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Everything posted by danswan

  1. I think we should buy a load of Jocks and Scandinavians.
  2. danswan

    Reyes a Target

    Knomes! Love it. Sign him up.
  3. danswan

    Today's other games

    That really needs a 'NSFW' tag, funny as it may be 80 - Aye.
  4. have you seen spanish football. foul given everytime a piece of clothing is touched. shola's style would be more suited to the BSP. Yes, I have. What was it like?
  5. danswan

    Reyes a Target

    Keegan's reye of sunshine
  6. You are kidding right? Im not Martins biggest fan but he is 10 times the player Mcfadden is Different to Martins, good player.
  7. That's who I immediately thought of. Swanson at Dundee Utd will also be a fantastic player in a couple of years but you're buying potential at that age. Scott Brown hasn't had much of a season at Celtic and they'd want their money back then some so I don't think he'd be good value. Danny Swanson is sheer class, he has the capability to be the best player in the world, ever. He's shite. Always too keen to show off his massive shiny black helmet.
  8. That's who I immediately thought of. Swanson at Dundee Utd will also be a fantastic player in a couple of years but you're buying potential at that age. Scott Brown hasn't had much of a season at Celtic and they'd want their money back then some so I don't think he'd be good value. Danny Swanson is sheer class, he has the capability to be the best player in the world, ever.
  9. How many times does Mort have to come out and say there is no truth in these rumours before you believe him? Ashley did not become a billionaire by buying high and selling low did he? Why would he be prepared to make a substantial loss on the club, especially when he seems to love having it, if the away games and drinking sessions in newcastle are anything to go by? Well I do believe him. And it obviously makes no sense to sell. I'm just expecting the worst I suppose, a bit like that robot off Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
  10. Am I the only one who is starting to think there might be something in this Ashley selling up story? It would be just our luck, we have the manager and seemingly the funding in place to have a really good summer in the transfer market, just for Ashley to jump ship and take his cash with him. Appreciate it is all speculation, no facts and there is a big agenda against us out there, but I have supported NUFC for too long to expect everything to go as planned. I would just love to see what Keegan will do if he gets his hands on this sort of money so I just hope this is paranoia.
  11. Hopefully any signings will become stars during their time here, or at least enhance their reputation.
  13. The club needs a shake-up. If we came straight back up with all guns blazing then it could indeed be a good thing. Unfortunately it's a very big 'if'..
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