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Gallowgate End

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Everything posted by Gallowgate End

  1. If Emre is fit I'd have him starting. Harper Taylor Faye Beye Enrique Butt Barton Emre Owen Viduka Martins Subs - Smith - Duff - Geremi - Diatta - Foster **That said wouldn't be disappointed if Keegan goes with a unchanged side though and uses Emre for the last 30 minutes.**
  2. Gallowgate End


    Arguably more suited to Keegans new system also.
  3. We might be dreadfully short of centre halfs in the Summer considering Rozenhal nor Cacapa have made a impact its looking doubtful either will stay and make a impact in English football. What Ben Haim has is good Premiership experience I wouldn't be disappointed if we signed him. We missed out on the top centre half we are looking for in Woodgate during January hopefully there is a centre half of his standard around in the Summer somehow I doubt there will be.
  4. How much did Sunderland pay for Chopra again? Even clubs like Sunderland pay high-figures. I'd be surprised if we don't get around what we payed.
  5. Wouldn't disagree with that.
  6. Wouldn't bet against David Moyes going in for him again. The same David Moyes that paid £6.5 million for James Beattie.
  7. I don't think we will have to cut our losses say Keegan decides to offer him around in the Summer; a Everton or a Aston Villa or a Middlesbrough will pay around the £6 million we payed for him. Providing Keegan gets Martins and Owen on the long term contracts this Summer and Viduka gets a proper pre season then I am sure Keegan will cash in on Alan Smith. Considering his wages and the fee we could get back its a waste keeping him on as 4th choice striker.
  8. Not surprised Souness is way out with 191 votes totally ruined and ripped apart a team that had finished 3rd, 4th, 5th and that had consistently qualified for Europe football including a run of 12 Champions League games in one season whilst finishing 3rd to one that sunk to 14th place finish our worse in our Premiership history all this after giving Souness the £50 million that the previous manager had earned us through high-league finishes and the Champions League qualification money which the previous manager really should of been given to spend in the Summer ah well at least we have Souness to thank for sorting out that problem dressing room eh Dalglish and Allardyce sides were as utterly dreadful as each other to watch. And Ruud Gullit well....
  9. I'd be surprised if even Robson knew when he spotted him at PSG that he would be as good a centre half as he has been in the last two seasons his development has been quite fantastic. Its a shame he rejected the chance of a return last Summer.
  10. Would certainly benefit Nicky Butt and Michael Owen if Sunderland play 4-4-2 more space in the holes that they are currently playing very well in. Won't surprise me if Roy Keane goes with 4-5-1 like -Madras- said.
  11. I did say "Big credit" Keegan for the system he deserves a lot of credit for changing it around and getting the best out of a good number of the players most notable Nicky Butt who for me the stand out figure has played his spare man when in possession/deeper role superbly covering, breaking up play, starting attacks there are a lot of players benefiting from there new roles. However considering what Mark Viduka is good at (linking play deep, holding the ball up deep, bouncing attacks off of) and what Michael Owen is good at (movement in the space in behind defenders high up the pitch, box movement high up the pitch, box finishing high up the pitch) its something worth debating over a small change that could dare I say it benefit the new system.
  12. The one from the miss cleared corner not much to do with his new deeper role that. Big credit Keegan for changing the system but I think the side would benefit from Owen playing higher up the pitch and Viduka deeper seems obvious to me considering what both are best at. I agree with Redknapp comments regarding Michael Owen role completely. So you're ignoring the fact that Viduka isn't fit enough to play a deeper role? No disagree with it. And the opinion that Michael Owen is not quick enough to play as a out and out striker up top and in behind the defenders anymore... bizarre.
  13. The one from the miss cleared corner not much to do with his new deeper role that. Big credit Keegan for changing the system but I think the side would benefit from Owen playing higher up the pitch and Viduka deeper seems obvious to me considering what both are best at. I agree with Redknapp comments regarding Michael Owen role completely.
