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Dyer given permission to talk to West Ham, fee agreed


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Guest Knightrider

Malbranque can play right, left, in the centre or in behind the strikers, he's basically a stronger, more intelligent and productive Dyer but without the attitude and fitness concerns. He'd be a really good signing on his own never mind in exchange for Dyer. He's lost his way a tad over the years but he's a cracking little player in my opinion, someone I've wanted to see in the black and white colors for a good while now.

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Malbranque can play right, left, in the centre or in behind the strikers, he's basically a stronger, more intelligent and productive Dyer but without the attitude and fitness concerns. He'd be a really good signing on his own never mind in exchange for Dyer. He's lost his way a tad over the years but he's a cracking little player in my opinion, someone I've wanted to see in the black and white colors for a good while now.


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Guest Knightrider

Malbranque can play right, left, in the centre or in behind the strikers, he's basically a stronger, more intelligent and productive Dyer but without the attitude and fitness concerns. He'd be a really good signing on his own never mind in exchange for Dyer. He's lost his way a tad over the years but he's a cracking little player in my opinion, someone I've wanted to see in the black and white colors for a good while now.




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Malbranque can play right, left, in the centre or in behind the strikers, he's basically a stronger, more intelligent and productive Dyer but without the attitude and fitness concerns. He'd be a really good signing on his own never mind in exchange for Dyer. He's lost his way a tad over the years but he's a cracking little player in my opinion, someone I've wanted to see in the black and white colors for a good while now.




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Guest Triglett

Meanwhile, Martin was quick to dismiss a number of speculative newspaper reports that have emerged over the past few days.


"I have read some of the reports from back home and I can only say that I hope our fans are applying their usual dose of healthy scepticism."


:celb: :celb: :celb:

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Meanwhile, Martin was quick to dismiss a number of speculative newspaper reports that have emerged over the past few days.


"I have read some of the reports from back home and I can only say that I hope our fans are applying their usual dose of healthy scepticism."


:celb: :celb: :celb:


Does he realise which club he manages?  :razz:

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Guest Triglett

Meanwhile, Martin was quick to dismiss a number of speculative newspaper reports that have emerged over the past few days.


"I have read some of the reports from back home and I can only say that I hope our fans are applying their usual dose of healthy scepticism."


:celb: :celb: :celb:


Does he realise which club he manages?  :razz:




We're signing Messi I tell ya!!

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What I don't really understand about this whole thing is that Dyer claims to want to move for family reasons.........  All his family is in Ipswich, Suffolk yet he seems to want to move to North London???


He is a total prick and the sooner we get rid of him the better.


Tottenham to Ipswich is ~80 miles.

Newcastle to Ipswich is ~280 miles.


Obviously London is closer to Suffolk than Newcastle, that's not what I meant specifically.  He still wouldn't be there every night etc would he?  Therefore he may as well be in Australia because it is not "home".


I've no idea what the 'family reasons' are mate, I was just making the point that whatever they may be, being 200 miles closer to home is likely to be a major plus.

What I don't really understand about this whole thing is that Dyer claims to want to move for family reasons.........  All his family is in Ipswich, Suffolk yet he seems to want to move to North London???


He is a total prick and the sooner we get rid of him the better.


Tottenham to Ipswich is ~80 miles.

Newcastle to Ipswich is ~280 miles.


Obviously London is closer to Suffolk than Newcastle, that's not what I meant specifically.  He still wouldn't be there every night etc would he?  Therefore he may as well be in Australia because it is not "home".


He clearly believes that he is too good to be at Newcastle, one of the very few players who have not recognised the fact that the club is changing for the better and moving forward.


Truth, he is bloody lucky to have been with us for as long as he has been.  He has milked his salary for years and while we stood by him through the mystery illness / recurrent hamstring he has stood laughing all the way to the bank!!




It takes about 1 hour as opposed to 4 hours to travel. Most of Ipswich commutes to London for work so its easy to travel everyday. I reckon if it is for family reasons he may move his sister down away from the bad influences around here. Maybe he has family in London. Maybe she is definatly going to prison or rehab down south. Maybe thats where his misses who he has kids with doesn`t want to move to Newcastle. Who knows.

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I'd take Steed Malbranque in a heartbeat.


Meaning we'd have Milner, Geremi, Solano and Malbranque all competing for one place. I'd rather have Murphy. Especially if there's a chance we'll go with 4-5-1.


I'm fairly sure Malbranque frequently playing CM for Fulham. I'd definitely take him if that's right, because I always remember thinking he was their best player.


EDIT: and Murphy's been utter shit since he went to Spurs. So not him.

