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Guest HTT II
17 minutes ago, Paullow said:

Wouldn't have been too surprised if it was a Sunderland fan pretending for all the 'different breed up there' shite, but aye, seems to be a genuine Newcastle fan, and it's grim stuff. Christ knows what he's thinking.


Nah, I know they have their knackers on RTG, but no real and genuine SAFC fan would do that, mind no real and genuine NUFC fan would too, I bet he’s never been to a Toon game in his life and walks around in mid May with boxers, shirtless, and wearing rockports while swigging from a can of Carling with a staffi in tow.



Edited by HTT II

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

Nah, I know they have their knackers on RTG, but no real and genuine SAFC fan would do that, mind no real and genuine NUFC would too, I bet he’s never been to a Toon game in his life and walks around in mid May with boxers, shirtless, and wearing rockports while swigging from a can of Carling with a staffing in tow.

Going off his FB that I've seen, he looks the stereotypical charva/wannabee gangsta, with a rotty in tow. I bet he's thick enough to be enjoying all of this attention - until some proper hard Mags/Mackems turn up at his door.

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Guest HTT II
4 minutes ago, madras said:

Be honest, it's not a new thing.

It’s not, but its increasing amongst a certain age group of young/ish kids and young adults. In my day (I know), as twattish as we could be as kids, you generally were kept in check by your parents or elders who’d give you a slap for doing that shit. I just think there is now a massive lack of decency in people in general here in England I’ve not seen elsewhere in the world. From kids to fully grown adults!

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2 hours ago, Lazarus said:

…Football is cyclical - in 10 or 15 or 20 years time things will change and it could be us on the bones of our arse, again, in a lower division, again. Its not gonna last forever, we know this. The mackems being in league 1 isnt gonna last forever. If only they could direct their energy at themselves they would have a hell of a club.

Agreed but…


Top 4 now Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arse


Top 4 10 years ago Man City, Man U, Arse, Spurs

Top 4 15 years ago Man U, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal


Top 4 20 years ago Arsenal, Liverpool, Man U, Newcastle


It’s cyclical to a point, Even if Mike Ashley didn’t exist you can see why a lot of people struggle to give a fuck any more.


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13 minutes ago, leffe186 said:

Agreed but…


Top 4 now Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arse


Top 4 10 years ago Man City, Man U, Arse, Spurs

Top 4 15 years ago Man U, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal


Top 4 20 years ago Arsenal, Liverpool, Man U, Newcastle


It’s cyclical to a point, Even if Mike Ashley didn’t exist you can see why a lot of people struggle to give a fuck any more.



It's the same in almost every league. Nothing new, just new people getting tired of the same thing older people got tired with a long time ago.


Just a few examples:

Bayern have been outside of the top four 7 times since 1964

Real Madrid has been outside of the top four 13 times since 1929

Ajax has been outside of the top four 5 times since 1961

Anderlecht has been outside the top four 1 time since 1987

Club Brugge has been outside the top four 2 times since 1987

Juventus has been outside the top four 17 times (including relegation & Serie B season due to match fixing) since 1949

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11 minutes ago, Conjo said:


It's the same in almost every league. Nothing new, just new people getting tired of the same thing older people got tired with a long time ago.


Just a few examples:

Bayern have been outside of the top four 7 times since 1964

Real Madrid has been outside of the top four 13 times since 1929

Ajax has been outside of the top four 5 times since 1961

Anderlecht has been outside the top four 1 time since 1987

Club Brugge has been outside the top four 2 times since 1987

Juventus has been outside the top four 17 times (including relegation & Serie B season due to match fixing) since 1949

It’s always related to how well your own club is doing too. Becomes very tempting to take your own disappointment at your team and move it outwards to encompass the whole game in such a way as to not look fickle. Hornby does this in Fever Pitch but does cop to it, in fairness. 

