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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. I hope you're wrong there, i really do. "I'd rather Newcastle won the toss than England won the world cup" = cretins. Newcastle win the FA Cup or European Cup or England win the World Cup? Toon all the way I'm afraid (plus England games bore me now, so predictable)
  2. Can someone change the thread title so at least the song name is correct? (Pedant)
  3. You can only limit non-EU, which I believe Spain certainly does (though willing to be corrected). Where it falls down is the non-EU work-permit issue. Its too easy to get around the criteria which is laid down for a reason - 75% of national games in the past 4 years. Take Yakubu, he failed the test but was allowed due to 'reputation'. Big deal, don't make the quota you don't get the permit
  4. Why not? I managed to. Maybe if some spent less time and money on the piss they could still afford to buy their season ticket, thats what I done. I agree that seaosn tickets should not carry a student discount (they get enough in this world as it is!). However, I wouldn't be against a discount for midweek cup games. Anything to get a decent crowd in for these games would get my vote
  5. Agreed, the best kit we ever had. Or at least add it to the reto kit selection the club has been selling of late. I had 2 of these babies, a long sleeved one with Gillespie and short sleeved with Elliott. Would definitely purchase on of these again if it was brought out as a retro shirt. Was good material as well, felt like a proper shirt
  6. Backflips after 'scoring' as well New meaning to the term bedroom acrobats
  7. Kanes WWE music complete with Pyros please. Especially for midweek evening games. Failing that bring back Local Hero!
  8. Re the club shop. Our owner owns a fecking sports shop chain (or at least part owns!) would people be happy with an extended megastore which included non NUFC stuff? Trainers, keeper gloves, England shirts??? Hopefully it would be less of a muddle than Sports Soccer, but an extneded range would work well imo (as long as its in moderation of course)
  9. Exactly. Sadly many academies now think like this, including our own. Just as well the first team bucks that trend
  10. But they can influence what he writes by banning him completely from NUFC. Doing this could mean that he takes the hump and writes (even more) negative s**** out of spite. The quickest way to get any journo out a job is to stop buying the rag in the first place imo. And if a weekly toon paper was produced (as per my earlier post) people would have a viable alternative to get the interviews etc
  11. Oh, and a thought thats been in my head for a while... Replace the programme with a detailed weekly NUFC/North East sports newspaper. Fill it with news, in depth previews/reviews, interviews, guest comments, the lot. Basically expand on the programmes to make it more of a rounded NUFC product than a match product. Could replace the Ronnie in no time as the primary source of NUFC related info
  12. One from an excile Remove the exclusive internet radio from Newcastle World, or make it worthwhile to subscribe. I don't want to have to go down the 'illegal' route to hear/see the games live, but at the moment I have no choice. Even if its just letting Radio Newcastle broadcast over the internet it would help immensly
  13. Just look at the shambles that is Sammy Lee at Bolton, then look at Sam to see how it should be done. Lee seems to be trying to copy everything Sam does, down to the headset, but is just clueless. Hope hey go down purely for Sammy Lee
  14. Manure Chelsea Dippers Arse Toon Everton Blackburn Citeh Pompey Villa Wigan Spuds Brum Boro Spanners Fulham Reading Sunderland Bolton Derby
  15. Could anyone understand Sammy Lee there? Like a Scouse squirral on speed
  16. Shearer talking rubbish. It was blatently the introduction of Fletcher which turned the game
  17. Lawrie Sanchez comparing Spurs to a James Bond baddie. Quality
  18. Do you know he got his scar by walking into a patio door
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