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Guest reefatoon
  On 19/11/2021 at 19:54, xLiaaamx said:

Joint Assistant Managers is so odd. Who's actually in charge in the touchline? I trust Tindall to stick to Eddie's plan more. 


It’s really odd. Jones was talking about definitely staying and being an assistant before we even brought a manager in [emoji38] Its like he just decided he isn’t leaving and given himself a title.



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  On 19/11/2021 at 20:17, reefatoon said:

It’s really odd. Jones was talking about definitely staying and being an assistant before we even brought a manager in [emoji38] Its like he has just decided he isn’t leaving and given himself a title.


It’s likely he’s got one of Ashley’s special contracts 



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  On 06/11/2021 at 22:42, CherryPie said:

Lifelong Bournemouth fan here (since the mid-80s). Have been following this thread since the spotlight fell on Eddie. Was going to contribute earlier, but @cherryredbeat me to it and said a lot of the same things I would’ve. 

It’s been interesting to watch the mood evolve from sceptical/disappointed to real optimism and excitement around his appointment as you guys get to know (through vids/articles etc) a bit more about him as a manager and as a man. 

I hope that the tens of thousands of fans that aren’t on this forum will give him the same chance as it looks like you will. Unlike some other Cherries, I actually think this could be a match made in heaven, so long as the owners and fans can buy into Eddie’s long term vision. Eddie will bring a work-ethic, passion, intelligence and relentless desire to better not just himself and the players, but every aspect of the club and its facilities. The fact that he can be so devoted to coaching the team and every individual within it whilst simultaneously having huge and crystal clear vision for a club more broadly is pretty unparalleled. He may not give you the immediate shot in the arm of a Big Sam, but if you stick with him (whether staying up or going down) he could build you a dynasty.


And to show that I’m happy to put my money and time where my mouth is, the lad and I have just bought tickets for the Brentford game so we can be there for the start of the next step in Eddie’s journey. Going to be weird properly supporting another team for the first time ever!

And don’t worry about this falling through. Jason Tindall is just negotiating where his sunbed is going to go, and Eddie just needs to make sure the owners can spell his name.

Genuinely good luck, and give the guy some time. He’s pure class. 







Absolutely devastated. Early morning tomorrow for me and the lad to come up and join the mags to celebrate the start of your new era under our hero. A chance for us to say the goodbye to Eddie that was denied us by the failure of goal line technology, lockdown and relegation. Just can’t believe that we’ll be at SJP and he won’t be. We were so excited for the match. We really know how good this guy is. Feel a bit numb. Guess it’s even worse for you guys: you are just crying out for a few things to fall into place, and the whole city will be out to support Eddie’s new era, but it seems like fate has stuck her middle finger up at you again. Don’t know what to do now. This match has been keeping me going since the prospect of Eddie joining you gained traction. Gutted.




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