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2 hours ago, Paully said:

What a tit




What a fucking tosser really pissed me off watching that. Would genuinely love to see a follow up video of some Mackem caving that cunts head in. His Facebook profile rather predictable as well - some Chav with a dog. Vermin 



Edited by Pokerprince2004

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1 hour ago, madras said:

Be honest, it's not a new thing.


I actually think kids these days in general are better behaved now than they were when I was a young lad. They just have various social media platforms to show off their cu tidiness which people my age (born in 1990) didn’t have.




sad if that lad is a dad though

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This is from rtg. Don't know if it's for real or not.




"The lads reply:

To Sunderland fans,

Just like to take a minute to apologise over the video of me urinating over a statue at the SOL. I realise that our rivalry is intense but I overstepped the mark and my video was below the belt and disrespectful to Bob Stokoe’s family and Sunderland fans. It lacked class and was insensitive.

I fully understand my actions will have consequences but it’s me and only me who is responsible, not my family and friends.

Not expecting many to accept my apology but better to show remorse than non at all"

"Word by word from him. I don’t know the lad, just a friend of a friend."

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It’s disgraceful what the tramp cunt did, but their reaction to it shows their bias. One of their fans shat in the stadium, another pissed in the metro station in Sunderland and a mackem fat lass got naked in the fountain at Trafalgar Square ffs. For every mag tramp there’s five mackem tramps. Shithole cunts.

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No whatboutery needed here, lads a knacker and should get pulled on a public order charge. Just have to hope someone doesn’t make a name by howking him all over (even if some may think he deserves one).


Think there’s a reply from him when it’s brought to his attention that Stokoe was a great servant of NUFC; he says no Newcastle fan likes Stokoe (or something like that). Absolute whopper, the flowers he pissed on need replacing and I’d place a half n half scarf on there as well. I’m just glad Stokoe isn’t around to have witnessed it.

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It's worth pointing out that his 'apology' has been passed 2nd hand to RTG - it was probably written by his dad/brother and so, far, hasn't been posted on his social media accounts. I suspect the family are trying to limit any damage, but that the little kernt will be loving the bother he is causing.


BTW - any Mag that thinks what he did is funny and class, deserves a good shoeing too.

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It's the fact that he's gone and posted it on social media that's the stupidest shit you'd expect from this generation


I understand the rivalry and some people doing shit like this as an extreme but showboating it on social media with your face showing is one of the stupidest things you can do


All for the sake of looking like a 'mag lad'. Idiot.



Edited by Amir_9

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1 hour ago, UncleBuzzcocks said:

It’s disgraceful what the tramp cunt did, but their reaction to it shows their bias. One of their fans shat in the stadium, another pissed in the metro station in Sunderland and a mackem fat lass got naked in the fountain at Trafalgar Square ffs. For every mag tramp there’s five mackem tramps. Shithole cunts.


you have caused quite a stir on RTG 

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7 hours ago, HTT II said:

It’s not, but its increasing amongst a certain age group of young/ish kids and young adults. In my day (I know), as twattish as we could be as kids, you generally were kept in check by your parents or elders who’d give you a slap for doing that shit. I just think there is now a massive lack of decency in people in general here in England I’ve not seen elsewhere in the world. From kids to fully grown adults!

I'm not sure it is, just we are getting older and take more notice of it, added to social media making it seem like more. Spent the weekend catching up with some old friends, lads from Newbiggin Hall and West Denton way, lads I've know between 50 and 40yrs and the stuff we remembered going on (not us, we were too soft) makes much of today's stuff quite tame.

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Don't need to get into whataboutery about this to be fair, so what if some of their knackers did what they did? Doesn't take anything at all away from what this absolute thundercunt did to that statue and the flowers that were used as a memorial.

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Even though the lad in question has been universally criticised, they'll be absolutely loving this. The only thing that gets them going more than being liked by random League One outfits is being seen as the "classier" club.

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I see the organiser of their flag display is insinuating that WF isn't entirely fan-funded.


Probably an angle for them to use to claim that ours is 'cringey' and theirs isn't.



Edited by Sima

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