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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Just make sure that the point gets put across that the majority of fans wanted Sam, appreciate that rebuilding will take time and that we would happily sacarafice (Elton John spelling) attacking football for a trophy.
  2. There was no anti-bellamy bias in my post - I'm one of those who would take him back if either MArtins or Owen left. It was simply a reply to the point that Bellamy was going to earn more money and play for bettr clubs than Shearer and win more medals
  3. it made sense to all but the simple no coincidence he calls himself Bramble tbh Don't care any more, mods you may with my full blessing ban me after what I'm about to say. Vic you really are a sad wankstain on the sheet of humanity. Your sole goal in life is coming onto a message board to be contrite and controversial. It doesn't make you clever, funny, smart or interesting, what it does make you is a t***. Some of the posters on here can be irritating but at least at times they come up with valid points, you however would argue black is white because you think it makes you windswept and interesting, guess what,it doesn't. it makes you a t***. I'd like to put a bet in real life you're sitting in your bedroon still desperately trying to figure out how to program your commodore 64 whilst jerking off over the underwear pages of mammys kays catalogue. Bottom line you're a irritating c***, so do us all a favour, stick your mammys coat on and f*** off down to Soho and get yourself a girlfriend. He loves that sort of s*** man. Just ask him a straight question about something to do with football and he runs a mile. I stick to complicated footballing arguments like pointing out Bellamy not playing for England and Shearer playing for England made f*** all difference between the two in terms of medals christ, they've both even captained their country FFS Oh come on, I'm sure you could grasp that it was a throw away comment and did not imply any factor on the number of medals won. And anyway, David May has more medals than Shearer and Bellamy put together
  4. I apologise. I made a flipent comment about how Bellmay would never play for England to which vic made a sarcastic reply which then escalated into a slanging match about relative inteligences and ages. As much fun as it was reading the insults I think it needs to stop
  5. must have missed the bit where you get a Premier league medal for playing for England Que?
  6. Shearer - One Premier League medal Bellamy - One SPL medal, one relegation
  7. Well yeah, but only because Liverpool and West Ham are better than Southampton. He's never played for England though!
  8. Yup, and I also remember the 2001/02 season where we finished top four after finishing 11th the season before. Outside the current top 4 the rest of the league is poorer now than it was then, so we should be looking at signings to get us towards the top 4. There are plenty of players who would be open to the challenge of one year without European football for decent wages and playing for the Toon. Bridge and Gudjonnson are 2 of these, Deco is a possibility if Barca want to sell him (none of the big 4 will be in for him I reckon)
  9. Butt/Geremi Milner/Dyer Zog/Luque Emre/Barton Owen/Martins Dukes/Shola Ours is far better tbh!
  10. Man Man Citeh man! Massive (Sorry Dr Comodore)
  11. Maybe Quinn hasn't found his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow yet?
  12. So are we allowed to post the list of Sky fixtures here or is it the same deal as the full fixtures?
  13. Correct, two VERY different things. Manchester's (hate-em!!) is an enviable achievement as a result of good management, the other is virtually 'fraud' on our great game. To illustrate this, Chelsea and Leeds were in exactly the same position (the figures were almost identical) at exactly the same time - one went the 'natural' way as a result (deservedly) of their own incompetence - the other . . . . ? There is no comparison, at all, between the Manchester United and Chelsea spending situations - it amazes me (constantly) how some people cannot (refuse to?) see this at all. I don't see it as buying the league anymore. Too many clubs in England have these supposed 'massive warchests' so its getting to the stage where you buy to keep up. Its Europe that they are buying, it wont be long until it is a common sight to see 4 English clubs in the semis of the Champions League and UEFA cup
  14. Yeah but he wasn't given the same support in the tranfer market. Don't you see?!!
  15. Agree the above, obviously, but there must be more to it (more "ambitions / desires") to motivate him to buy us, than money. Put simply, if he wanted to just (continue to) make money - would he have invested in a football club?? It's not rocket science... SPORTS MERCHANDISING BUSINESS + FOOTBALL CLUB = BIGGER MARKET Sports Merchandising Business + Football Club + High Profile Marketable Players = Bigger Profits Brain Surgery tbh
  16. Also what happens next season if say Sunderland are fighting relegation and Keane persuades Beckham to come on loan for the last 5 games to get his fitness up for the Euros and they stay up? Beckham signed outside the window so inelligible, Sunderland stay up and argue that the precident has been set and only get fined a few million rather than get relegated. There needs to be a new rule written and brought in before the start of the season to remove this decision from precident imo
  17. aye,the lesson was learned "don't expect the premier league to act even handedly" did everyone know manu acted as an illegal third party aswell,they made everton drop tim howard for the game against them that won the title. I never got that one, I thought Howard was on loan to the Toffees last season and they agreed the full transfer outside of the window, therefore technically he was a Man U player until the end of the season as per the BEEB (14th Feb) http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/e/everton/6362649.stm
  18. No excuse now, we know for sure who makes up the 20. Waiting to see the weighting of Toon games on Sky and Setanta before deciding which package to splash the cash on
  19. Remember Tino getting stretchered off in that game then acknowledging hois standing ovation. Was sat right by that corner flag too!
  20. Seems like a very strang epiece of test data though
  21. Build a time machine, go back to 1990 and bring Beardsley back. Or failing than spunk £40m on Tevez, Deco or similar
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