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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Basically what I used to play when there was only 2 of us playing back in the day. what next a game of FA doubles instead of extra time / pens? I’d be up for that as well
  2. We brought Darlow on so it doesn’t look suspicious when we throw the game?
  3. I want 10 mins of Bruno and Tonali on the pitch please
  4. Wasn't wor Fab showing a few grey flecks towards the end of the season? A little just for men being used me thinks
  5. Not if there is no/minimal gain to us but gives players game time. It’s less of an issue than multi club ownership where players are farmed out to
  6. why? If it’s loans without a fee that allows players to play then it would be pretty shitty for people to kick up a fuss. Any benefit on wages is chicken feed in the grander scale of things (although helpful to us in the short term)
  7. we could lose Darlow and bring in a Scott Carson type for the Third choice. will dibs be happy sitting on the bench for another season if say Inter come in for him? At £15m for the 2 less £3-4m for the third choice it becomes a conversation point imo
  8. How much do you reckon we’d get for Dubs and Darlow? could see Inter being interested in Dubs. bring in a true third choice on the cheap and £10-12m could be added to the coffers - pretty much all profit as well by now you’d think
  9. the double hands on hips from Isak and Fabianski may well be my favourite single moment from last season
  10. unless we’ve triggered add one it’s £5.3m amortisation left on Maxi - £16m over 6 years with 2 left to go. it’s the original contract length, you ignore any extensions given
  11. bet there are plenty of Mike Hunts around though to slot in the joke. I went to school with one in Hexham, funnily enough him coming to school wanting to be called Mike and not Michael lasted all of one day ?
  12. you got a joke and 2 historical cultural references in mine. you posted a short gay italian nobody is doing me for copyright infringement here
  13. I don't want to be trawling back through the Tonali thread but I made this link agggeeeesss ago. I even referenced the Forest combo of Curry and Rice and the Bolton trio of Fish Costa Fortune for good measure
  14. we need Murph to wave off Bellingham after a red card in the quarter finals
  15. Any reason that welcome uses the maroon and blue hoops rather than black and white?
  16. Reckon we could be going after the Turkish Messi/Ben Arfa hybrid and everything else is a smokescreen
  17. Looks like its a rest and recover job and not an op as well which is obviously the better scenario
  18. you don’t just lose the cost by writing them off though. ffp covers 3 years, so for a 3 year contract of say £1m a year that’s what you get for wages each year. Put a £30m transfer fee on top the annual cost for ffp is £11m. if we wrote the wages off in the first year what happens is you would get the full £33m in the one year which has an impact for the next 2 years before it drops out of the calculations. of course it means you can take more of a punt on year 3 as the cost has gone, and if you are making profits in year 1 despite the write off then obviously the impact goes away. hence my use of trick. It can be used to you advantage, but it can also be something forced on you by auditors and then it could be more problematic
  19. Nah, It's just an accounting trick. You basically say the contract has no value to me in the future so I am going to take all of the remaining cost in one year. The cash still goes to the player every month until the contract ends / they are sold
  20. he doesn’t get paid earlier though, wages are still paid until the end of the contract
  21. Amortisation is over the initial contract period, so extending it etc has no impact
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