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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. He's done nowt wrong man, stop being weird.
  2. Wonder if he's doing this as part of a rehab programme.
  3. The Vieira leaving Arsenal sagas were the worst, got that for about 5 consecutive summers then when he moved on he wasn't much cop anymore so it got hardly any coverage.
  4. The hatred I have for this wanker is probably very irrational like. If he got hit by a train tomorrow afternoon I'd organise a fucking barbeque. neesy loves a bbq.
  5. Wonder how many people put a bet on us going the whole season unbeaten
  6. Saivet must have been fucking horrendous in training since he joined to have never forced his way ahead of this muppet.
  7. Milner retires from international football.
  8. They won't be spaced out that well if they're fucking massive and there's 1 for every 100 people in there
  9. As if that's all there is to it. For any player to go from this: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/06/09/article-2653262-1E9DD8C400000578-476_634x448.jpg To this: ... they better be a decent player. As it happens he's a fucking shit player, so aye that'll be why he gets called a shitcunt.
  10. He absolutely loves nonces man, keep up.
  11. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/06/09/article-2653262-1E9DD8C400000578-476_634x448.jpg
  12. Just remember that you're in someone else's house and need to respect their rules.
  13. Interpolic

    Strongest Eleven

  14. I'd be very surprised if Carver's team talks didn't include incentives of bacon sandwiches.
  15. To the tune of Cococobana (the Lola bit): His name is Jamaal. Jamaal Lascelles. Rafa took him by the hand, and gave him the armband. Repeat.
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