  14. I think he is right with his point Owens role seems bizarre to me. Watching our last 5 games the system is more of a 4 at the back and diamond in midfield with Butt playing far deeper then Barton and Geremi with Owen playing far deeper then the two up top. I agree to a certain extent that its important not changing what has made us 5 unbeaten and 3 wins out of 5 games but something to consider would be Owens role; I think Mark Viduka has the better attributes playing deeper then the front two and playing the link between the midfield and attack certainly far more then Owen has. It would be interesting to see if Keegan slightly changes Michael Owen role and plays Mark Viduka playing in between midfield and attack making the ball stick and bouncing attacks off of him allowing Martins and Owen playing high up on the shoulders and in behind the defenders.
  15. Agree with most of that; the way Portsmouth are set up narrow and only one real outlet I can't see them stretching our centre three much. The frailties of us playing 4-3-3 will appear when playing sides with wingers that really stretch our centre three across the pitch and there use of their full backs with the space in-front of them that our formation gives them. I aspect a close game Portsmouth don't score a awful lot of goals but there defense is superb, the firepower and current form of Martins-Viduka-Owen gives us a really good shout going into this one that along with the fact it looks like Diarra, Utaka, Kanu are out. Same team hopefully bar Taylor return. 1 v 2 Newcastle Martins and Owen
  16. Can't underestimate how much I hated the 4-3-3 formation tonight. So many round pegs in square holes the players really struggled in the system with the lack of width, movement and options when in possession we had to fire so many long awful aimless high balls giving away possession time and time again it was like Allardyce had returned to pick the team for the night. With the return of Keegan I thought at least he would pick a consistent 4-4-2 system, players would finally get there chance to play in there best positions and be given a consistent and fair run in the team with us then starting to create some strong partnerships in the side something thats vital for any good side but most of all get the players would get there chance to go and play some form of enjoyable good football all something that could never of happened in a Allarydice regime. If we are actually going to win the vital 5 games for us to stay up then Keegan needs to return his philosophies that made him successful not that disgusting form of football we saw tonight.
  17. Agree Keegan has his team selection and formation wrong yet again just like at Liverpool. So many square pegs in round holes Sam Allardyce may as well still be here.
  18. Agree with this. With Milner out injured for the coming weeks I think giving Damien Duff a run in the team playing off of the right could be a positive change for the team he is far more likely to penetrate the space in behind then Milner or Geremi he can attack on the outside or the inside which gives us a different sort of threat, this also opens up N'Zogbia to be given a uninterrupted run in his best position Left-Wing which will be important if we are to see any sort of return to his form. Right, I'm off to bed. G'night everybody.
  19. Agree with this. With Milner out injured for the coming weeks I think giving Damien Duff a run in the team playing off of the right could be a positive change for the team he is far more likely to penetrate the space in behind then Milner or Geremi he can attack on the outside or the inside which gives us a different sort of threat, this also opens up N'Zogbia to be given a uninterrupted run in his best position Left-Wing which will be important if we are to see any sort of return to his form. My biggest concern with the team at the moment is Alan Smith who has to be ousted he spends 95 per cent of his time facing his own goal and for a striker thats no good the big shame is Viduka has not been able to get himself free of injury having Owen or Martins playing off his link up play would certainly bring more goals. Harper Beye Taylor Faye Enrique Butt Barton Duff N'Zogbia Viduka Martins Subs- Owen, Emre, Geremi, Diatta, Given
  20. Agree with your points. This move is certainly Jeff Vetere first signing in his new technical and player recruitment role, at Real Madrid he helped the Spanish club scout and sign the best talents across the world; quite a cue for the club the Vetere appointment. The concern is how comfortable Keegan is with this new continental-style management structure.
  21. On Sky Sports Keegan "At this moment almost certain he is going somewhere else" reporter "Tottenham?" "yeah looks like we have lost him desperately wanted him to come looks like its not to be I don't think"
  22. Best used at Right back at this stage of his career, Mourinho would only use him there. Having him compete with Beye for Right back would be for the best with the state of his mobility and pace still a good technical player and passer far batter with the ball at his feet with the bigger picture in front of him at Right back.
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