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The idea of Ibe :anguish: Kid is fucking horrific.


I thought Rafa was super keen on him but got priced out by Bournemouth in that season we were in the championship?



Ibe was the Harry Wilson of 2016. Was rated as the next biggest thing. Much like Wilson, so big Liverpool aren't bothered about keeping him and playing him.


Saw him play for Derby, wasn't that impressed tbh. He stood out as having general class but thought he was slow and wasteful. Thats the complete opposite of what he is though! Might have been just back from injury or something.


Maybe we do still want a player for wide right in addition to a wingback, seems a bit much. Hope we go back for Bowen if thats the case. 

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Personally think most of those links are bollocks, just lazy reporting to get clicks and fill spaces.

fairly safe to assume any link with anyone over the age of 26 is probably complete made up bollocks. Honestly don't know how the likes of the Sun keep getting away with obviously making shit up yet people all over keep buying into the bullshit and no one calls them out on being utter frauds


Aye, just pages and pages of pure unchallenged bullshit.


In this case it’s just as likely the reporters are getting it directly from Bruce: “Elmo, Wor Andy, James Mac - I told Lee to sign them all.” Direct quotes from the Toon boss! Hold the back page!


Too bad Charsley then chuckles and turns to Nickson’s list.

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Brummie, your first season in the Championship with Bruce, I worked in an around Aston probably 10 times that year and we often ended up in a local Villa fans pub once or twice on match days and the majority we come across/talked to seemed not just happy with Bruce, but thought the football was entertaining.


I know you didn’t go up that year and Bruce was eventually peddled, but I know even mackems who said under Bruce the football was good in the main, did you lot actually play decent stuff under Bruce or did it just seem decent enough based on the level and the shite served up under MON?


Or were people too blind to see it was shite?


I think Newcastle’s football under Bruce will be more entertaining than the football played under Rafa, but in a more disorganised and obvious clueless caution to the wind type of way meaning more drubbings and more losses.


I can see some of the more attacking players individually doing better under Bruce and someone like Shelvey being more important to the team. Shape, organisation, defensive solidity and being able to withstand pressure, nullify the opposition and every player off the ball coming together so the team itself performs better than the sum of its parts, however, follows Rafa out the door.


Glad to see you posting Brummie and I for one am happy for you your club is back and looking very healthy indeed, on and off the pitch. I hope you have a good season ?




Thanks for the nice words :)


In the early days, we were in the championship, we'd just emerged from a spell of - no exaggeration - 5 or 6 years of utterly horrifying bilge. Anything was an improvement. We were playing shit teams, so winning far more. For a while, the loan players he brought in started to click a little and things looked better.


Bruce's problems really emerge when the team is up against it - he starts blaming all and sundry, everyone but himself - the fans, the players, pretty much anyone. He lost a lot of support when he started doing that.


He also played the "some of them will never like me because I used to manage Blues" card, which is exactly what you're going to hear re Sunderland at some point.


What you have to understand about him is that he doesn't really have a football ethos - he is from the MON brand of 'slap them on the back, get them pumped up and send them out there' management. That works to a certain degree, but no further. Beyond that, it really is up to the players to make things happen, because they'll get no tactical guidance from the manager.


The best example of those limitations is what happened in the play off final against Fulham. The contrast between us (barely a shot on goal) and Fulham, a team set up to play in a certain, attacking style, was brutally clear.


The other thing about Bruce is that he's a 'streaky' manager - he'll go on decent winning runs, then launch into a horrific run. I think that's partly because his 'gee the lads up' style tends to mean that his teams are confidence teams - when it is there, they'll do alright, when it's not, it's horrible viewing.


There are worse managers out there, for sure, but he's very much one of the type where, if their team plays some nice stuff, it's mostly because they've stumbled across it themselves rather than through any way the manager has sent them out to play.


Has he brought Steve Agnew with him? His arrival with us (he didn't join when Bruce did) coincided with a slight uplift in attacking menace. If he has come, that's a good sign, a positive.


Color me shocked

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I like Jordan Ibe. It may have been a question of too much too soon in his career, and he's underachieved. But we seem to be prepared to take one or two gambles and if he reaches his potential we'll have a very good player.

