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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Small club-tastic. Chelsea's all time average attendance is higher than ours tbh Don't give a fuck. Stuff like that makes me cringe and is a pathetic attempt to get their shit fans to make a noise. Chelsea host Arsenal next weekend, tickets are still on sale. A team as successful (recently) as Chelsea should be sold out weeks in advance for games like this
  2. Irishness. Has he ever signed a foreign player for wimbeldon? Marcus Gayle and Robbie Earle don't count. oyvind leonhardsen A quality fantasy football man, cheap as chips but kept the points ticking over
  3. A bigger version of that story in the Mirror - ending with the quote 'It doesn't matter what I do, I end up with a kick in the bollocks'. Crap with substitutions, great with words
  4. The real question hasn't been answered yet. Does Shearer have enough hair left to be a top manager? Off the top of my bonce Ian Holloway is the highes baldy gaffer in the leagues right now. could it be that a lack of hair points to a lack of managerial prowess?
  5. Why did this tale have to have an unhappy ending? brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
  6. nil nil until the 70th minute. Drogba comes on and scores within 2 minutes then Lampard gets a deflected 2nd. 5 mins to go Deco scores a free kick. Owen gets a consolation in injury time
  7. Who is this Mr 'Who the Fuck'? which you speak of? Nile Ranger by any chance?
  8. You seem to be contradicting yourself here Exactly, if 'The Danger' plays we score 4 by default
  9. Remember the McDonalds advert from yonks back? No, not the one featuring Alan Shearer signing a cheque This one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrqiFBJ7Np4 I reckon as a nipper Wor Al had an extensiver repetoire of tricks and skills. As someone posted above, the difference with the likes of Tino, Ginola and more recently Ronaldo is that they have the confidence to use these tricks in match conditions. There is no doubt in my mind that Shearer was as technically gifted as Tino and Ginola, he just applied his technique in a different way on the pitch
  10. 14.22 miles to Swansea 47.74 miles to Cardiff 246.18 miles to Newcastle 246.80 miles to Sunderland. How the fuck can I live in South West Wales yet be closer to Newcastle than Sunderland?
  11. Because everyone knows football didn't exist before 1992 duh!
  12. For me (and again it may be an age thing) football in the 90's felt that bit more special. There used to a buzz in the media when one of the top overseas players were linked with a move to England, and the magic said players produced just seemed to stand out. Also the football on the Telly wasn't as polished (Americanised), remember Andy Gray with his subbuteo table? For me this added to the whole excitement. It just feels too much like a business product now, but maybe thats because we have such access to 'news' from the internet 24 hours a day we hear more now about things which have always gone on.
  13. He basically called Everton an unmarketable club at preent
  14. I see that the Fed has backtracked its bailout plan somewhat. Diverting funds to another cause maybe?
  15. Never mind that, the forum works! I can't believe nothng significant happened whilst we were down. It should have been nailed on that we would be sold with no server!
  16. There should be a clause written into any TV deal that each team has to play on a Saturday at 3pm at least every other game
  17. you could easily follow them home from training I reckon. it's probably Mancs doing all the robbing. The clue is in he fact that it is happening in Liverpool. Its the scousers, pure and simple. And I have the solution! Get the romans to come in and build a geet big fuckin wall around the city, no-one gets in and no-onne gets out. Then drop a bomb on the place and start again
  18. The problem is it is in Liverpool. The security bods are the worst offenders. Nowhere else have I heard the phrase 'to graft' to mean 'on the rob'
  19. Capital of Culture my Arse! Still love the story of the 2 lads who decided to rob an Everton players home back in the 90s. Shame the player was at home at the time. And it was Duncan Ferguson. Bad choice boys! http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=56297.250#quickreply
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