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Now That's What I Call Transfer Rumours! 7


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Just now, Elliottman said:

So what man? Most clubs have players they would prefer to improve. I was sitting next to liverpools fans last night and they were booting off with most of their midfield ‘it’s the same every week’ - that’s football. Longstaff and Murphy will be replaced… In time. Chill oot ?

They just signed a stop-gap midfielder because of the lack of quality/depth tbf.

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

We need to stop thinking about a year ago, that mindset needs to be wiped away now, we are a totally different club. Had we pushed the boat out which we certainly haven’t, even considering Botman and Isak, we could have quickened up the ‘project’ by a few years this season. It appears 30m could have had Pedro for example and I get FFP and all that shite, but that’s like hedging your bets, go big or go home.


Aye I get that in general but it's not just a year ago, you're still talking about wiping 15 years of neglect away in two windows. I think across the two windows we've done just about as much as we possibly could, without knowing all the financial details we operate under. Don't forget we didn't even have any structure in place in January, so this is the first window where that executive structure existed.

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Really good window.


It's all about strengthening the squad rather than my deadline day entertainment, as much as I'd have loved another signing.


We were a RW starter signing away from a perfect window imo. If the right player wasn't available then I'm pleased they've held off signing someone they weren't crazy about. Hopefully it means going in for Diaby or Harrison or João Pedro in January. It's easy to forget that only 5 starting players remain from before the takeover, or 6 if you include Wilson, and from those we probably only want to replace 2 of them at the most right now: a RW and an AM.

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2 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

Wished we got another CM or attacker. But made some quality squad additions.


I'll say it one last time. I wouldn't have minded Burn being first choice LCB if it meant we spent Botman money on an attacker or midfielder. But anyway - we are stacked in defence now. Fro January onwards let's start really adding quality to midfield and attack. Isak is a great start. Bruno was a brilliant move. We've got one of the best managers in the league.




Wished we signed an attacking CM or holding mid of top quality (Kone, Alvarez, Maddison, Paqueta, etc) but I'm happy with our overall window and love the direction our club is heading. Time to just sit back and enjoy football again and keep making strides towards our goals of competing at the top end of this league for the forseeable future.



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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

We didn’t need him, then we signed him, two good ‘keepers so that’s strength in depth, then we get rid of one. Now we are kind of back to square one, although Pope is the better ‘keeper. Look I’m relatively happy, I’ve said a few times I like our business, but this feels like a bit of a missed opportunity!

I mean, you’re saying about Darlow being second choice.. Dubs managed like 25 starts last season (13 the season before that). Not sure what you’re going for here like, we badly needed a new no.1. Good luck trying to convince Dubs to stick around on the bench at his age when he’s got an offer from Man United on the table, never that straightforward.

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

We didn’t need him, then we signed him, two good ‘keepers so that’s strength in depth, then we get rid of one. Now we are kind of back to square one, although Pope is the better ‘keeper. Look I’m relatively happy, I’ve said a few times I like our business, but this feels like a bit of a missed opportunity!

I mean, you’re saying about Darlow being second choice.. Dubs managed like 25 starts last season (13 the season before that). Not sure what you’re going for here like, we badly needed a new no.1. Good luck trying to convince Dubs to stick around on the bench at his age when he’s got an offer from Man United on the table, never that straightforward.

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

We didn’t need him, then we signed him, two good ‘keepers so that’s strength in depth, then we get rid of one. Now we are kind of back to square one, although Pope is the better ‘keeper. Look I’m relatively happy, I’ve said a few times I like our business, but this feels like a bit of a missed opportunity!

I mean, you’re saying about Darlow being second choice.. Dubs managed like 25 starts last season (13 the season before that). Not sure what you’re going for here like, we badly needed a new no.1. Good luck trying to convince Dubs to stick around on the bench at his age when he’s got an offer from Man United on the table, never that straightforward.

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Just now, Mahoneys Tache said:

‘Aaal we want is a team that tries’


6 months later: ahh howay man we ownly proved our team beyond our wildest dreams a year agan. 

fucking hell man. Get a collective grip. 


Why are you typing in a Geordie accent to denote a stupid person?


Weird stylistic choice!

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Just now, Nine said:

I mean, you’re saying about Darlow being second choice.. Dubs managed like 25 starts last season (13 the season before that). Not sure what you’re going for here like, we badly needed a new no.1. Good luck trying to convince Dubs to stick around on the bench at his age when he’s got an offer from Man United on the table, never that straightforward.

I heard you the first time!

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1 minute ago, The College Dropout said:

I'd give the window 7/10.


Signed genuine quality.


But only signed 1 out of the 3 roles I thought were most crucial.


I don't expect us to finish 7th with this current squad and qualify for Europe. 9th or 10th. But if we continue to max out the potential of the squad who knows. 

I mean, we finished 11th last season and that was after essentially giving the rest of the league a 2 month head start...


Just out of interest, if we assume the top six remains the top six, who's filling those 7th, 8th & 9th spots?

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I'm have no issue with them waiting if they feel they can get players of Botman, Bruno and Isak's calibre in January.  We desperately lack squad depth but we're a RW and CM away from having a starting 11 where the player's we're looking to improve on are Targett and Schar.  From there our current starters will become the depth.

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1 minute ago, ponsaelius said:

Quality over quantity which is what we need. 8/10 for me. Would have been a 9.5 if we'd signed a wide player too.


If we keep adding players of the age and quality of Botman/Isak every window, even if it's just 1 or 2, it's not going to take us too much longer to build a very strong XI and subs bench.


Yeah my thoughts exactly. Put January and this together and it's been pretty sensational.


As for this one specifically; Pope, Targett, Botman and Isak all appear to be guaranteed hits. We've no gaps, just lacking quality depth in probably one position (RW).


Another quality CM would make a difference to any team, but no one in their right mind should be complaining about our sixth choice in that position being Sean Longstaff. We're not in bad nick at all there. 


Fine we've not built a guaranteed Top 7 squad in the space of two windows but Christ we've made a fair crack of it. Combine it with all the other progress in all the other departments and you can't knock the level of effort and investment whatsoever.

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