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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Ederson needed to be dealing with that like, the fuck
  2. Gonna be a long night for Inter if they keep backing off Silva like that
  3. Ref's been on the creatine like.
  4. Let the shithousery commence.
  5. Let's keep the cameras in Istanbul pls
  6. So who's that Bill Bailey motherfucker next to Hargreaves?
  7. Surely Ox will be on a pay-as-you-play... surely
  8. Sorry for linking to the mail but... what the actual fuck https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-12157315/Fans-French-club-Ajaccio-ATTACK-eight-year-old-brain-cancer-disgraceful-scenes.html
  9. Tierney just seems like a particularly lazy link, tbf. I'd certainly hope we've scouted potential left back upgrades/alternatives extensively. Arsenal being seemingly desperate to get rid, coupled with his injury history should be massive red flags. If we're balancing risk/reward I'd rather take a punt on some up-and-coming prospect rather than a HG crock who kNoWs dA lEaGuE. Edit: obviously if he did sign I'd be fully behind him. I'm just really, really sick of seeing crocks at this club. Feels like we've had a disproportionate amount compared to other clubs
  10. Aye, Tielemans will want massive wages like. Then there's the danger that his form for Leicester last season is actually the new 'normal'. Villa is a good shout, he can be their next Coutinho
  11. Minus 10 points for that, another 30 for the financial irregularities... that should do it
  12. Ahh fuck off man, really want those cunts relegated
  13. Aye man, give him a fucking rest This is exactly the type of game where someone picks up an avoidable-as-fuck cruciate injury or something, jeez.
  14. His dad absolutely rinsing Henning Berg in the CL is forever etched into my brain, haha.
  15. Playoffs man While we're at it, let's have a playoff between first and second place, to see who really really won the title (best of 3, though). Stupid cunts
  16. Bitter victim club Need to be writing to PMGOL to ask why they weren't given even more refereeing and VAR decisions than they already were ? Edit: Thought we were on about 'pool, obviously I can't read Still, fuck 'em all.
  17. Dick move by Mudryk like, needs to work on his finishing before he comes for anyone about literally anything. Still though... Chelsea, innit. Awful club and fans
  19. Fucking hell man. The more of these we miss... the more I picture Vardy shithousing our fans with some dickhead celebration
  20. Aye, this XI is more than enough to tear Leicester up like, they're shite.
  21. Elric


    Ah fuck man, tried watching that video but it'll make me well up ? Fair play to him like.
  22. "Typical mags, celebrating entry to the champions League. Every single two decades, marra. Pathetic."
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