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Funniest article of the weekend goes to:


Lee Bowyer luring Kieron Dyer to West Ham




Lee Bowyer has urged unsettled Newcastle midfielder Kieron Dyer to forget the lure of European football with Tottenham and join him at Upton Park instead.


More than a little surprising, perhaps, considering the pair infamously came to blows on the pitch two years ago when they were still team-mates on Tyneside.



The unforgettable fracas occurred during the second half of Newcastle's 3-0 home defeat to Aston Villa in April 2005. The duo had to be separated and were sent off in shame.


But Bowyer, 30, claims he is now a reformed character and insists there is no lingering animosity between the two. "We're fine now,'' he said. ''Back then when it happened, it was just a crazy moment but I honestly don't have any worries about it at all now.


''Admittedly, when I was younger I made many mistakes but now I'm older, I just want to keep myself to myself."


Dyer is expected to make his exit from St James' Park within the next 48 hours, bringing an eight-year stay in the North East to a close.


West Ham head the pursuit to secure the England international's services for a reported £5 million. Bowyer says he would relish the opportunity of a midfield reunion with Dyer, adding to the trio of former Newcastle players already at the east London club, the others being new arrivals Craig Bellamy and Scott Parker.


Bowyer added: "He's a great player, another international, and I think that if he comes to West Ham the competition he would bring would be very good for the squad. He can play anywhere across the middle and as a striker, so why not go for him? Let's wait and see what happens."


Bowyer describes West Ham's showing last season, when they struggled to avoid relegation, as 'unacceptable'.But he believes chairman


Eggert Magnusson has given a clear sign of intent by adopting a big-spending policy and that the club are ready to progress.


"It's exciting because some exceptional players have come to join our club," he said. "I think that the chairman and the manager are now showing the right ambition and that can only be good for everyone.''


Despite the £3 million purchase of Freddie Ljungberg from Arsenal, who scored in yesterday's 3-1 win over Southend, West Ham manager Alan Curbishley has said he is determined to add another midfielder after the ankle injury sustained by new signing Julien Faubert, which could keep him out for up to six months.


Dyer sat on the sidelines during Newcastle's 4-1 win over Celtic on Thursday and he will not feature in today's match against Juventus. Newcastle manager Sam Allardyce said he had no choice but to "protect the club's asset" as a move now seems inevitable for Dyer.

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Malbranque can play right, left, in the centre or in behind the strikers, he's basically a stronger, more intelligent and productive Dyer but without the attitude and fitness concerns. He'd be a really good signing on his own never mind in exchange for Dyer. He's lost his way a tad over the years but he's a cracking little player in my opinion, someone I've wanted to see in the black and white colors for a good while now.


Malbranque has better end product than Dyer I agree, but then so does Luque. Malbranque has never struck me as either strong or injury-free so I don't really see what he would provide in midfield that say, Solano wouldn't? Except that Solano doesn't want to stay in the South.



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Guest Triglett

Steed's only had the one injury problem since he's been here, which was the groin injury that kept him out for the first few months when we signed him. He's suprisingly strong and hard working, although he's probably not the most disciplined, tactically speaking. Always leaves gaps which need plugging by those around him, and while he is a creative player, 70% of his through balls end up at the oppositions' feet. We have intelligent strikers at the club in Keane and Berbatov, but sometimes he seems on a completely different wavelength, in a not so clever way. He can either be brilliant (one of his best games for us was against you at the Lane IIRC) or frustrating, but one thing you can't fault is his work ethic. Great to have as a squad player, and certainly as an option off the bench. We've just not seen the best of him, partly because he was playing catch up, and partly because he's not really playing in his best role - give him a more central position with a licence to roam and he could be a very useful player...but then I guess that's the same problem you had with Dyer?

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Playing hardball over his value. Good to see. Rightly so we should keep him unless we get what we want.

In reality a bit of an empty threat as we dont really want to be keeping an unhappy player.


Also have to say, I hope they continue this trend of reporting this kind of news on the official site first. Obviously they cant have all of sams quotes to the press. But all major or minor news should come out there first, ideally.

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It was on the BBC ticker a few minutes ago that he'd agreed terms with West Ham but it's been taken off now.  :frantic:

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It was on the BBC ticker a few minutes ago that he'd agreed terms with West Ham but it's been taken off now.  :frantic:


Thats the BBC for you, taking a story off the net if they've jumped the gun.

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NEWCASTLE United midfielder Kieron Dyer has been given permission to talk to West Ham United after the two clubs agreed an undisclosed fee for the 28-year-old.







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