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Kieron Dyer


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Guest mobiius

Totally agree, west ham are the ones who where sitting on their high horse over the tevez bollocks. So if its true that they have tapped up dire(spelling intentional) then why not extort 2M quid out of them it leaves a better taste in the mouth knowing that its went some way to recuperating some of the wages he has sponged out of us. the old adage live by the sword  die by the sword seems very appropriate when applied to WHU.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Dyer spent all summer working with the west ham physios to keep his strength up before preseason. Suddenly he gets family problems and needs a move. Sounds like a tapping up to me!

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Dyer spent all summer working with the west ham physios to keep his strength up before preseason. Suddenly he gets family problems and needs a move. Sounds like a tapping up to me!


does anyone really care, i mean honestly?


most people (IMO) heard the 6m fee for this little ratboy and were delighted


the manager who people supposedly trust (now) was evidently happy to take that money for someone with his record/attitude


yet lo and behold (allegedly) the owner of the club who has no track record in football intervenes and potentially ruins our prospects of getting shot of him


6m was good enough last week and it's good enough now - if it turns out we fleece west ham then great but i've a feeling alls we'll end up with is a player on massive wages who will feel he's been treated badly by the club


same pish happened to milner last season but to his credit milner put it behind him - i fear we won't see such a professional attitude from kieron "the player that never was" dyer

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On the face of it, we had a better-than-expected price for a player 80% of fans wanted out of the door.

However, if Ashley HAS got evidence of a tapping-up, the he's quite right to screw them.

We have got Smith now, so Dyer either has to cough up himself(at least some of the extra)or reconcile himself to rotting in the Reserves.

Some of the signings we have got will be fantastic value for money if they all come off, so the fact that the club has to pay Dyer's(grossly-inflated)wages will not worry Ashley too much...


I reckon he's gambling on Dyer buckling, and agreeing to pay some of the 8m himself - and so he should after all his time on the sidelines etc.

And, as for Dyer feeling he's been 'treated badly' by the club - well, its no more than this waste of space deserves.


A pity, though, that we just couldn't have got rid....


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Guest fraser

The Telegraph says the issue is not about the amount but how it is to be paid. Ashley wants the money in full, up front. WHU want to pay in instalments. If Dyer gets a serious injury and they haven't paid up front they could withold payment. As the Tevez affait shows they have the morals of a dock-rat and cannot be trusted further than they coud be spat out. On balance, if this is the reason I'm with Ashley.

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Guest johnson293

The Telegraph says the issue is not about the amount but how it is to be paid. Ashley wants the money in full, up front. WHU want to pay in instalments. If Dyer gets a serious injury and they haven't paid up front they could withold payment. As the Tevez affait shows they have the morals of a dock-rat and cannot be trusted further than they coud be spat out. On balance, if this is the reason I'm with Ashley.


I agree - especially when they ahve just received £2m for Tevez - a player they didn't even own!!

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Guest sicko2ndbest

ITK legend (Whatever) on skunkers reckon the hold up is because Dyer has asked for a loyalty payment of 2 million. Personal reasons are because he has got a notorious newcastle gangsters daughter up the duff not family, and it was this chap who attacked Dyers home


Greedy little waster!

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Guest johnson293

ITK legend (Whatever) on skunkers reckon the hold up is because Dyer has asked for a loyalty payment of 2 million. Personal reasons are because he has got a notorious newcastle gangsters daughter up the duff not family, and it was this chap who attacked Dyers home


Greedy little waster!




A 'Notorious Newcastle Gangster' - who attacks his enemies homes with eggs?????


Must be a real bigshot!!!!!

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The Telegraph says the issue is not about the amount but how it is to be paid. Ashley wants the money in full, up front. WHU want to pay in instalments. If Dyer gets a serious injury and they haven't paid up front they could withold payment. As the Tevez affait shows they have the morals of a dock-rat and cannot be trusted further than they coud be spat out. On balance, if this is the reason I'm with Ashley.


