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Everything posted by binnsy

  1. Would anyone be happy with Glenn Hoddle?
  2. lovely now if they could actually discuss the issues at the club and not just how offended they are at being banned that would be great until then You're cutting your nose to spite your face if you want to make this something about the media being corrupt and looking after their own self interest first and foremost. That's nothing intelligent people already know. What's interesting about this latest development is that by banning them, Ashley has effectively pointed the barrel of the PR gun towards himself. Now, we can sit here and laugh at the media, or we use them for our own purpose, whilst they look after their own, in a 'enemy of your enemy is your friend' kind of way. I know which approach I'd prefer. while I'm far more cynical and have very little faith in the likes of Lee Ryder to achieve anything significant. I fully expect them to be allowed back in a few weeks and back to normal. In a few weeks time this club could be on the brink of a massive transformation if we play our cards right. It seems to me by your reactions you're almost hoping the local rags wind their neck in and everything returns to "normal" so you can say I told you so. we've seen this type of thing before we've sat through months and months of waiting for someone to come buy the club we've seen protests we've seen attendances dip we've seen relegation we've seen other papers banned we've seen the stadium renamed and people offended by that-nothing changed Ashleys still doing what he wants when he wants because in the end unless we all find £200m odd down the back of the couch nothing will any time soon. He won't change the way he does things a new manager won't change the chaotic way the club works and some protests won't cause him to suddenly want to spend money. I'd love to be optimistic and hopeful of things changing and this could be it but I just can't see it. If we make his life a living hell and hurt his primary business interest, he'll cut his losses eventually and sell at a loss if he has to. Alternatively, we can bend over and take whatever comes our way. how can we hurt his primary business interest? you think your average shopper on the street who's kid wants trainers or a football shirt would be anymore put off going into a sports direct shop or their website by his chaotic running of a football club compared to this? http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/aug/05/zero-hours-contracts-cover-1m-uk-workers couple of hundred people walk into his shop on a saturday afternon and just block everything for an hour, would make him sit up and take notice when on the busiest day he loses business. great idea in theory but theres over 470 of them. well lets just start with the ones up here!! :-)
  3. well not sure about the attitude but the other points are correct. i remember watching him play in the reserves last season at whitley park and Carver was sitting behind me and slating him to the other coaching staff there.
  4. lovely now if they could actually discuss the issues at the club and not just how offended they are at being banned that would be great until then You're cutting your nose to spite your face if you want to make this something about the media being corrupt and looking after their own self interest first and foremost. That's nothing intelligent people already know. What's interesting about this latest development is that by banning them, Ashley has effectively pointed the barrel of the PR gun towards himself. Now, we can sit here and laugh at the media, or we use them for our own purpose, whilst they look after their own, in a 'enemy of your enemy is your friend' kind of way. I know which approach I'd prefer. while I'm far more cynical and have very little faith in the likes of Lee Ryder to achieve anything significant. I fully expect them to be allowed back in a few weeks and back to normal. In a few weeks time this club could be on the brink of a massive transformation if we play our cards right. It seems to me by your reactions you're almost hoping the local rags wind their neck in and everything returns to "normal" so you can say I told you so. we've seen this type of thing before we've sat through months and months of waiting for someone to come buy the club we've seen protests we've seen attendances dip we've seen relegation we've seen other papers banned we've seen the stadium renamed and people offended by that-nothing changed Ashleys still doing what he wants when he wants because in the end unless we all find £200m odd down the back of the couch nothing will any time soon. He won't change the way he does things a new manager won't change the chaotic way the club works and some protests won't cause him to suddenly want to spend money. I'd love to be optimistic and hopeful of things changing and this could be it but I just can't see it. If we make his life a living hell and hurt his primary business interest, he'll cut his losses eventually and sell at a loss if he has to. Alternatively, we can bend over and take whatever comes our way. how can we hurt his primary business interest? you think your average shopper on the street who's kid wants trainers or a football shirt would be anymore put off going into a sports direct shop or their website by his chaotic running of a football club compared to this? http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/aug/05/zero-hours-contracts-cover-1m-uk-workers couple of hundred people walk into his shop on a saturday afternon and just block everything for an hour, would make him sit up and take notice when on the busiest day he loses business.
  5. If it goes full on, could get poisonous, may lead to, may need to, another relegation. but in for a penny....... i think i am now at the point when i would prefer to see us in league 1 and i am supporting MY club going out and giving 100% and striving to be the best it can be rather than what we have now with ASHLEY's club just plodding along making up the numbers
  6. can't believe a little march has got him so riled that he has banned the local newspapers, its not even like the protest march was vitriolic and demanding he sell up straight away, while the ideal scenario is he does leave one of the aims of the march was a plea for the club to show some AMBITION and act like a football club of our size should. The MAOC had only being up and running about 6 weeks and from what i heard from speaking to them would have been delighted if they had got 1000 to turn up, anything over 500 would have been a success for them. The club might be in for a shock now when the next ones comes round and could be quite vitriolic!!
  7. my mate works for Dummetts dad and he told me last night that all the training so far this week as been with Willo and Dummett playing together at centre half and no sign yet of Saylor
  8. thats more like it for Tiote, he was really good today and back to what he does best. Gave a proper captains performance
  9. bobby howe, Andrew Elliott, was at school and played at crammy jnrs with them and both went on to sign for forest before dropping down the leagues and ended up at Swindon and Hartlepool. Also at crammy played with graham fenton and had the odd training match with shearer. played against steve Watson, alan Thompson, Robbie Elliott, in school games and boys club games and Ryan Giggs in a tournament at the isle of wight, he was absolutely unreal. also there was a lad a couple of years older than me at school, who's name I have forgot who was a tremendous player, remember us getting a school trip to roker park to watch him play for England schoolboys and he had something like 20 clubs offering him schoolboy forms and he turned them all down as he didn't want to be a footballer and instead wanted to be a doctor or chemist.
  10. We are doing a great job of wrecking his career before its really started, he's gone backwards in the last 12-18 months due to lack of football.
  11. Then again they may face some pressure off there fans as i sure they would like to save about £20 on there longest trip of the season.
  12. £7, take it or leave it. mmm will have to leave it! lol also he's not really a football fan but apparently keeps getting told that NUFC fans would like that plate. I am not sure but just wanting some opinions, do you think it would interest a NUFC supporter?
  13. Lad at work is thinking of selling his car number plate http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/timharding/Capture_zps8212c350.png[/img][/url] if anyone is interested make an offer
  14. binnsy

