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"We Are Newcastle United" on Amazon Prime


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I've read the review and there's an undercurrent of sneering that's quite uncomfortable.


Perhaps the doc is a bit like a hollywood epic, but that's how the season went, and none of it was scripted. All the ingredients are there - a club and a team at a very ow ebb, saved by a determined businesswoman and a Mr Ordinary determined to bounce back from a setback in his career. The transformation of players who were seeing themselves as failures. An alliance of two different national cultures, united by a love of the game. It's all there - someone's going to make a film of it one day.


Perhaps Mr Hope would have been more satisfied if it had all gone belly-up, but it didn't.

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6 minutes ago, Cronky said:

I've read the review and there's an undercurrent of sneering that's quite uncomfortable.


Perhaps the doc is a bit like a hollywood epic, but that's how the season went, and none of it was scripted. All the ingredients are there - a club and a team at a very ow ebb, saved by a determined businesswoman and a Mr Ordinary determined to bounce back from a setback in his career. The transformation of players who were seeing themselves as failures. An alliance of two different national cultures, united by a love of the game. It's all there - someone's going to make a film of it one day.


Perhaps Mr Hope would have been more satisfied if it had all gone belly-up, but it didn't.

Everything that comes out of his mouth has an undercurrent of sneering. He’s an absolute whopper. Perfect for the rag he works for.

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Is it just sports journalists doing the reviews then? Would you ask a TV/Film reviewer to write an article on football? 

I get that it being about football means there will need to be comment from the sports side, but that aside, is it actually a good documentary lads, or are you as journalists just attempting to find an angle?

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The annoying thing is, they could do an entire episode with a sit down interview with the chairman discussing human rights etc issues, and it would still be criticised for being nothing more than a PR piece.

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3 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

Not surprising NUFC journalists would be commenting about a docu-series about NUFC, in fairness.

No, I get that, but I guess what I’m getting at is, as a piece of content is it any good?


It is watchable according to Hope…

Aside from the journalistic angle I mean. 

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2 minutes ago, AJ9 said:

No, I get that, but I guess what I’m getting at is, as a piece of content is it any good?


It is watchable according to Hope…

Aside from the journalistic angle I mean. 


I think it'll be easily watchable, just nothing new etc we probably assumed etc will come out which some might be expecting.

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1 minute ago, The Prophet said:

Nothing will top Sunderland Til I Die anyway. Amazing content.

Did you not see Premier passions ?


Edit....as LFEE said.



Edited by madras

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Someone mentions it higher up ? but the sneerers would've been more than happy had the whole project gone Pete Tong. 

"Gripping viewing" etc etc. 

Probs in the same way we found STID so hilarious, tbf

Who gives a fuck if its got an "in house" vibe? It's already exposed Eddie as a foul mouthed demigod and Amanda as a ice cold deal bastard bitch. 

Plus we finish 4th.


I'll be bladdered every episode

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2 hours ago, ScottishMagpie said:

I've never seen/heard of that Premier Passions one..... love old monkey heid's dressing room speech at 16:35.

Is that the "men against boys.......weak as piss" one ?

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3 hours ago, Scotty66 said:

Not even going to read that article. He's turned into a right sour grape with everything Newcastle united related. 


He's definitely a fan though, know someone who went to school with him and he was absolutely Newcastle daft.

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I’ve seen first two episodes and Craig’s article is accurate.

When you watch this documentary remember you are not the target audience- this series is not aimed at our existing fan base it is about building the brand and image of NUFC to generate more interest in the club and build a bigger global fan base, to build the fan base in Saudi and to help build commercial revenue.


That said there’s some really interesting bits and some heart warming moments. I’m really looking forward to seeing the third and fourth episodes. 

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