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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. FUCKING HELL! This wasn't over the summer, this was actually during last season? BEFORE he went to Norwich? FUCK OFF PARDEW! Fucking disgusting. Tear the whole place down, it's abhorrent.
  2. Pretty sure we have more physios than first team coaches.
  3. Carver already has experience with the caretaker gig Haha imagine the disaster that would be after cuntgate.
  4. I don't think Ryan_Taylor got the memo.
  5. It'll be Beardsley or someone like that. When Charnley got appointed they said in a statement that they would promote from within.
  6. Nope. Can't recall, HBA is gone forever dude.
  7. It's a strange 'one or the other' concept. Bizarre.
  8. The word 'could' features too much for my liking.
  9. No way would Pardew have played Robert. He'd go on about work rate and earning a place and blame all of the many, many defeats on him not tracking back. Plus Robert would tell Pardew where to stick it.
  10. My team name has been flagged as offensive and needs to be changed. These cheap mind games won't work.
  11. Quality mate. It's pretty high up though, be careful. Hate for you to have a... Nasty fall.
  12. Eyre just petty tossers. Remember the whole IT IS A FACT club statement? Pricks.
  13. I've made a few switches and got a cool 0.6 sat in the bank. Making a march on breaking the top 100 next week. Two average weeks have seen me mid table in every league so far.
  14. Aye it was good. Also Solano was playing saxophone for some reason
  15. Aye I'm dubious. I didn't want to be angry alone though so thought I'd hoy it up here
  16. Been 'reliably informed' that the team is going to be: Krul, Janmaat, Colo, Saylor, Haidara, Gouffran, Sissoko, Anita, Colback, Cabella, Riviere - 4-2-3-1 No idea how reliable the fella actually is for this stuff but they seem pretty certain. Tin hat.
  17. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,94045.msg5146999.html#msg5146999
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Newcastle-United-Football-Shirts-/151380189906?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item233ef662d2 Just in time the for the weekend ey kiddo.
  19. Fatwax

    Papiss Cissé

    He needs good crosses to score goals, but the wide players we've bought look more like goal scorers themselves than providers. Aarons looks like the type of winger that Cisse would thrive off, and Haidara's crosses are far better to attack than Santon's. But neither of those is likely to be starting games much. That's all very well and I agree to an extent, but there's no excusing the poor quality of his performances, the missing of absolute sitters and his inability to understand the offside rule. In my opinion his mind is shot to shit and it doesn't look like he'll ever really recover from that based on the last two seasons. When he first came here he didn't have really have 'proper' wingers either, he had Ba & HBA. I think the problem is definitely from Pardew and his mismanagement of him as a player.
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