    Loïc Remy

    Him, Cabaye, Sissoko and Debuchy all are. Has Ben Arfa fell out with the national management again or just overlooked? He's not playing well enough to get in the national team, you need to be playing better than 1 good game in in 5 to play for your club side never mind your country.
  15. scored 2 today for the reserves and can't be any worse than the players tonight. Reserves Xisco used to score for them and yes he can be worse a lot worse as he's shown on many occasions. Front 6 should be same as Villa, but make some changes where necessary at the back. i have seen plenty of both Vuckic and Xisco in the reserves to know there is a world of difference between those 2 players. Vuckic given a run in the side, played in his proper position could see him doing for us what Barkley done for Everton. The lad is a top notch footballer sadly hampered by injuries but currently injury free and playing well.
  16. scored 2 today for the reserves and can't be any worse than the players tonight.
  17. i would ring the changes after that shambles tonight. KRUL DEBUCHY WILLO COLO DUMMETT CABAYE ANITA VUCKIC or MARV HBA CISSE REMY I would even strongly think about playing Sammy instead of HBA
  18. 2 seasons ago he stumbled upon 433 and it rocketed us up the league and we finished 5th, last season he tweaked it to the 4231 and it didn't work. We sign 1 player in Remy and we went back to 433 against Villa and looked a really good side. PArdew then comes out with the rubbish that now we have Remy he can play that way again as hasn't been able to since Ba left! What do they do on the training ground every week that stops them playing in a successful formation cos 1 player is missing?? Surely he can work on the team shape and formation week in week out and even if its a Sammy/Marv or even Obertan in one of the wide positions, yes while they may not be as good as Remy the team unit and shape is still there and players know there jobs, we seem to have a different formation every week at the minute.
  19. It's a nightmare really, if they televise our game as well as Arsenal/Chelsea there's no scenario where every team is happy - unless they can move the derby to Saturday or don't televise us vs Man City just checked the fixtures and Chelsea are at home to Man City on the sunday, presumably the 2nd part of super sunday after our game.
  20. coming just after the derby on the Sunday will cause potential problem as now NUFC and SAFC will want there home games on the Wednesday. NUFC normally always play on the Wednesday while the mackems play on the Tuesday but can see sky putting Arsenal v Chelsea live on the wednesday night and us and Man City on the Tuesday.
  21. any idea how many tickets have been sold? guessing we need Mary on here to answer that.
  22. in a way I think the players thought it was too easy at the start, we started really well and bossed the game for the first 20 odd mins and were cruising at 1-0, then the players seemed to get cocky/complacent illustrated when MYM started dribbling out of defence, eventually getting caught and from that moment Hull got into the game and in the space of ten minutes they could have scored 3 or 4 goals, luckily we got away with the sloppiness only conceding the one and then got the bonus of the 2nd goal just before half time. That should have been the kick up the backside needed to then come out in the 2nd half and win the the game but we started sloppily, switched off at a set piece and never really got going. In the end Hull ran out well deserved winners from a game when we should have blown them away after our opening 20 minute spell.
  23. Santon wasn't too bad today but yet again though when he gets forward his delivery is woeful, the lad just can't get a ball into the box, yet people think he would make a good winger. In the formation we play we need to rely on the fullbacks getting forward to provide the width and get crosses in. Debuchy last week against Villa looked like a top class international full back but today he barely resembled a sunday league player.
  24. binnsy

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    got to be a massive worry that the person responsible for trying to tie Hatem down to a new contract (and should be happening now really) is Joe Kinnear!!
  25. binnsy

    U23s & Academy

    First time i have seen him play tonight and i was impressed, small nippy player like Campbell and scored a cracking goal tonight following good play from Vukcic and Campbell, ball got laid back to him and he smashed a low left footed striker into bottom corner from about 20 yards. He could/should have scored a couple more but then most of the team tonight could have scored 1,2 or 3 goals. Still can't believe we ended up drawing that game 1-1 after such a dominant performance.
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