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Still not worthy of a thread


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I was listening to Talksport when he made those comments, although he wasn't specific I got the impression it was more about the PL owning the " product" and his projections of income. I would've assumed it was based on similar amounts of televised games as now but an increase in subscribers worldwide.

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The thing is though he has a point.

It’s only a matter of time before they realise that the TV channels are making a profit off it and they could easily cut out the middleman.

Would you pay £8 a month for every Premier League game? Yes, would you pay £10, £20, £30, or £40? Well many already pay that and get less.

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I think they could do 15 pound a month per team,

Then if you fancy say Man City Liverpool you’re forced into paying another 15 pound

Man Utd Liverpool another 15


Before you know it your 45 down a month


Should have bought the liverpool games then you would have got both for one monthly payment.


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