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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Watching highlights of some of our old games from the Keegan and Bobby Robson days and can't wait to get that feeling back, imagine our club actually going after titles again
  2. Not many countries get attacked the way Saudi does whenever it tries to take a step forward, they are an easy target for those who want to tell themselves they are morally conscious, if you think our fans are being unreasonable think about the overwhelming majority of Saudi Citizens who are behind their government and the positive changes its making and who waited a really long time to see the country start to open up and change its old mentality, yet they and the country are being attacked from all angels whenever it tries to build international ties with major brands or do anything positive for the country, I'm not denying they are at fault and should accept some of the criticism, but people on here actively attacking anyone with anything positive to say about them make me laugh
  3. All the people writing the letters are connected to Qatar one way or another.
  4. That was quite shit from his side tbh.
  5. I think BEIN and the Qatari's are incredibly annoyed at the prospect of the Saudi's having a premier league club, they know that they will go after the TV rights as well the first chance they get, so they are using everything in their power to try and stop it.
  6. I like right next door to them and honestly they're not half as bad as the media tries to portray them, what many people in the UK think of them is quite far from the reality. They literally kill journalists ffs Next door to them, in what sense? Currently picturing Bin Salman tending to the garden of a quiet semi-detached. "Aye, canny lad, keeps himself to himself. Media blow that whole beheading journalists stuff completely out of proportion, was just a misunderstanding." I live in Bahrain and have work in Saudi at least once a week, by all means no country is perfect but when you see how people perceive them in the UK you can't help but laugh, my wife is from Ponteland and was absolutely terrified from even going near the boarder thinking something might happen to her now she regularly joins me whenever i go there, the people are great and the new government led by MBS is creating massive positive change. you can always dig out articles about how its horrible and dark place but - in my opinion - the reality is just like any other country they have their good and their bad, the only difference is they are foreign so it's easier to target them in the media.
  7. I like right next door to them and honestly they're not half as bad as the media tries to portray them, what many people in the UK think of them is quite far from the reality.
  8. Turki Al-Shaikh following us does say the Saudi's are involved in some capacity, he's one of those closest to MBS.
  9. Whenever Journalists are bored they come out with this takeover shit
  10. Les Ferdinand was incredible, what a beast of a striker he was that season, i remember i was only 9 or 10 years old back then but was gutted when him and Ginola left us for spurs.
  11. Just finished watching this and honestly loved it, i think the thing i like the most about it is the fact that its made by two Sunderland fans who wanted to show how great their club is but ended up being pure comedy gold A few things that i noticed, painting Maja as their star player who left them when they needed him the most, when the reality is Maja only had one goal in 17 the previous season, i think they actually bought Charlie Wyke to be their main man but he got injured and by some fluke Maja turned to R9 at the start of the season, i read somewhere that when he left them he was only on 1K a week! Methven is a complete idiot, however seeing how incompetent some of the original staff were i understood a bit where he was coming from, although he didn't really make any positive difference. Stewart Donald seems like a good guy but way out of his depth, the transfer deadline scene told you everything, definitely took a big gamble buying and it backfired, Jack Ross looked competent despite the fact that his tactics were awful that season. The one thing they don't show is that their fanbase is one of the main reasons the club is at where its at, the way they treated players, manager and owners over the last few years is key to where they are right now, deserve everything they got to be honest.
  12. The Saudi's got their hands full with COVID-19 and an Oil Price war with Russia but will still take the time to entertain Mike Ashley and his Clowns?
  13. I wonder where will they go after making up the Dubai story and now the MBS/Saudi Story, i was going to suggest Vince McMahon but we already had that didn't we
  14. Ben Arfa vs Blackburn for me, happened right in front of me and i couldn't believe it, remember most people who saw it in SJP came back and were writing here about it to those who didn't and it was only that same night when the highlights were on that everyone got to see it.
  15. All events that are in June are getting canceled.
  16. The video misses out on the fact that we actually did change our formation and that he's quite shit as it is, does he really press defenders? i remember the fans were really angry with him during the home game at Palace for failing to press multiple times.
  17. Fuck Arsenal man, every time i touch anything related to them in FPL it all goes to shit.
  18. My Normal team got at least twice the points as my free hit team if its makes you feel any better
  19. Might've had something with the fact that we played in green tbf.
  20. I can't fault us for much to be honest other than not scoring 2 or 3 goals, we dominated the game from the minute they got the red card and won easily in the end, the new formation looks better than the old one, at least we attack a bit now.
  21. Wasn't his best game today but won us the game, by far our best player.
  22. 3 Awful sitters, but i still like the look of him upfront more than Joelinton he at least won a few headers and gave them trouble running behind them.
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