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Everything posted by BergenMagpie

  1. Not going to go into a long discussion here as we are in the wrong forum and since Im biased (big fan of the channel). You must have jumped on some bandwagon without being familiar to his channel. Never seen a fitness guy on youtube talking so much about leaving your ego at the gym and working out with smaller weights for bigger gains and sustainable workouts (less injuries). He also has this "sidekick" Jesse whos been around for 6-7 years following the training/diet, and his progress gives a realistic picture of what to expect as its been a slow ride (he still doesnt look anywhere near a jacked marvel superhero). Can honestly say that Ive never noticed Jeff trying to show off during his demonstrations, if anything he uses pretty achievable weights. He has 1200+ videos on youtube so there is always going to be something you can criticize. Amusing that you are so concerned about kids getting wild expectations, then saying that Rich Piana was the best. I looked him up now and he is the person on youtube Id recommend to anyone starting out lifting. 2 hour biceps workout, 8 hour arm workout, 10 sets of benchpress? How is this relevant to anyone who isnt unemployed and on the juice? 90% of his following must use their index finger when reading
  2. Steve Bruce mind before the game: «he scored against Burnley in his debut… fkin ‘ell!!»
  3. Probably Haaland. He has a clause that will let him go for 75m next summer. If they can get Ronaldo for this season theyll be way better off
  4. At least his facial expressions will increase the comedic effect whenever we concede a goal
  5. How many assists has Ritchie got this year? Been really impressive offensively
  6. BergenMagpie

    Joe Willock

    Probably wanted the hype around the Messi transfer to calm down so it wouldnt go unnoticed
  7. If true it will probably be a new Aubameyang situation. We will haggle around 2-3 m before Dortmund buys him for 18 m and sells him to a top 6 club in a few years for 70m
  8. As if Liverpool evner sells a player on the cheap. They are probably looking for a new Bournemouth to emerge and pay 25-30 million for him as hes relatively young, english and has played 17 games for the mighty Liverpool..
  9. This is what keeps me in the positivity camp as I think theyll stick around until the CAT/arbitration concludes. Can see them being rather emotional now with this investment so they won’t be too caught up on potential margins. They have seen how much our fans want them to buy the club and if they are able to acquire it there would likely be less media focus on the human rights/sports washing issue, but rather the Premier League/top 6 attempts of keeping the status quoe. FWIW my hope is now solely fuelled by anger so I’d rather want this to happen to expose the PL/top 6 than the possibility to enjoy watching an ambitious NUFC. Comparing Burnleys and our recent takeover attempts highlights everything we suspect that’s wrong with the sport and its laughable that they are “protecting” us when every single fucker knows that we would prosper, whilst giving Burnley the green light to getting 90(?)m more debt..
  10. And HBA to Hull before that. Still hurts
  11. Thought you got on the tube. At midnight
  12. Prevented it leaking for so long only for the most crappy photo to be leaked the day before reveal
  13. Wish Rafa all the best, although I wished he wouldnt manage another PL team. Would be canny if he has a slow start, then we beat him while our entire supports sings the Rafa song all game. Would piss off Bruce and the Everton fans
  14. My thinking as well. If someone had made these on photoshop I think they would have matched the blue colour for the sponsor/castore logo with the blue from the crest (home kit). The shite light blue used proves its the real versions. Anyways, we have seen far worse Puma kits over the years
  15. "Confirmed" by De Marco. Full surveillance on the PL now:
  16. Should definitely keep two takeover threads, but one should only be for the daily copy/paste arguments between Manorpark, gdm and a few others.
  17. They are raging about the emergency loan rule on RTG
  18. Think its also down to how we are playing. Nothing gets done unless he helps out with the build up, so he constantly has to come back to midfield and do one-twos or try to turn a man, which is a recipe for picking up injuries. If we had any players in defence/sentral midfield with any composure it would be so much better for him
  19. Seen this post a few times in recent weeks. Can’t really say it’s comparable. In the superleague aftermath it became a contest between the fans of the super league teams to protest as much as possible to distance themselves from any criticism of their teams, and also try to show off some passion fir their plastic teams. Whatever actions they did in these protests were not only immune for criticism from the media, but rather applauded. The fact that they all spent the last year at home only increased their enthusiasm when they had a “valid” reason to crowd together cause havoc. Whatever small effort our fan base has done during MA has been shot down immediately by the media and almost caused more harm than good
  20. Would be bittersweet, but Id still be happy and relieved. Will be interesting to see if MA/the consortium would agree to strike a deal now if it was offered by the PL, or if they would view that as a guarantee that they would win the case and then push on to get the sale approved in addition to good PR/compensation etc
  21. Schalke 4-2 Frankfurt atm. Big help for Dortmund getting CL next season
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