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29 minutes ago, B-more Mag said:

The whole "they wanted the CAT first" thing doesn't hold water, either, given it's subject to a jurisdictional challenge, the hearing of which may not happen for months, and which might result in the CAT case being stayed (or dismissed). Even if the jurisdictional challenge is denied outright, there's still a good chance the arbitration goes forward before a substantive hearing on the CAT case.

I thought it was known the jurisdictional challenge had already failed and only challenge left was wether it was to be public or private? That’s how I’ve followed things. No expert obviously. Pretty much sure this was confirmed yesterday.

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1 hour ago, manorpark said:


They would want to make their comment seem (at least) a little bit real !!


They could hardly say "thankfully" could they . . . 




And Staveley’s husbands tweet? Honestly the desperation by some to see this as a positive is frightening. 

The PL have been stalling from day one and they’ve managed to get arbitration stalled for another 6 months. I’ll bet they are delighted 



Edited by gdm

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I'm pretty sure it is done too.  Maybe with all the calls for transparency the PL looked at Fat Mike and said, "if we're to be transparent so will you".  Everybody kind of forgets what a total dick that Mike Ashley is when the focus is on the PL.  Both the EPL AND Mike Ashley have treated the fans with disdain.  Stavely is coming across as incredibly naive and the media hacks and twitter kings are like a bunch of cats in heat.


f em all

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4 minutes ago, gdm said:

And Staveley’s husbands tweet? Honestly the desperation by some to see this as a positive is frightening. 

The PL have been stalling from day one and they’ve managed to get arbitration stalled for another 6 months. I’ll bet they are delighted 




If it was the Premier league that stalled it 

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18 minutes ago, LFEE said:

I thought it was known the jurisdictional challenge had already failed and only challenge left was wether it was to be public or private? That’s how I’ve followed things. No expert obviously. Pretty much sure this was confirmed yesterday.


There were rumors of it failing, which are unfounded. The current stance is that the PL filed its application on jurisdiction (i.e., the challenge to the CAT's jurisdiction), St James Holdings filed its response, and the PL got an extension of time to July 12th in which to file its reply to that response (which it has now presumably done). The next step is for it to be set in for a hearing. (See https://www.catribunal.org.uk/sites/default/files/2021-07/1402_StJames_Reasoned_Order_020721.pdf for all this.) In another case before the CAT, in which a jurisdictional challenge was apparently filed in May, the CAT scheduled a hearing on the challenge for November. That doesn't necessarily mean the timing would be the same in our case . . . but it could be.  



Edited by B-more Mag

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1 hour ago, manorpark said:


I'm no Wraith fan, but he obviously was not 'rinsed', as you put it.


He more than held his own against that professional moron on TalkSport.


He won the battle quite easily really, could anyone else on here do as well?

nah , SJ had him all over , could you do better? 

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I do wonder what documents might not have been filed on time.


If I'm on either side and was intent on kicking the can down the road, what I'd have done is dump loads of documents at the last minute and asked loads of extra questions for evidence from the other side, right at 1 minute before the extended deadline.


We so far only have a couple of journalists who have said it was failures on both sides, neither of which I much trust due to their behaviour, but hey it could well be the case that they're right, even for such a confidential process.


Not saying this was any part of a plan at all either, just thinking that to me that arbitration always seemed like it would likely only go one way, because of the way it was set up.


Oh well, it'll keep us all busy till our next pre season loss anyway.

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Were effectively under a transfer embargo of at least 2years because of this faff on - our punishment for nearly getting rid of a club destroying owner who  unlike every other owner/club in football would welcome that punishment.

Sod this for a game of soliders like.


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14 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

Were effectively under a transfer embargo of at least 2years because of this faff on


Made two of our most expensive ever signings last summer in Wilson and Lewis. Fraser, Hendrick and Gillespie all through the door as well, plus Willock of course. 


I'm sure we'll make signings eventually this summer, we always just move at a glacial pace. It'll be the bargain bin this time, mind; for the first time in Bruce's tenure, I hasten to add. 

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20 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

Have to say i did think Jordan pretty much had an answer for everything Wraith threw at him unfortunately. 


Fuck Wraith, one thing Jordan is totally wrong on that it's because of piracy. The arbitration is purely only to do with seperation as stated by the high court appeal judge. I believe the legal findings of the French Court and the WTO report any day before Jordan, Jacobs or Edwards; neither which found that there was any actual proof that the Saudi state was directly responsible for the piracy. It's no use thinking they were, you have to have that evidence in a legal context to prrove they actually were. 



Edited by et tu brute

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Pair of self serving attention whores, 10% valid arguments, 90% measuring phalluses, if only they'd measure the ones on their head they'd be unbeatable. Both deserve neither time, worry nor effort.

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22 minutes ago, Mattoon said:

Pair of self serving attention whores, 10% valid arguments, 90% measuring phalluses, if only they'd measure the ones on their head they'd be unbeatable. Both deserve neither time, worry nor effort.

Its a funny one. The look at me gene is strong in those ones…you think they both believe their schtick? 

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It's makes me so fucking miserable that NUFC can't win anything at all, whether it be on or off the field. We are jinxed and destined to never have anything good come our way.

Fuck football.

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I live in Norwich and those fuckers have been all the way down to League 1 and climbed all the way up again. 


In that time we've done absolutely fuck all and there is every chance Norwich will do the double over us this coming season. 


They've got Hanley at CB ffs and we're still not much better tactically [emoji38]

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13 hours ago, Robster said:

It's makes me so fucking miserable that NUFC can't win anything at all, whether it be on or off the field. We are jinxed and destined to never have anything good come our way.

Fuck football.


Is the curse of SJP real? :sad:




In 1650, paranoia and fear of witch-craft filled Newcastle and surrounding towns. The town would perform ‘witch-pricking’ to differentiate the women from the witches. Margaret Brown was found guilty of witch-craft and sentenced to public execution along with 13 others. She did not bleed after being pricked, thus being deemed to have a devil’s mark on her body, or so the story goes. Despite pleading her innocence, the town took amusement from Brown’s suffering, along with others that were hung near St James Park. The last ever hanging took place in 1844 at the city’s execution gallows, just one mile away from St James Park. Some fans believe that this curse has haunted them since the clubs founding in 1892.




Edited by Armchair Pundit

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10 minutes ago, Wandy said:

The article in The Athletic is grim. This is simply never going to happen. Consider me fully back in the pessimistic camp.



Realistic camp ;)

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Below is from The Athletic....



"Could the CAT break the logjam?

In theory, yes.

In practice, nobody knows because sports disputes very rarely end up in CATs. This partly explains why the judge has given the league two extensions to gather evidence for its request to have the case thrown out because the tribunal does not have the jurisdiction for disputes such as this.

We await the judge’s ruling on this matter but if anyone thinks this tribunal is a shortcut to a takeover, they could be in for a further disappointment. As of today, there is only one hearing scheduled in July before a summer break. The next set of dates for case management conferences are in October and the three cases in question started in 2018.

There are 105 active cases on the tribunal’s diary list — only one is newer than Newcastle’s.

What does this mean for Newcastle on the field in 2021-22?

In all likelihood that Ashley will remain owner for the vast majority of the season. At least."



104th in a list of 105 cases.  This will take years to resolve and the Saudis simply won't wait that long. It's over.

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