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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    And for good reason tbh.
  2. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Ay? That doesn't even make sense if reports are to be believed. They 'won't panic' but yet will try and hijack the transfer of another player to another club to whom we'd not even been linked throughout the summer? Nonsense. Unadulterated bullshit. No excuse for not finding a striker in the timeframe. None whatsoever. Lists should have been drawn up and contingency plans put in place long before August 31st.
  3. Put it this way, we've got another 6 months to see if he would have been worth it.
  4. There is a middle ground between throwing millions on players such as Owen, Luque etc, and buying absolutely fucking nobody. We are well-run if you completely ignore the sports aspect, and by doing that you are completely missing the point of running a fotball club. Its not supposed to be ran like a normal business. I understand what you mean here, and I concur. Not buying, as in actually paying money for, a forward is unforgiveable given our back-up options if Ba and Best are injured for any length of time.
  5. Forest's problem is that they lack pace, especially on the wings. I don't know why Schteeve is complaining about lack of players though. With the funds he did have at his disposal he brought in three central midfielders, all over 30 and all severely on the decline.
  6. toon25

    Joey Barton

    I'm sure it's been said before, but he's got a cheek talking about ambition. Having his cunt of an agent trying to drum up interest among 'Champions League' clubs only to head down to QPR.
  7. I would assume he'd get paid even if he was on the bench tbh. He could still 'play', per se, but just might not get on the pitch. Anyway, all the best Demba, we're going to need thee.
  8. toon25

    Leon Best

    Have squad numbers been confirmed now? I'd give him number 9 tbh. Gave Carroll the world of confidence and might well do the same for Leon. Really like him as a centre forward, tbh, and really hope he kicks on this year. We're going to need him.
  9. obviously wasnt there for the 12 camera face photoshoot thing they did for us back in february Just give him shola's face but with hair haha The Teeth man its all about the teeth Skirge, how about Sammy as the ? striker in your sig?
  10. I think Golfmag indicated it might in the next year or so. If there is a fucking God. I just hope they'll find people that will want to deal with them - sooner rather than later preferably.
  11. Just out of interest, when do people reckon he's going to sell, if at all?
  12. Is there something similar for net spend chap? Am sure West Brom spent £7million on Long? Or was the £4.5 the initial fee?
  13. Bollocks to the incompetent cunts. Anyway, onwards and upwards. At least we've got, at a push, 2 decent strikers with Shola to 'back up'. We're not in the position of say, Villa or Everton who really are short in the striker department. What an absolute gutter of a day yesterday. Full of optimism at the beginning of the day only to be left wondering, by 11pm, why the fuck I support this magnificent club.
  14. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Indeed. Particularly a coward that, so far, isn't doing a bad job at all.
  15. The problem is, whilst it takes time to build a squad, there's absolutely no indication that it's being done for reasons other than saving £££. If we had owners who were ambitious, and who communicated those ambitions to the fans, we wouldn't have sold Nolan or Barton. Neither needed to go (before Twitter rants) and they were, by all intents and purposes, first team players who would have provided much needed stability and a strong dressing room in order to ease in the new players. There comes a point where its impossible to defend the indefensible. Not buying a new striker, in my view, is exactly that. Indefensible and incompetent.
  16. toon25

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Any idea when this lad is due back in training? Could give us all a much needed lift!
  17. If anything Im worse, i gave the bastards the benefit of the doubt, tried to stay with their plan, got twitchy a few weeks back...but its all mapped out how i hoped it wouldn't Agreed here. Yesterday proved to me that MA and DL really don't have the best for this club at all. They're happy to hedge their bets that we'll be ok with a thin squad. Really tried to give them the benefit of the doubt - thought that all the cost cutting was essential in this day and age and tried to stay on board with their 'plan'. But the truth is, they don't have a vision for the club. Can only hope that this'll indicate that he's planning to fuck off within the next year or two. #wishfulthinking
  18. What would your opinion have been had we signed Roux? (goal-scoring record isn't very good) Personally, I would have thought that we'd at least have identified the weakness in the team and, while not the finished article, we'd have bought potential and someone to provide us with a different option, especially when Ba and possibly Shola are at the ACN. It would also have meant we could have eased him in gently. Instead, if we get a striker at all in Jan, he's got the added pressure of having to perform from day one.
  19. This. 100%. We had a real chance to push on with the signings made so far but, frankly, that we've not brought in a striker after having 7 months to identify one has undermined the signings of Cabeye, etc., which, coincidentally, I feel were more opportunistic than part of a planned transfer strategy.
  20. toon25

    Pardew Patter

    Like Pardew but sick to death of this bullshit. We've been strung along all summer by unfulfilled promises. Suffice to say I'll be ignoring the excuses coming out in the next few days, 'we tried', etc. Not good enough.
  21. We've been strung along all summer basically. This summer has proved that in we're going nowhere under this current lot. And I have to say, the signings of Ba, Cabeye and Marveux, while good players, were no more than opportunistic. These twats have no foresight and no ambition. Never getting myself excited at another deadline day again. Ruined me fucking day. Nee work done and now seething with anger.
  22. What's going to piss me off most is habit to listen to Pardew come reel off the bullshit excuses over the next couple of days - 'we tried', 'other clubs make it harder for us', etc. Well boo fucking hoo. Pay what strikers are actually worth and then you might have more success in some of these 'negotiations'. Honestly can't believe it. 7 months and not even a cunt in on loan. Thought we were so close to challenging for Europe had we got another forward in. Now just another season of getting by. Cunts utter cunts.
  23. No excuse WHATSOEVER for the sheer lack of incompetence displayed by those mongs in not finding us a striker. 7 fucking moths and copious amounts of bullshit and all we've got is Ba on a fucking free. Fucking livid. Absolute disgrace.
  24. toon25

    Bryan Ruiz

    I thought the BBC had also confirmed we'd made a bid?
  25. toon25

    Bryan Ruiz

    Didn't Douglas(?) mention earlier that Ruiz wanted to speak to us by Twente were not keen on accepting such a late bid? Anyway, fuck Fulham. What do the Fulham fans think of this?
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