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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Lazarus


    Face like an angel Physique of a tiger tank Voice rougher than Cubas taste in women.
  2. Lazarus


    That makes him look like a right dirty bastard and he's not. For every one of those fouls theres 10 where he gets a toe to the ball and wins posession cleanly.
  3. It was a piss poor challenge like. Then we went to Saudi and he started a fight with one of their players, in front of our new owners iirc.
  4. Feisty game by the looks of it. Shame about the waste of all those XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL Slurpees
  5. Lazarus


    How Michael Owen of him
  6. So....is this deader than a dead thing from dead land?
  7. Walkerville streets are currently awash with spunk.
  8. To be fair - it would take a while to pick up all those crisp packets and Greggs wrappers.
  9. 120M double bid for Dom Slob and Josko Gvardy thank you very much.
  10. Fucks sake - have we still got the fax machine in Penfolds old office?
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/tennis/65813805
  12. Hope he stays tbh. His fitness is obviously an issue but maybe some sort of custom/personalised training can help. Its also kind of weird that he hasnt made the same jump in consistency and performances that 'lesser' players have.
  13. Thats absolutely outrageous from Veiga
  14. Messi Adam P would be frothing at the gash at the thought of stalking him.
  15. We should have an 'alternative highlights of the season' vote thread' eg: Wor flags Lascelles getting booked on the touchline Wilsons loose tooth Miggys goal celebration face Any more?
  16. Theres me thinking it was gonna be around the pitch. Doh!
  17. Lazarus

    In-house media

    Move Leazes Terrace?
  18. Im hoping for Rice/Ugarte and Dom Slobby as a minimum.
  19. That still means Bruno will be playing deep a lot of the time. We need more of a DM to get him further up the pitch
  20. Lazarus


    When Big Joe was Little Joe
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