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Everything posted by sixx

  1. It wasn't even a bad performance by any means and it just makes it that much more infuriating. You can very clearly see that Benítez is squeezing every tiny bit of ability from this lot and it's nowhere - not anywhere near the amount of quality needed for a passable PL club. Have no idea why I bother anymore.
  2. If Liverpool go for Pulisic in jan we really should be in for Lallana. Don't even know why I'm saying that tho.
  3. Would've taken that before the game. Good to see Atsu finding his feet and Ritchie getting an assist. Rondón was great, so was Dúbravka while Diamé was also pretty good. No one really had a bad game save for maybe Perez who offered very, very little. Would like to see more of Muto in his stead.
  4. Who on here used to think Troy Deeney was an Italian fella called Troidini? So funny
  5. This is exactly why we need Ritchie. Only one who can play a decent cross.
  6. Our best goalkeeper since Given I'd say.
  7. Not too fussed about the result today. We fielded a team of mid-table Championship quality at best, away against a team well on course for a 100 points this season which also benefitted from a free penalty. Turgid watch and doubt I'll be watching the next match. But using this game as a stick to beat Benítez with is just outright dumb.
  8. I'm kind of hoping this is a 5-3-2 with Dummett as a CB. It probably isn't. But just don't concede too many, please don't let this be embarrassing.
  9. Spurs are fucking lethal. Don't need many chances to score.
  10. Sissoko flourishing box to box. Never understood how so many managers persisted with him as a winger.
  11. This Calvert Lewin kid looks useful. Absolutely robbed of a goal there.
  12. I wonder if one of the reasons for Mourinho's failure at Man Utd was down to not having at least one dog-obedient lieutenant on the pitch who would run through a brick wall for him and drag his teammates forward. Had Terry and Drogba at Chelsea, Materazzi at Inter, Ramos at Madrid, Carvalho obviously at a few clubs. Not much leadership in that ManUtd team I reckon and certainly no one for that role.
  13. sixx

    José Mourinho

    He needs to take a break from the game. Not getting anything out of the likes of Sanchez, Pogba and Lukaku this season is just laughable but I'm pretty sure he can reinvent himself as a manager though if he takes some time off. He is after all one of the modern greats. Would probably do a job in international football.
  14. Can't string together 2 passes. This formation is just confusing, no fluidity.
  15. Koulibaly is the real fucking deal isn't he
  16. Still makes me sick when Parker, accidentally mind, broke Jimmy Bullard's leg. I do have a lot of time for Ritchie though, even though he can go missing a lot. He still is, and probably by a mile, our best crosser of a ball and in order to get the most out of Rondon we'll need them. He's also a leader on the pitch and a strong character which is pretty valuable.
  17. sixx

    Jamaal Lascelles

    Rusty. Looked clueless when playing three at the back and was at fault for both goals definitely. Needs some game time to recover form but that was horrendous. Rafa needs to find some consistency with the back line - this rotation between personnel and the rotation of 3 and 4 and 5 at the back just seems to be causing confusion.
  18. Been one of our best players this season. Ah yes because of the wealth of individual performers we've seen this season. I'll retract a bit, he's useful as a backup right back in the PL but he'd barely be a starter in more than 2 PL clubs. Don't forget Benítez's ability in milking blood from a stone. Ask Djimi Traore.
  19. Need crosses from Ritchie and Diame needs to get into the rhythm.
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