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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. 1st game in 1976. ST holder for 29 years til Rafa went. 180+ loyalty pts sacrificed. Hoped more would do likewise and chuck it but sadly the 'if Rafa goes we go' claim was all bollocks and I felt badly let down when the drop in attendance was minimal. Wondered why I'd gave up my pts and what had been a massive part of life since I was a bairn. After fluking a few good results and feeling like I was missing it, I fell for taking up a free half season ticket when one was offered. Very wrong in hindsight. It's blatantly obvious we have a football club in name only and have a desire to merely exist and no longer compete. A pointless club. The club is rotten to the core. We should be like Blackpool who's fans really did stay away and eventually brought change. Mind you Blackpool didn't have premier league tv money coming in but neither will we next season. Having been away for so long and well out of a bad habit, I'll be staying away and it won't be easier than it is now.
  2. Same old verbal diarrhoea. How dare we want to do more than simply exist. It's made all the more frustrating because it's trotted out so regularly. If it was say Everton or Villa they wouldn't think it acceptable.
  3. lose at Brighton and it's a 2 horse race. Us/Fulham? Where are the '6 or 7' teams looking over their shoulders now Bruce? They're disappearing over the horizon.
  4. Aye, decent crosses going in, particularly 1st half, for the 1st game in as long as I can remember. By no means a Carroll fan. He's had his day but how couldn't Bruce see he needed him on to get on the end of one of them. Thing is, if he starts Carroll we wouldn't get crosses I like that in. We'd be lumping it forward to him and he'd be clumsily fouling defenders in his attempt to win the ball.
  5. Don't want to go down but if we must then maybe the club might start being a burden to him, when he loses massive TV money and his adverts aren't exposed as much. Might have to take what he can get.
  6. Like Samptime, that Zulte Waragem trip was possibly my best ever. Better than trips to the more illustrious places we've played in. We'd booked all our travel, hotel then couldn't get match tickets. I'd heard there was plenty available in the home end if you could get hold of one. Somehow got in touch with, of all people a Belgian Villa fan who offered to get a couple and meet us there. At work the day before travelling someone came in and said it had been on the news that any ticketless toon fans would be turned back. Panic ensued but we thought it's all paid for so we'd take our chances. After a few pints ijn the head of steam, likewisewe boarded the overnight Megabus to London before Eurostar. The adrenaline was pumping as we rolled into Brussels. Mean looking police awaited but they simply handed out 'Welcome to Belgium' leaflets with dos and don'ts and we breathed easy. After a day on the drink we went to meet our ticket man, nervous again that he might not turn up. Thankfully he did and we paid him in cash + numerous grateful pints. Enjoyed the game peacefully from the home end before meeting our Belgian contact again. Took us to a street called Ooverport street and for a Thursday it was as busy as the Toon on a Sat. Fantastic! More beer the day after then back to London. We'd shelled out for the train as opposed to Megabus to get home so we'd need cans. Went to the Sainsbury's?, the one opposite Miller's pub at Kings cross and got a case of 24 thinking better too many than too few. Power lines blew down and we were on there hours but couldn't care less as we had a plentiful can supply. The 'civilians' on the train were fuming at the delay and moaned at every apology the driver made while we were like 'that's ok, take your time'. Cheers for that experience alone Glenn. What a bloke and what a trip.
  7. I can remember him and his Roeder shuffle in his playing days alongside KK, Beardsley and Waddle. What days and what team! He always quietly got on with his job. A key yet fairly unheralded player and genuinely nice bloke.
  8. That's awful. Great servant to the club as player and manager. Seemed to love the club and gave his all. RIP Glenn.
  9. Pearce commented during the Palace/Fulham game that there's been a lot of talk about how it's time for Palace to go on to the next level. Then he followed that by saying 'That's what Charlton fans were thinking and look what happened to them'. Aye lads, us, Palace and one or two others will just go on making the numbers up eternally.
  10. Excellent day. Had the hairs standing up on the back of my neck listening to the fans in that vid.
  11. The Leazes wing of the Milburn Stand was the place to be back then. Full of absolute nutcases but they narve made a hell of a racket! It was great in there back then. IIRC in KKs playing days the away fans would be in the end section of the Leazes, on the other side of the vehicle access bit? Sure i can remember a particularly lively atmosphere v Leeds one day. Think we won 2-1. I later got my 1st S/T in the Milburn centre paddock when Ossie was in charge, Around 1991. Not sure if there still was an East and centre paddock by then or it had been made into one big paddock?
  12. Happy birthday king Kev, you absolute superstar. A superstar that chose to join MY/OUR club in one, no two of it's darkest periods and save it. Undoubtedly one of , if not THE most influential men ever associated with NUFC. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
  13. Great that Paully. Cheers. If only someone out there could see the clubs potential in the same way KK did and still does. He's right though. It simply can't go on forever like this.
  14. Remember it well. Got off the bus at SJP with not long to spare before KO and horror of horrors I'd forgotten my ST. Wife had to hurriedly jump on the bus from Slatyford to bring it down. Bus driver kindly missed out Cowgate stop and appreciated the gravity of my situation ☺. Some poor old woman probably waited ages for her trip to the Grainger market for her Sunday joint or something. Meanwhile I missed KO but was lucky to see the return of the great man KK.
  15. Fucking Keith Curle what a twat, we we’re in the main stand at Maine Road that day. Got a bit tasty in there aswell mags dotted everywhere. Fucking Keith Curle what a twat, we we’re in the main stand at Maine Road that day. Got a bit tasty in there aswell mags dotted everywhere. Aye, i was in there too. Was ok during the game but had a bit of an altercation at FT. Some game though.
  16. I remember not one but two amazing Robert goals at home to Spurs, around 2003 maybe?
  17. ? What a day. Red hot. A perfect day. Couldn't script it better with him grabbing the winner. I watched while hanging on to the Gallowgate (scoreboard end) advertising hoardings at the back, hence my user name as it happens. Terraces were packed and the atmosphere electric. The club was resurrected, briefly anyway, that summer. God knows we need a similar lift nowadays.
  18. Spot on. Some of our fans love bashing our club. Sorry going to have to reply with another Analogy. NUFC is like a listed building that could be magnificent but has been derelict for a number of years. The building is shitty in its current state but could be magnificent again if only someone would buy it and do it up! So I stand by my assertion. NUFC in its current state is a shitty club! Good analogy with the listed building. Listed buildings can't be destroyed though. If only the same could be said for NUFC.
  19. These teams are using the travel abroad for 'work' exemption to the extreme. They're taking the piss and exploiting it.
  20. Well it's a bit of a mess isn't it? Those results were awarded then retracted subject to appeal.
  21. And if what's happened so far this season is anything to go by no action will be taken, while the St Mirrens and Kilmarnocks of the league get 3-0 results given against them when they've not been able to fulfil fixtures.
  22. Don't be daft. All seems double standards to me. Just can't make sense of so many people being allowed in there today, but won't be allowed anywhere near there come next week. Either going to allow people in, or not. Any real need for Jason McAteer and the bird interviewing him to be there? or the hoards of journalists and police? Carragher is allowed in, but a lifetime season ticket holder, and the rest of the plebs not. Obviously Covid can tell if your special and work for the BBC. Tbf didn't Carragher sponsor the game today? There did seem a few too many there though.
  23. Lass just explained how to access the other games during HT break. Ignore me. Cheers anyway.
  24. Are they via the red button Disco? Or stand alone channels? When I press the red button it literally says BT Sport Extra across my screen.
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