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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. People are massively magnifying his contribution - he's been shit. It's like giving credit for having a measly drop of water in an otherwise dry desert, that's his time here so far.
  2. "Posted Wednesday at 22:32 Going to this. Haven't ever seen us lose away. Keep the beers cold." Well this aged like an egg and bean fart stored in the sewers. What a way to pop my cherry, like losing my virginity to the ugly sister of the worst looking bird in class. Need to watch the highlights properly but the 4th and 5th goal we've basically given up by then. They absolutely schooled us on the flanks from what I could see today. I'm also sick and tired of this predictable pass to Maxi and hope for the best shit that we saw today, proper Bruce levels of tactics there. Teams deal better with him now, we need other goal scorers and attacking threats. Wilson and Trippier out did not help us today at all but by fucking God I cannot wait to see the back of Chris Wood. Absolute nightmare second half, they had us dead and buried in the space of 10 minutes - the concerning thing is the players who scored for them, Doherty and Royale. Very very bad.
  3. Came in the stadium looking miserable as hell then came out to take pictures with the fans lol
  4. Going to this. Haven't ever seen us lose away. Keep the beers cold.
  5. Amir_9


    Obviously a decent human being too especially with all the Bradley Lowrey stuff We should have really pushed to sign him earlier during his career and definitely before he joined them I suppose in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter to us as look at where we are now and look at them. He's obviously worshipped there having played a part in basically giving them the literal only thing worth cheering for that is their wins against us in our most recent fixtures. I wouldn't doubt some of them would go to the grave with "Six in a row FTM" on their tombstones the sad fucks. Enjoy, it'll never ever happen again. They'll speak and pass on fairytales of it in that dump for generations.
  6. Amir_9


    The last dance ended up being a last twirl...
  7. How the fuck do you get hired in the Sudanese league in the first place never mind getting sacked from it 51 days later? All fart no shit CV and del boy levels of interviewing probably...
  8. He is our best player at the club, for now. My only critique of him is being greedy and not passing when he should because its disrupted a lot of promising attacks lately - however keep in mind he has produced some of his best magic by being exactly like that. A do it all on your own kind of player. Teams have obviously picked up on his ability and the fact he tries to do it all on his own but I see no reason why his role can't be slightly adjusted or improved on/varied - with the right coaching. Let's give him a full pre-season and actual season under Howe please before saying ridiculous stuff like "would sell him this summer". What for? Do we need the money or is he a toxic individual in the dressing room?
  9. I am not overly concerned over this one. I think we have it in us to get 4-5 points against Norwich, Leicester, Wolves and Palace which should see us safe before final day
  10. I've been thinking of Gayle needing to start ahead of him and wanting to say before his Southampton goal Yeah he's reverted back to shit. I'd definitely start Gayle ahead of this useless lump of shit
  11. These are so dogshit, let them win they'll never ever get anywhere with Lampard and that pathetic excuse of a squad
  12. This game reminds me of the Pompey at home game from our first relegation season Massive game and the home side as limp as pill dick
  13. In terms of goals return, no better or worse than Gayle In terms of contributing to our play positively, he's been positive but definitely not £25m worth. Painfully average panic signing no two ways about it.
  14. Wood with his usual head straight to keeper wild card
  15. Amir_9

    Mikel Merino

    Bloke left pretty rapid, you think he would even want to come back? You don't think we can currently do better than a player who left so quickly? Yeah he was decent for us and had a lot of promise but we can and should do better in terms of ability, as well as someone who wouldn't jump ship the minute they feel homesick. Folks are too romantic about the idea of this guy on here sometimes just because we "didn't see the best of him" - such is life, rather go for a new player than someone "finish unfinished business" who was here literally only 5 mins.
  16. No reason not to win here. Don't overestimate them, they have an unproven manager yet to get going with them in the league and a mentally fragile squad with only a handful of decent players Early goal for us and I can see us getting at least a draw. Also, to any dear Evertonians from GOT reading this thread. Fuck you and your club.
  17. If VAR doesn't fix situations like this then there is fuck all point in it existing
  18. Peak rent boy Havertz flukes it for the Chelsea rent boys. Typical Embarrassing not giving the penalty
  19. Not enough difference makers in front of goal in that starting lineup 2-0 Chelsea win
  20. Guys it's West Brom man who even cares So what he'll get them promoted then? Better managers than him have taken that club down. They're insignificant and incapable of overcoming what they're known for He couldn't even get the biggest club in Birmingham out of that league. He's not going to get a better job than us ever again
  21. Said 0 last weekend still 0 now Anyone at a 1 is being a math-anazi Anyone more than 1 is being pure fanny probably doesn't step outside of the house on a summer day being afraid to be hit by lightning
  23. Hahahahahaha fuck Everton I'm gonna laugh my fucking ass off if they go down and for any Evertonian(s) reading this - nah I'm not petty, I have genuine personal reasons to hate your fucking club.
  24. I thought Richards was a breath of fresh air originally... now I just find him loud and obnoxious Mate I'm not interested in tuning in for you to find everything so hilarious and be screaming every 5 mins. I'm not trying to shag you.
  25. Way too easy, United are a team of individuals of 11 that all think they're greater and better than what they are but are in denial about the fact they really really are not, as a team and as individuals.
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