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"We Are Newcastle United" on Amazon Prime


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4 minutes ago, TRon said:

First episode is pretty much what I thought it might be. Loads of fantastic material but as I feared, Shearer's monotone narration makes it sound like he's creosoting his fence. Feels like Amanda did a much better job bringing the passion when she was on screen.

Big Al’s narration is massively shite and my only niggle with it. Enjoyed seeing some of the inner workings of what goes into the business.

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4 hours ago, gbandit said:

I’m sure there are other examples of Amanda but Delia and Brady aren’t them. Brady is a fucking sour idiot who’s been lucky as fuck. Delia is a likeable character who made it in a different realm and transferred that to football, not sure what her business mind is like. Amanda is all about the business, all about making deals, playing the game

bit more of a nuanced and balanced rebuttal than my own :D

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Shola on a bike…! Some of the feedback man [emoji38]  It can only start from ‘the beginning’…! As in the takeover of the club and they’ve got to spread it out instead of just dressing room talks, players and match-days - that’ll all come, but it’s a build up and process from the club being bought with ‘some insight’, which I found personally…insightful! Nice to get an idea what the people are like at the top and finding that they’re genuine, passionate and very driven for the what club and supporters want, especially after having a massive fat prick there for so long taking the absolute piss. 

In terms of the narration, I agree with the monotone, but  it’s the content itself you’re becoming absorbed with. 

I found it stressful at times going through the emotions with certain games and knowing what’s to come with the cup final, but we know it’s all up hill still. I don’t think there was anything that stood out being too cringe. I’ll definitely be watching it through, but I know the next episode will be difficult in parts .

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On the criticism of Shearer being narrator, I don't get it


I barely notice it, now that probably says more about me and my ability to focus but I just concentrate on what I'm seeing and hearing from those on the screen, what Shearer says and how he says it is not something I particularly noticed 

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5 hours ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

On the criticism of Shearer being narrator, I don't get it


I barely notice it, now that probably says more about me and my ability to focus but I just concentrate on what I'm seeing and hearing from those on the screen, what Shearer says and how he says it is not something I particularly noticed 


Thoroughly enjoyed it. Couple of occasions I varnigh teared up ?

I understand the criticism with regard to "staging" of certain bits but thats called editing. 

Anyways, we fucking loved it. I waited until she got in from graft and we'd eaten so wasn't until 5.30 we put it on. Absolutely guarantee we'd have sat there and watched all 4 hours off the belt, if we could. 


"Enjoy the Match" 

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5 hours ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

On the criticism of Shearer being narrator, I don't get it


I barely notice it, now that probably says more about me and my ability to focus but I just concentrate on what I'm seeing and hearing from those on the screen, what Shearer says and how he says it is not something I particularly noticed 


It's just about being the right person for the job. If I want someone taking a pen to win a game I'll pick Shearer. If I want someone to express joy during a fantastic era of being a Newcastle fan, I'll pick Keegan. Not Shearer's fault in any way, he's just not someone who should be doing narration because he sounds like he's bored as fuck.

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I can’t say I was gripped by it tbh, not sure why, probably because I know the cast and story already. On the narration, sometimes it didn’t bother me, other times I felt it was a bit accidental partridge, other times very premier league years. Amanda scenes are interesting though.

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Watched it with the wife, who is more the target audience given she knows next to nothing about football.


She was furious the second episode wasn’t immediately available to watch, then spent 20 mins chewing my ear off and asking questions, then made me read out our entire team and show her pictures of those names she didn’t recognise (Jacob Murphy’s her favourite fyi).

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enjoyed it. nice insight to what was going on behind the scenes .. Loved way Amanda was so welcoming to Anthony Gordon, “anything you need you have our numbers”.. Imagine him signing during Ashley era. “anything you need go wake Brucie up and get him to nip to the Aldi”.. 

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43 minutes ago, TRon said:


It's just about being the right person for the job. If I want someone taking a pen to win a game I'll pick Shearer. If I want someone to express joy during a fantastic era of being a Newcastle fan, I'll pick Keegan. Not Shearer's fault in any way, he's just not someone who should be doing narration because he sounds like he's bored as fuck.

Ooh - Shearer’s record with pens at decisive moments really wasn’t great.  :) 

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2 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

It was a good watch, lacked any real insight but good all the same. 

I think the most interesting aspect of it was how much Amanda pushes things forwards; you can tell she’s absolutely besotted by the gaffa. 

She's just on it. Clearly loves the whole thing. Very touchy feely ?

Thought Eddie would've cringed at the Premier when she's says "Eddie adores him (Gordon)" ???

Hope he gets ribbed off the lads the teachers favourite ?

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Even though I've seen it like 10 times from the trailer, hearing Callum Wilson declare his crush on his teacher still made me snort laugh. For that alone, 10/10 documentary. Can't wait for that episode to come out :lol:


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7 hours ago, Geordie Boyo said:

Shola on a bike…! Some of the feedback man [emoji38]  It can only start from ‘the beginning’…! As in the takeover of the club and they’ve got to spread it out instead of just dressing room talks, players and match-days - that’ll all come, but it’s a build up and process from the club being bought with ‘some insight’, which I found personally…insightful! Nice to get an idea what the people are like at the top and finding that they’re genuine, passionate and very driven for the what club and supporters want, especially after having a massive fat prick there for so long taking the absolute piss. 

In terms of the narration, I agree with the monotone, but  it’s the content itself you’re becoming absorbed with. 

I found it stressful at times going through the emotions with certain games and knowing what’s to come with the cup final, but we know it’s all up hill still. I don’t think there was anything that stood out being too cringe. I’ll definitely be watching it through, but I know the next episode will be difficult in parts .

I was cringing a bit when wor Yassir was there watching us lose to Liverpool at home 



Edited by LV

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3 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

Watching the show and some of the things Amanda said made me think; if FFP wasn’t a thing, how much would we be spending in transfer windows? Bet it would be astronomical. 

PIF were prepared to pay Mbappe 1B for a year so I honestly think they would try bring him here. The Saudi league spending would have been spent on us for the first window or two imo. 

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7 minutes ago, NEEJ said:

Watched it, loved it.. 


Was proper welling up watching the Longstaff bits. 


Agree, I enjoyed it and the longstaff parts did get me teary eyed surprisingly.

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4 hours ago, christ said:

Watched it with the wife, who is more the target audience given she knows next to nothing about football.


She was furious the second episode wasn’t immediately available to watch, then spent 20 mins chewing my ear off and asking questions, then made me read out our entire team and show her pictures of those names she didn’t recognise (Jacob Murphy’s her favourite fyi).


Just watched it again with my missus as well, made me think I was a bit harsh on Shearer, she loved it despite his monotone dirge. She doesn't really follow football either, but she loved Amanda's enthusiasm.

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