to this and how much it has completely pissed me off. Not only at the club's actions but also the appallingly smug reaction to it from some of our fanbase. I might cool down over the coming days but right now it's killed any enthusiasm I had for the coming seaaon. If I dont feel on the same page as the club and our own support then I'm wondering what's the point of it all.


You might be having your canon moment re our fans tbh :lol: I think there are a canny few on here that had that during Hull at home in 2014.

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It’s the way of things.. look at Ticketmaster with their fucking “dynamic pricing” model. Charging over €900 for a vip ticket to Coldplay. Some chump will pay it and justify the whole thing.


I don’t go to many games, certainly not as much as I’d like to. So when I do I don’t mind paying a bit extra to ensure I get one.


But can also see why regular match goers would be pissed off too. They’ll repent soon.

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10 hours ago, Wandy said:


Yeah, facebook and twitter has been full of absolute cockends, saying if you aren't prepared to pay the £74 for a ticket then don't bother entering the ballot. Absolute cunts the lot of them.

Welcome, I’ve disliked the majority of our fans for years :lol:

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On a more serious note, I’ve had this chat with many sensible fans of different teams over the years. More or less, every fan I’ve spoken to thinks they have a claim on the stupidest fans in football. I think what it boils down to is that football is so mainstream popular, and people in general are unbearably stupid, so with football you notice it more. More fans equals more knackerjobs. I’ve said for many years that our fans are our greatest asset and biggest problem, depending on the circumstances. 

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11 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:


You might be having your canon moment re our fans tbh :lol: I think there are a canny few on here that had that during Hull at home in 2014.


The last time I was in the stadium.

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Disliking a lot of your own fans does have a big impact on how you feel about football or it does for me at least. Football is a collective experience in the ground and a lot of the enjoyment can come from that shared experience. When you realise that you’re sharing it with a lot of knackers it can take the shine off

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16 minutes ago, gbandit said:

Disliking a lot of your own fans does have a big impact on how you feel about football or it does for me at least. Football is a collective experience in the ground and a lot of the enjoyment can come from that shared experience. When you realise that you’re sharing it with a lot of knackers it can take the shine off

Bit like reading this forum ! :bluestar:

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5 hours ago, gbandit said:

Disliking a lot of your own fans does have a big impact on how you feel about football or it does for me at least. Football is a collective experience in the ground and a lot of the enjoyment can come from that shared experience. When you realise that you’re sharing it with a lot of knackers it can take the shine off


A lot of the knackers can make the best atmosphere as well though. The knackers don't make for comfortable reading on social media, but I don't really use it much, it would do my head in reading that shit every day.

When I started going to football matches they used to be handing NF leaflets outside the ground, but it did get better, and it used to be jumping in the Gallowgate back then.

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18 hours ago, Wandy said:


Yeah, facebook and twitter has been full of absolute cockends, saying if you aren't prepared to pay the £74 for a ticket then don't bother entering the ballot. Absolute cunts the lot of them.


That's not an NUFC fan thing, that's a general British public thing. "I'm alright, so fuck the rest of you" is an attitude more prevalent than ever.

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5 hours ago, gbandit said:

Disliking a lot of your own fans does have a big impact on how you feel about football or it does for me at least. Football is a collective experience in the ground and a lot of the enjoyment can come from that shared experience. When you realise that you’re sharing it with a lot of knackers it can take the shine off


Almost all of that for me is from social media but this summer has been beyond the pale, mirroring the shambolic communication and implementation of stuff from the club. The fall out from the ticket lark with the prices, to the patter after the release of the CL packages, to the holier-than-thou elitism from some fans, to the 'can't afford it don't buy it, it'll sell anyway' & 'it'll help FFP' patter and this ballot stuff.


At games though, mainly aways (2/3 last season I've been to in the away end on my own), I've never felt more looked after and amongst the camaraderie from our fans as I have at those games. Home games in the pubs before and after likewise but I get a stronger feeling of that at aways. Social media however is the total antithesis. Burnsie, the fans who come out with that patter listed above, fucking weirdos like Gallant, sanctimonious wannabe ITKs such as that Baz prick et al, all as embarrassing and hatred inducing as the last.

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25 minutes ago, TRon said:


A lot of the knackers can make the best atmosphere as well though. The knackers don't make for comfortable reading on social media, but I don't really use it much, it would do my head in reading that shit every day.

When I started going to football matches they used to be handing NF leaflets outside the ground, but it did get better, and it used to be jumping in the Gallowgate back then.

God I remember that, mid 80s - they used to setup a stall at the corner of the west stand (Milburn now) and the Gallowgate end, sort of where Bobby Robson statue is now. Mad when you think it about it, but good riddance to them.


Gallowgate end back then was mental, especially the "corner" and the " scoreboard".

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