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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Watching Man Utd implode is as joyous as finding a carrier bag full of jazz mags in a hedge when you were a youth, then getting home to see a note from your mam on the kitchen bench to say she’s gone looking for bargains at the community centre jumble sale and won’t be back for a couple of hours
  2. I have the same feelings about 2009-10 in level 7 corner, it was class. Cardiff on a Friday night in Feb stands out for me. The buzz around town before the game cos they’d brought a big contingent and there was an edge to it. Then we battered them on the pitch and the L7 corner was in full voice. Deafening noise. After the depression of relegation it was a relief to be part of something in the stands that actually felt positive. There was one game where thousands of us kept the “we don’t care about Ashley” song going for what felt like an entire half. It was mega.
  3. Probably cos it's sung at a billion miles per hour and people can't make out the words
  4. Oh we're the Geordies, The super Geordies, We're Newcastle, They say we win no trophies, Tell us something we don't know, We follow our Newcastle, Through the rain, the sleet, the snow, Oh we're the Geordies, The super Geordies.
  5. Only person I know who enjoys sleeping in a quadruple room is Jim Corr
  6. When the singing section was up there the atmosphere was so good that it was worth accepting the shite view just to be part of it But that sharp ended when our beloved sports shop scumbag got sick of us singing nasty songs about him IIRC when the club stopped the singing section most people who wanted to stand and sing then gravitated to the Gallowgate corner
  7. I’ve had 2 ballot tickets in that same spot and sold them both to mates and found alternatives in the resale I know plenty of people don’t mind L7 but it’s not somewhere I’d pay my hard earned cash to go Its like watching Sensible Soccer on the Amiga in 1992
  8. We’ve got attendance via ballot, randomly allocated seats, warning letters to unofficial standing sections, empty seats when tickets are like gold dust and 30 minute queues to enter some sections of the ground. No wonder the atmosphere has nosedived this season. Club are fucking this up so badly.
  9. Loads of ST holders have been standing in that section for at least 2 years, so bit odd that it’s been clamped down on now The chat around me was that it’s a lady who sits in a wheelchair on the raised concourse behind the section, she’s complained to a steward and that’s triggered the letters Seems too specific to be made up, but it was terrace talk so could easily be bollocks One thing that definitely isn’t made up bollocks was that everyone was pissed off about having to sit down so the atmosphere was shite
  10. Aye and also each club should have a former player in the VAR room and anytime there’s a decision appealed the former players have a game of soggy biscuit to see which way the decision goes
  11. And apologies to anyone who’s sick of my bleating about this, but the club have just sent letters to hundreds of fans in that corner who are usually stood up and rocking and told them if they don’t sit the fuck down they’ll get banned
  12. Strawberry corner is rammo, absolutely heaving even 30 mins before kick off
  13. I walked down from Leazes Park towards Gallowgate around 2.30 and the size of the queues down the East Stand and Gallowgate was insane I can’t work out why it’s so much worse round that side of the ground, but it’s shocking to see the size of the queues And there’s definitely the chance of aggro as it’s difficult to work out where the queues start, so people are gobbing off about others pushing in when they’re not doing it deliberately
  14. Queues round the East Stand & Gallowgate at 2.30 were unreal, absolutely massive The amount of people coming up the Strawberry steps from town is a proper issue, it’s rammed outside that part of the ground. Fuck knows why it takes so much longer to get in on phones And atmosphere was shite where I was and it’s normally class. Basically had hundreds of people who would usually be stood singing, but were sat down chatting about how unfair it was that they’ve had a letter to say they’re not allowed to stand and sing Quietest I’ve seen Strawberry Corner since the takeover, proper deflating experience given how much noise is usually generated round there
  15. Was also two empty seats in front of me And whoever has them knows how to do resale as I bought one of them for Villa game Bit of a shame when there’s people clamming for tickets
  16. No, the front section of the Gallowgate next door to safe standing Everyone stands up there and has done for ages, so it’s an unofficial standing section But letters arrived this week saying sit down, or else
  17. Said it in the match thread but the unofficial standing section in Strawberry Corner have all had letters from the club telling them to sit down. Was flat as fuck in there when normally it’s loud all game
  18. Comfortable 3 points Flat as fuck in the Strawberry Corner compared to usual, the unofficial standing section have all had letters telling them to sit down so it was quiet when normally it’s buzzing 2 empty seats in front of me too
  19. Ideal game to give Schar his chance in central midfield
  20. Sadly the worst racism I’ve seen is when following Newcastle and in the relatively recent past too Cup final this year. Lad stood next to me at Wembley was racist vermin shouting his mouth off and got pulled up for it but acted the twat in response And 2007ish, I saw disgusting racist abuse hurled towards black families and Asian stewards by our fans at Villa, Blackburn & West Ham. Was disgraceful
  21. That photo was just Sam & Bruno having a few sociable pints of Carling and some pickled eggs in King St Social Club Bruno's in there most days after training and has even won a few meat raffles
  22. Fingerblasting in the early 90's was the pinnacle for me like
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