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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    no more "let's play!" can see why the fitness levels have improved so much. nice to see Mehdad out there. Really got the bug hasnt he?
  2. huss9


    Callum Wilson's injuries have been really shite for him. Surely would have been the number 1 back up to Kane by now.
  3. huss9


    thats what she said.
  4. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    he nearly got the winner at home to manu accept for a worldie from de gea.
  5. huss9


    southgate seems to have this "trying to avoid defeat" rather than "going for the win" mantra. hope he's learnt from the euros final. fucking blew it big time that day.
  6. wouldnt be surprised if we accepted a big bid for him from abroad this summer if we bought another high quality left sded midfielder as i dont think Maxi would stay if he was going to be back up.
  7. playing the World Club Champions away from home without our first choice front 6 and best RB and we would have been disappointed even if we'd have managed a point. we were so fucking good.
  8. LOWS - the home defeat against Partizan and away to Blackburn in 96.
  9. i'm a season ticket holder and i dont think we should be allowed to buy extra tickets. should go straight to general public sale. not even sure about this "members" lark.
  10. he never hit the same levels after his injury. definitley wasnt the same player in his first few games back.
  11. his form really dropped after his back injury and we were better with diame/shelvey at the time. if he'd worked at it in training he would have been back in.
  12. huss9

    On this day...

    that second video at the end. loved Big Jack. Top man. wasnt a great manager for us, but cracking fella.
  13. huss9

    Dan Burn

    Big Dan Buuurrrrn, Big Dan BURN!
  14. no charisma, no insight or useful/clever analysis. BT's Merson.
  15. huss9


    people say howe got lucky with the clark red card. he did a bit but it was howe who kept him in midfield and instructed him before and all through the man u game - he could easily have been dropped or another midfielder brought in. so kudos.
  16. bit of a misery guts, but i dont like the shiny material. sheets get left on the steps and a couple of times i thought a codger was about to slip on one.
  17. he needs to stay as back up
  18. fraser saying howe wanted them to stop sitting back so deep and to push up, but they just couldnt help it.
  19. there;s been rapid changes already over the past couple of years - they are desperate to diversify the economy and bring in tourists. need to have lived in SA or at least be in communication with locals to appreciate it. still massive abuses mind, but small steps etc. i bet MBS really regerts the Khashoggi murder now. however much they relax some of their laws - that is always going to hang over him. he really fucked up there. probabaly too arrogant and thought it wouldnt come out.
  20. huss9

    Ryan Fraser

    yup. away to brentford in the cup. "quite technical" i think he called it.
  21. murphy is much better on the right and fraser was a match winner from the left against brentford. fraser will cover his full back if he has to and he's quicker than murphy. dont change it.
  22. huss9

    St James' Park

    and we have a winner!!!!!!
  23. villa, sunderland, nufc and now wba - all having unrealistic expectaions steve?
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