You can see Ashley's point if you think about it. If WHU are going to pay in stages, it means they will be getting an England international for £6m. If it's paid in installments that takes their risk factor out of the equation in which case they should be paying the full valuation which must be closer to £8m for a fully fit Dyer. So I guess Ashley's reasoning is if you want him for £6m pay the full amount up front. If you want fitness guarantees over a long period of time then the fee should reflect this.



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Dyer spent all summer working with the west ham physios to keep his strength up before preseason. Suddenly he gets family problems and needs a move. Sounds like a tapping up to me!


does anyone really care, i mean honestly?


most people (IMO) heard the 6m fee for this little ratboy and were delighted


the manager who people supposedly trust (now) was evidently happy to take that money for someone with his record/attitude


yet lo and behold (allegedly) the owner of the club who has no track record in football intervenes and potentially ruins our prospects of getting shot of him


6m was good enough last week and it's good enough now - if it turns out we fleece west ham then great but i've a feeling alls we'll end up with is a player on massive wages who will feel he's been treated badly by the club


same pish happened to milner last season but to his credit milner put it behind him - i fear we won't see such a professional attitude from kieron "the player that never was" dyer


It's about the principle. If they've been tapping up Dyer, whether we want rid of him or not, WH are trying to break rules to suit themselves. It's about time somebody gave them a kick up the arse and if that means we raise the price on a player, then so be it.


I'm with Ashley on this one, about time we show we're not pushovers.

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ITK legend (Whatever) on skunkers reckon the hold up is because Dyer has asked for a loyalty payment of 2 million. Personal reasons are because he has got a notorious newcastle gangsters daughter up the duff not family, and it was this chap who attacked Dyers home


Greedy little waster!


what a load of fucking shite the gangster thing is.


that was a scam that was pulled on him about 5 years ago.


he's a shit gangster if he egss his house and stops looking for him when he moves to london.


wouldnt exactly take columbo to work out he's going to be at west ham's training ground every day.


absoloute bollocks that.


wouldnt be surprised about the loyalty payment thing though

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ITK legend (Whatever) on skunkers reckon the hold up is because Dyer has asked for a loyalty payment of 2 million. Personal reasons are because he has got a notorious newcastle gangsters daughter up the duff not family, and it was this chap who attacked Dyers home


Greedy little waster!


what a load of fucking shite the gangster thing is.


that was a scam that was pulled on him about 5 years ago.


he's a shit gangster if he egss his house and stops looking for him when he moves to london.


wouldnt exactly take columbo to work out he's going to be at west ham's training ground every day.


absoloute bollocks that.


wouldnt be surprised about the loyalty payment thing though


It's like something out of Bugsy Malone isn't it man.

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I think cause he's played a few games lately people are getting a bit attached to him. He will be crocked again soon. Get rid now and take the £5m or whatever. That is also 60k a week off the books.

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It'd be strangely satisfying to see him rot in the reserves, on the bright side.


Of course I'd rather we just got rid and got some money, but the thought of him being buried at the bottom of our squad and wasted away the next two years does appeal to me on some level.

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Oh howay lads it funny stuff, not only have we shite on West Ham (great stuff), we have also upset Mr runaway Dyer, no club will pay £8mill for him anyway, Mort has to know this, we need a big squad and Dyer can add great pace.

The best ting is stuffing West Ham though, I bet Curbs is fuming :lol:

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ashley sending out a message if you ask me. making an example of the deal.


we're no one's mugs anymore, dont f*** with us! ;D


Sends out another message that we have enough money at the club not to be bothered about losing out Dyer's fee. That is re-assuring in itself and should give critics of the new regime like Invicta and NE5 something to think about.



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Guest LucaAltieri

So is he going or not, then?


If he ends up staying surely it'd make more sense for Allardyce to use him if/when needed rather than rotting in the reserves.


I'd like to think he'd not let feelings get in the way of team selection.


Sure he wants to leave, but if theres no takers he's got no choice but to win some admirers. Could work to our benefit.





















....nah, bugger it. Fuck him over. Far more funny.

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