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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Meh. 6 points from our next 4 games are a must however. And should be attainable
  2. I aint prepared to give Ronney 5 mins tbh. Striaght from Kick off, or even better in the tunnel
  3. Here's me thinking it was a South Park reference!
  4. Really looking forward to seeing the team picked. Should be fascinating. I reckon it would be quite a god laugh seeing the team read out, especially if you get someone like Luque who is forever on the bench. Some of the reactions must be priceless. Edit - think Lehman getting dropped, or if terry is on the bench tomorrow
  5. Just seen it in slow mo - horrible challenge but mistimed and due to Taylor being a bit crap rather than a deliberate leg breaker. Keane on Alfie was worse imo
  6. Don't make me come in there with my bitch stick boys! The silver back accountant is in the building!
  7. If Oba aint fit play Zoggy behind Owen Harper Beye Taylor Cacapa (really we need 2 Fayes....) Enrique Milner Faye Emre/Barton Duff Zog Martins If Obas fit rest Milner, Duff right Zog left
  8. Those 2 newspaper reports are FM tastic, Manager praises player, player praises manager etc
  9. From someone who lived there for over 5 years, bar match days its rare to see anyone in footy shirts in Liverpool
  10. Reckon Ashley Cole is more likely to leave Chelsea than Bridge
  11. i think you've been reading too many shite articles about us in the media. Not really. I mostly just read this board. I'm talking from the perspective of a Liverpool fan here. You DO have little patience with managers relative to us and you do demand attacking football relative to us[\b]. Liverpool fans in the main won't judge a player or manager before his second season; you lot are often baying for blood after a few months. In fairness, Shepherd did have a habit of signing shite managers, though. Patience ? You have no idea of what patience is mate. Not knocking you but you think going 17 years without winning the title is some sort of disaster, with a few FA Cups and the European Cup thrown in as consolation. Thats what johnny means, I think, apologies if it isn't, but this along with the comment about attractive football is what you don't understand. You don't understand that managers who bore the pants off us only last as long as they are winning, and we have got rid of the ones who did this because they were losing games as well as boring the pants off us. Whats to bad about that ? I don't think any of us would really have cared about Allardyces style of play if we were in the top 4, or in the League Cup Final next week, but even realistically, we were increasingly looking at a manager who didn't know what he was doing, even ones who were happy with him when he took the job, like myself. I understand that completely. For all our cups, in those 17 years we haven't recovered from what Souness did to our club. It's a hell of a lot to expect that Allardyce could sort yours out after that dick's reign with one transfer window, as Roeder hardly brought you forward. The thing about boring football is, winning or losing, without a great defence you won't win anything, ever. The top sides in the league, and particularly the Champions League, are the ones that concede the fewest goals not the ones that score the most. You think losing 4-3 is better than losing 1-0 but it isn't. Potentially losing 4-3 is better than losing 1-0. Same goal difference but more goals scored. Could be worth a position at the end of the season
  12. Who the hell is going to go and see Wigan v Reading at a far away neutral ground?
  13. Kev should get Daveed to give him a call, let young Zog learn of the past master how much of a hero a french left inger can be in a Keegan team and how Kev likes to play the game. New contract you say charles?............
  14. everton villa city and pompey have done it. you just need to spend smart, thats all. 2 Years till the next ANC, Africans are the way to go here.
  15. You say this after almost every game, mate. Still a lot of positives for you to take from today like, hell of a match. Evra handball = clear cut pen Nani = Clear cut red card 50/50's all going united way Spurs never had a decision go for them?. Maybe the big 4 do get more decisions, or maybe it jsut seems that way cos no one cares if a red card isn't given in a Wigan v Derby game for example?
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