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Haven't read any of the articles themselves but I'm getting pig sick of The Chronicle's 'analyses' of our transfer policy as if it's related to actually trying to improve the team via some footballing process.


I've stood up for the paper in the past because I understand the ticket of Newcastle United; it's their main selling point so they have a significant amount of risk in being overly critical. But they've been utterly spineless this summer and they're just party to the whole charade at this point.

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Haven't read any of the articles themselves but I'm getting pig sick of The Chronicle's 'analyses' of our transfer policy as if it's related to actually trying to improve the team via some footballing process.


I've stood up for the paper in the past because I understand the ticket of Newcastle United; it's their main selling point so they have a significant amount of risk in being overly critical. But they've been utterly spineless this summer and they're just party to the whole charade at this point.

I clicked on their website yesterday when someone said they linked us to someone. The top story was Bruce’s press conference, then an interview with one of the Sayers, then an article on the 5 things we learnt about Joelinton, then every story afterwards was pretty much paid for advertising articles on Jet 2 holidays etc.
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Murphy for Bowen swap deal would be good - even paying 10m on top.

Murphy is not ready and after two seasons, should be further along than he is.


One right back is definitely needed - what happened to that Sidibe link from a few weeks ago? Or that Swedish guy even though he does seem no better than Yedlin.


In terms of using loans properly, getting Bakayoko from Chelsea to cover centre mid would be good. Or that Man U youngster that was on loan to Villa to cover the right side.


Think that would do the job tbh.


I'd rather get Carroll in as a free transfer (over Austin) for one season or two - a) to get it out of the way and at least now when he's still only 30. Not a bad option and different to the other options. Otherwise he'll still be linked every summer until he's 35 ('to do a job' for us) or retired. I'm not too fussed about that young Argentine from Inter - too many raw players is also not good - some experience is definitely needed.


Out - Murphy, Colback, Lazaar, Saivet, Elliot, Clark,



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I think Carroll would be a disaster for our football, especially now we have a PFM manager in place who has no idea how to set up a passing team.


Did you see the match yesterday? Second half we played some really good stuff


Do you think that was Bruce or the past three years of coaching drilled by Rafa?



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I think Carroll would be a disaster for our football, especially now we have a PFM manager in place who has no idea how to set up a passing team.


Did you see the match yesterday? Second half we played some really good stuff


Do you think that was Bruce or the past three years of coaching drilled by Rafa?


Both. It was drastically different in style/tactics in the second half. Very attacking.

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Murphy for Bowen swap deal would be good - even paying 10m on top.

Murphy is not ready and after two seasons, should be further along than he is.


One right back is definitely needed - what happened to that Sidibe link from a few weeks ago? Or that Swedish guy even though he does seem no better than Yedlin.


In terms of using loans properly, getting Bakayoko from Chelsea to cover centre mid would be good. Or that Man U youngster that was on loan to Villa to cover the right side.


Think that would do the job tbh.


I'd rather get Carroll in as a free transfer (over Austin) for one season or two - a) to get it out of the way and at least now when he's still only 30. Not a bad option and different to the other options. Otherwise he'll still be linked every summer until he's 35 ('to do a job' for us) or retired. I'm not too fussed about that young Argentine from Inter - too many raw players is also not good - some experience is definitely needed.


Out - Murphy, Colback, Lazaar, Saivet, Elliot, Clark,




I'm not sure a right back is essential.  In an ideal world, yeah i'd like an upgrade but if we're planning on playing three at the back then I think Yedlin and Manquillo are a 'good enough for now' solution.  CM and out and out striker is a higher priority in my opinion.

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I think Carroll would be a disaster for our football, especially now we have a PFM manager in place who has no idea how to set up a passing team.


Did you see the match yesterday? Second half we played some really good stuff


Do you think that was Bruce or the past three years of coaching drilled by Rafa?


Both. It was drastically different in style/tactics in the second half. Very attacking.


I expect us to have a honeymoon period where we might see the players playing some decent football for the first month or two, then the wheels will start falling off. That is when we will see what Steve Bruce is really made of. Rafa was brilliant during the bad spells, very clear on his objectives, and his teams emerged stronger because of it.


Steve Bruce would quickly resort to lumping it long towards Carroll if we had him in the side.

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