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Newcastle United 1 - 1 Watford (15/01/2022)


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1 minute ago, Interested owl said:

Wednesday fan.. interested in your current position, look at my team, solid depression. First time I’ve watched you this season, thought wood a good signing. Your best players tonight.. Linton, never lost ball, never gave it away either. Tripper, smashing tackle. His goal was messi esc.. but your carrying that maximin donkey! He fucked you a few times as well as lacells. We had a fan favourite jj. Watched him go from defensive corner to opposite attacking corner skin the whole team then belt it out of play, you would be better with him. Take the gay looking lad from Norwich.. light years above your forward options. Good luck lads, I want you to smash all the wankers at the top currently. I would love it if you did that.

Canny effort to fit homophobia into your first ever post on a forum

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Lascelles man absolutely terrible. No awareness and a liability. We need a whole new midfield to even have a chance of staying up. 

Can't see it happening and can't see us staying up. We don't deserve to stay up anyway let's be honest, we are without doubt one of the bottom 3 teams in the league and have been the entire season. 


Can't beat Cambridge or Watford at home. That's so fucking bad. 

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Guest neesy111

That 2nd half was rotten.  Even our goal had to come from a mistake initially from their RB.

We didn't deserve to win that match.



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Everytime we go ahead and the opposition start to pressure us we've got no plan other than to sit back.  Howe has no answer to it.  Taking off our main outlet 5 minutes from time is about as far from helping as you can get. 

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5 minutes ago, WillingtonMag said:

Not sure what Eddie Howe done wrong today like, we were the better team and set us up well. Ours players completely lost their heads in the last 20 minutes.

Miggy wants shot today like. He's specifically brought on to lock down the left flank and cover Dummet. And he switches off and watches the ball. Prior to that Wood was weak as fuck holding the ball up, nothing stuck with him. And Lascelles is just another Steven Taylor, hes been masquerading as a PL centre halve for too long. All shoulders and no fucking brains. Fuck off!

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2 minutes ago, LV said:

Get in the sea man. Him and Ashley are why we are where we are. Blaming Howe for it all, fuck me 

Howe was never the man to keep us up though imo and so far it's looking like he won't. 

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Cant really blame Howe, he has inherited a shit squad and although not winning has got them playing better. January transfer window is hard enough without being the new most hated team in the prem so best we could do was Wood. Players don't know how to win and totally bottled it as soon as it looked possible. Not sure if it can be fixed now and not sure if anyone else of any quality will want to come now. The whole team needs a refresh as it's full of championship players at best and confidence is completely shot. 

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6 minutes ago, Dr.Spaceman said:


We've literally failed to beat Norwich and Watford at home. We may as well have held onto Bruce at this rate.


I think it's probably what some of you lot deserve actually. Mike Ashley and Bruce.

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4 minutes ago, olliemort said:

ASM??, i dont get the hate for this lad at all

Agree he is not our "problem", but we could have played with 10 men first half, he was hopeless.


Second half better.


I like the guy, but that first half was a disaster.



Edited by High Five o

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General feeling around me at the ground were that we were dominant for the most part, apart from about 15 mins, and I would agree.


We looked shot after about 70 mins. First half we were completely in control, but chance creation was as it has been for a while… half chances and scuffs, but good all round play, good ball retention.


Great goal by ASM, but overall he was shite. Correct decision to take him off, even if Almiron was slightly at fault for ball watching.


Genuinely unlucky I think. Watford were crap apart from about 3 good breaks on us.

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Shite result, but completely deserved after going to pieces following ASM's goal. That looked like Bruceball to be honest, heavy legged, passing it directly to them, dropping deeper and deeper. Even then, we would probably have got away with it if not for weak as piss defending from the only decent cross they hit all match.


Wood was anonymous. Very disappointing.


I know they have limited players at their disposal, but couldn't Howe and co done something to stem the tide? We were under pressure for at least twenty minutes before they scored.


I had been hopeful going into this, but the relegationometer goes up to eight. If the transfer window closes with no additions, we're definitely down.



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I don't know if Howe is a problem tbh, I feel like it wouldn't matter who we have as manager. The players seem to have forgotten how to play, their confidence is shot to shit, we look like a side that's accepted it's fate. I'm starting to wonder if we actually need relegation to clear out some deadwood, play at a lower level to build ourselves back up from scratch in an environment that would give us time to gel a better team together and build a winning mentality. Maybe it's what's been scripted all along, both us and Rafa need to hit the reset button, fall in love with it all again... I just hope that if it takes a relegation to do that then the owners will bear with it and see the potential of the bigger picture.

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2 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

General feeling around me at the ground were that we were dominant for the most part, apart from about 15 mins, and I would agree.


We looked shot after about 70 mins. First half we were completely in control, but chance creation was as it has been for a while… half chances and scuffs, but good all round play, good ball retention.


Great goal by ASM, but overall he was shite. Correct decision to take him off, even if Almiron was slightly at fault for ball watching.


Genuinely unlucky I think. Watford were crap apart from about 3 good breaks on us.

Pretty much how I saw the game, its so frustrating as its just a carbon copy of whats happened so many times this season.

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We can blame Howe for this, because he could have reacted to Ranieri’s changes and change what’s wrong. However he made horrible substitutions, no reaction and we completely lost the control of the game.


I’m sick of people blaming Ashley and Bruce for every mistake he makes. We had completely chance to win this game with these players. Howe just DID NOT react to changes. Look at Watford side, we had players to win this at home. And the absolutely same thing last week. We are poor, but not that poor. It’s all about management. Howe is not good enough for this task.

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7 minutes ago, olliemort said:

ASM??, i dont get the hate for this lad at all

He's a stroppy cunt, and for me we need grafters, a moment of brilliance counts for nothing when he doesn't do the basics a lot of the time. He would much rather turn his back on the ball and throw his hands up than chase the second ball. He is the best of the shite but that doesn't mean he's good. He's in the same class as adama traore and sissoko

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Fucking terrible management to try to lay low and keep on to the lead the whole fucking second half, inviting Watford straight in and they honestly should have won it. ASM should have been subbed earlier, everyone could see he was done. Wood, wont fit in with the playstyle that Howe is trying to keep. Lacelles should be stripped of captancy and just put on the bench. I would rather let a u18 player get a chance rather than keep him in at this point. And our midfield is fucking passengers bar Joelinton that run around the whole fucking pitch.


If Howe comes out with his fucking Bruce-esque dust ow seelf doon shit im done with him. They were awful when we pressured and attacked straight on, yet he elected to push the team back and try to protect when we all well know how fucking gash we are to soak pressure. And Dummet on the left got attacked so hard and im amazed that they didnt get more out of it, he was out of position not knowing where their player was so many times. Look back at the game and you'll see he is suddenly almost hugging Lacelles when the man on the wing is so free.


He got a shit team to begin with but his decisions to use Ritchie, Clark, Darlow, trying to use Shelvey in a 2 man midfield. All of these were fucking terrible decisions to start with. I have truly very negative emotions regarding his prowess in this job, and I wouldnt let him decide any signings at this point.


And us not having secured probably the MOST needed positions CM and 2 CBs is fucking atrocious and that should not be overlooked. Yes the marked is hard, yes you dont want to get taken advantage off. But if we want to stay in the league they need to understand that we might need to actually do that.

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Lascelles has to be replaced. get carlos in now. our midfield is so bad, so unatheltic. Its scary to think how much worse we would be if we hadnt discovered that our #9 last year is a solid option in midfied. Imagine playing shelvey longstaff and hendrick. beggars belief

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